Chapter 54

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Lauren's POV

I'm now home!!! YAAAYY!! I was holding baby Ethan in my arms swaying him back and forth cause he was crying, "I think he's hungry Lauren" mom said "Really?" she nodded "Go to your room and breastfeed." I look at her weirdly "Breastfeed?" she laughed and nodded "Yes Lauren, you're a mother now" she said patting my back, "uh okay? but i don't know how this works" i said "You just make him drink your milk in your breast" my eyes widen "Okay, i don't think i wanna talk about this now so i'm going" i said awkwardly "Oh please call Y/N" i said and made my way upstairs. "What's up?" Y/N said as she opened my door "Ethan is crying" i said swaying us to side to side, "Breastfeed him" she said i sighed "When can he start eating real food" i asked "when he's 6 month old" i raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she asked "How do you know these things?" i asked she smiled "Research" i laughed and sat on the bed "So do i just..... let him suck my boob?" i asked it's uncomfortable she laughed "Well Lauren that's how you breast feed" i nodded slowly. "Don't look!" i said pouting she smirked "Like i never saw that before" she said sitting next to me i blushed "Oh yeah" i said giggling. I then began breastfeeding him, he stopped crying and just look at my eyes, i smile at him and he was just staring at me. Oh my handsome Ethan, he got my eyes and i'm really happy he got it, "Your dream came true" Y/N said i look at her "What?" i ask she shrug "You've always wanted a baby boy right? i remember what you said in high school" she said smiling at Ethan.

I smile at her "You still remember it?" she nodded "Of course" i pull her face to me and kissed her passionately Ethan then began crying again making us pull away, "oh sorry" i said and let him breast feed again. I then remembered what i thought when i had a boy..... back to the high school life..

- Flashback -

Me: Hey baby? The teacher kicked me out of class, can you ask the teacher if you could go to the restroom? I need my baby!

Y/N: Seriously? Hahahaha! Oh gosh! My trouble maker! Yeah, sure but where are you?

Me: Just at your locker, and i am totally your trouble maker! :*

Y/N: I'm on my way, and i wish our kids won't be one too in the future!

I smiled at her text and began to imagine our future kids, having a kid with Y/N will be the best thing ever and i can't wait for it to happen. I know it's too early but i can imagine right? I want a boy, i want him to have Y/N's hair color, her skin color, her adorableness! her personality! well i also want him to have mine cause i'm an awesome person! I want him to have my eyes, my height, and my sexiness! "Hey there my trouble maker" i heard a voice say i snapped out of my thoughts and smile at my girlfriend. "Hey!" i said giggling she sat down on my lap and i wrap my arms around her waist "How'd you get in trouble?" she asked "Well, i was texting you then suddenly he said if i was texting someone and i said no then he came to me and i quickly text you something then face him. Then he got angry and i rolled my eyes and gave him a weird look then he told me to get out of class." i said she slapped my arm and i winced "Ouchie!" i said pouting then rub my arm.

She laughed "You deserve that for getting in trouble" she said glaring at me playfully i pout "I'm sowwy owkay? I jwust mwiss wu" i said in a baby voice. She 'aw'ed and kiss me, "i mwiss wu too" she mumble i smile and deepened the kiss. She pulled away and look at her phone "Shit, 5 more minutes and the bell will ring. I'll just go back to class to get my stuff and come back when the bell rings okay baby?" i pout and nodded "I'll wait here" i said smiling "Alright, see ya again later" she peck my lips and began sprinting back.

- End of flashback -

I smiled when i saw that memory in my head and then i look at Ethan "I hope you're tall too" i said i look at Y/N and she was lost in her thoughts too, i giggle and peck her lips making her snapped out of her thoughts. "Damn, i miss high school" she said giggling i nodded "Yeah, i remember when i met you" i said smiling at her lovingly, she blushed "Yeah, we met in Ally and i's house" she said nodding "Yeah, i was then kept on staring at you and checking you out" she laughed "Really?" i gulped "Yeah" she laugh again. "And the party, and when we came home from the party you fell asleep when we were watching....i forgot what we watched" i giggle "and i spooned you as you sleep" i said smiling at the memory. "Oh yeah, Ally told me before that every time i sleep you'd always kiss my forehead and kept me in your arms protectively. And whispering little cute words to me" she said looking at me blushing and i'm sure we're both blushing.

"She told you that?" i asked she nodded "Yeah, that was when we were not together yet" i nodded "I remember the time when i pushed you away and then months later you moved on but we end up being together" i said she nodded and peck my lips. "We have a lot of memories in High School" Y/N said laying her head on my shoulder, "yeah" i said and then she stroke Ethan's head making him look at her. "Hi" she said in a baby voice, when Ethan is done i gave him to Y/N so i could eat, i went downstairs and got fruits and just eat them. "Have you breast feed him?" Mom asked "Yup" i said she nodded "I'm so proud of you baby" she said kissing my forehead i smiled and hug her. "Where is he?" she asked "With his mommy" i said smiling she smiled "Y/N?" i nodded she nodded too and gave me the onesies. "Go change him and practice putting him diapers" mom said my eyes widen making her laugh "Yeah, go on" she said pushing me to my room.

I got up and saw Y/N kissing Ethan's cheek again again making Ethan smile, "Hey do you know how to change a diaper?" i asked Y/N who nodded "Yeah, do we have to change it now?" i nodded she smiled and got the diapers and began doing it and i tried learning. "Here's his onesie" i said giving her the blue cute onesie, Y/N then put the onesie on him, "Aw you're so cute" Y/N cooed. I sat beside her as she carried Ethan in her arms, "You look like your mother" she said smiling at Ethan, but i can see that he has Brad's eyebrows and nose. "He got Brad's nose and eyebrows" i said making Y/N look at me and back to Ethan, she frown "it's okay, he won't be meeting Brad anyway" i said kissing her temple. "but he mostly look like the boy version of you" Y/N said i nodded and kissed Ethan's forehead.


Your POV

Ethan is now 5 months!!! He can now sit by himself for several minutes and i can see Lauren is stressed out because of Ethan since we were now back in our house, sometimes the Jaureguis visit us and the girls visit us every day. "Y/N! Have you seen Ethan's shirt?" Lauren walked to me she looked stressed she had bags under her eyes. I stood up and wrap my arms around her neck "Baby you should rest" i cooed in her ear, her hair is in a high bun and she was wearing an oversized shirt with short shorts inside she looks so sexy. "No Y/N i'm giving Ethan a bath" she said sighing, "Come on you looked stressed and i want you to rest let mommy do it" i said she rest her head on my shoulder and wrap her arms on my waist. "It's so tiring" she mumble i nodded "Come on, sleep okay? i'll take care of Ethan" i said she looked at me tiredly and i cup her cheeks "Sleep" i said she finally nodded. I smiled and was about to walk away but she got my hand "Where's my kissy?" she asked smiling tiredly i giggle and kissed her passionately. "No go to sleep" i said when we pulled back she nodded and watched me go to the bathroom.

I saw Ethan on the baby tub looking at his rubber duck i smiled and kissed his cheek "Hey there, are you giving mama a hard time?" he looked at me and laugh, i giggle and kissed his cheek again his chubby cheeks are so cute!! He then squished the duck on my face making the duck squirt water on my face i gasped and he laughed loudly. I smile and laughed with him, "Oh boy, i think you're gonna be a trouble maker like your mother" i said getting him out the tub and placed him in a towel. I then brought him to our room and laid him down wiping his wet body and then put on his diapers, and baby powder and then i dress him up. "Yaaaay! you smell good now" i said in a baby voice he then looked at me in the eyes, and then i got lost in them, damn, like what Lauren's eyes does to me. I get lost in them every time, and Ethan got Lauren's eyes.

"You sure look like the boy version of your mother huh?" i said making him smile i smile too and carried him in my arms, "Come on, time for nappy little Ethan" i said swaying us side to side. I held Ethan against my chest so his chin is resting on my shoulder. I support him with one hand and gently pat or rub his back with the other. And then suddenly i heard him burp making me laugh "Oh" i said still laughing "So that's how you burp a baby" i said to myself. Well i knew something new. I then continued to making him sleep and then suddenly i saw him closing his eyes i smile and gently place him on his blue crib. I sighed and exited the room, i then saw Lauren slightly snoring on the couch making me giggle. I walk to her and laid down beside her "Aw, my other baby is tired" i said smiling and kissed her forehead before cuddling to her and slowly falling asleep too.

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