Chatper 15

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Your POV:

The day has passed and we all spent the day riding different types of rides. It was 6 and they said fireworks starts at 10 so we all agreed to stay until 10. I was playing this hard game which Ally and i suck at it, i laughed and few minutes later i had won i smiled and thought about Lauren. I chose the big unicorn stuff toy like Agnes from Despicable Me, i'm planning to give this to Lauren but i'm sure she wouldn't accept it cause her boyfriend is with her. I sighed sadly and Ally saw the look on my face "What's up? You should be happy since you won this unicorn stuff toy" i smiled at her slightly "Well it's just.... i want.... to give this to.....Lauren" i said looking at the stuff toy i had won. "Then give it" she said simply "Look, it's not easy. She has been avoiding me since Tuesday and i don't know why. After her talk with Brad she was avoiding me, then in the roller coaster she held my hand saying comforting things on my ear and after that it went back to her avoiding me that's why i can't give it to her" i said tearing up a bit "I played this to win something for Lauren but looks like she'll not accept it" i said sadly few tears were falling. Ally rubbed my back "Hey hey... don't be so negative alright? What if she accepts it?" I shrugged "She won't accept if it's from me" then it became silent i look up and she was smiling "I have an idea" i furrow my eyebrows "What is it?" i asked "Now my friend, do not cry no more cause your friend here is a genius" she said proudly i laughed "Okay so... go write on this card right here..." she said pointing at the card that was connected to the unicorn "and don't say your name just say your secret admirer" i smiled and hug her she is a genius. I smiled and burrowed a pen from the guy and wrote something on the card.

"I won this unicorn for you, i hope you won't just throw it away cause i tried my best to win this for you. I hope you like this huge Unicorn stuff toy.

- Your secret admirer <3"

I smiled and gave it to Ally "Alright, i'm giving this to her but you should probably go first since i'm going to act like someone did give her this. You should act like you didn't know anything about this alright?" i nodded and ran back to the others.

"Hey!" i said eating another cotton candy i bought so that they'll think i left to buy a cotton candy. "Hey" they greeted back and i sat on the table facing all of them. Camila sat next to be on the table and we both crossed our legs leaning against the pole behind us. I smiled when I saw Ally running towards us panting I smiled proudly "I taught her well" i thought I did teach Ally some of my drama techniques for some important things and this is one of it. She sat on the ground holding the unicorn i won "What the hell happened to you?" Dinah asked helping her up on her feet "Well... I was suppose to buy nachos but then this person went to me and said please give this to Lauren and I was like how the hell do you know her? And he's like please just give it to her then the person ran away i didn't even get to know the name. So I guess this is for you." she said giving it to Lauren who was smiling, I'm so proud at Ally right now I saw her wink at me and began drinking a water bottle "Now I really need Nachos!" She said running away again. I look at Lauren and she was smiling while reading the message I wrote I really do hope she likes it.

Lauren's POV:

As Ally gave me this cute and huge Unicorn stuff toy I can't help but smile, it smelled like strawberries. Hmm... That scent is so familiar. I shrugged it off and began enjoying the huge unicorn on my lap, it's so fluffy!! that person is a creep but hey I love unicorns so I will definitely keep this. I saw a card connected to the unicorn I smiled and open it.

"I won this unicorn for you, i hope you won't just throw it away cause i tried my best to win this for you. I hope you like this huge Unicorn stuff toy.

- Your secret admirer <3"

I smiled as I read it this person is so sweet, they won this just for me. Hmmm... Who is this secret admirer? Do I know this person? I smiled again and hug the unicorn kissing it. I look over to Y/N and she was laughing at Camila's joke, I frown and look over to Brad "Brad I can't take not talking to her! please let me talk to her and let us be friends!" I beg "Fine! but you'll stay as friends right?" I nodded he smiled then kissed me "Sure, go ahead I feel like a monster for keeping you away from your best friend" i thanked him and went to Y/N still holding the unicorn. I saw her smile at the unicorn before locking eyes with me "Can i Uhm... Talk to you?" She nodded slowly and we go to a dark place not really dark but away from the others.

"what's up?" She ask "I'm sorry for avoiding you" i apologized "Why? please tell me why you were avoiding me? It hurt so much when your cru- best friend avoid you after when their finished with their conversation with their boyfriend" she began to tear up i can't help but feel guilty "I'm so sorry Y/N it's Brad's fault he saw a picture of us holding hands and he was jealous so he said to avoid you" she look down crying quietly "And you agreed to do it?" I sighed sadly I don't like seeing her like this. It's breaking my heart, seeing the person I have feelings for is crying right in front of me. "I don't have a choice, Brad said if I don't avoid you he'll break up with me" I said and went to try to hug her but she back away causing me to frown "I understand. And sorry for backing away I just don't want to ruin your shirt with my tears" she said giggling i smile and tackled her with a tight hug, I miss her arms around me, I miss her so much. "I missed you and I'm really sorry" i said kissing her head I felt her nod "It's okay, just please don't do it again it really hurt me" I nod "I missed you too Lauren" I smiled and hug her even tighter she did the same to me.

After few minutes we finally pull away from our hug she kiss my cheek and I blushed missing her soft lips against my cheek. She look at the unicorn and giggle "Do you like it?" She ask i smile and look at the unicorn again before kissing it "I know it's weird cause a stranger gave this to me but I really love unicorns and they said that to never throw this away psshhh why on earth will i throw this cutie" i said hugging the unicorn I look over to Y/N and she was smiling. "What?" I ask "Nothing, you just looks so cute when you hug the fluffy unicorn you do love it" I nodded squishing the unicorn in my arms. Then the scent again in the unicorn is making my nose scrunch, I know that smell. I then hug Y/N she hugged me back but the main reason I hug her is to smell her scent, my eyes widen when realization hit me. "Were you the one who won this for me?" I ask her randomly I felt her tense so I pulled away looking at her. "Uh.. No" i smirked "Are you sure?" She looked in a different direction and I smiled "It is you" I saw her blush hard "OMG IT IS YOU" I squeal causing her to blush even more "Shut up please" she said giggling I hug her giggling too "Oh my god! thank you!" She hug me back "You're welcome Lauren" I bit my lip "You're my secret admirer?" she blush again "will you stop making me blush? Anyway how'd you find out?" I sighed happily "Well... First, when I walk to you earlier you were smiling at the unicorn before looking at me. Second, I smelled this unicorn before I went to you and it smelled like strawberries. Third, i hugged you and both of you have the same scent so it's definitely you" she smiled looking down "Damn" i giggle "Thank you though! you're so sweet did you really win this for me?" She nodded shyly "Aww! come here" i kissed her cheek letting it linger before pulling back. "You're so sweet" I mumble against her ear then I felt her shiver "I'll be s-sweet.. for y-you" she stutter i blush and hug her "I love the unicorn" I felt her smile on my shoulder "thank you again" she nodded kissing my cheek "Just don't tell anyone okay?" I nodded kissing her nose. We both stared into each other's eyes and I let myself get lost on her eyes, i wrap my arms around her neck and my eyes landed on her lips wanting to just smash my lips against hers but it's too embarrassing. So I look up again and saw her doing the same thing then look back at my eyes "We should probably go" she said I nodded and gave her the last kiss on her cheek.

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