Chapter 38

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Lauren's POV

When we sat down I look at her and she was still looking down nibbling on her hotdog. "Baby, it was an accident okay? She was pushed by someone and she was about to fall and I just caught her then you came. Nothing happened after that all I did was telling her to keep practicing and I go look for you." I said truthfully. She look up and gave me a small smile "Oh come on don't give me that small smile. I want the adorable and happy smile" I said smiling widely she raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry, i got jealous again so I just went out and got a hotdog." she admitted I smiled and kissed her neck. I inhaled her sweet scent and began sucking her neck softly "I'm sorry" I mumble in her neck. I know her weakness and that is neck kisses, well it is also my weakness well all the things she does to me are my weakness, hers is just neck kisses, when i touch her and when I baby talk to her. I heard her sigh in pleasure "I hate you" she mutter making me pull away frowning "what?" I ask she smiled "I hate you, every time I'm jealous you do something to make it go away." I smile and kiss her head "Well I don't want you getting jealous well yes it is so cute when you're jealous but you don't have to be okay?" She nodded and peck my lips. "Okay" she said smiling "Trust me, she is nothing to me. You're the only one that I love okay? Do you trust me?" I ask she nodded "I trust you" she said quietly "Good, cause I trust you too" I said she smile and peck my lips again.

I smile and took a bite on her hotdog "Hey!" She said pouting I laughed "Get your own" she said turning her back on me "Ugh you selfish baby, but that's okay because I love you" I said kissing her cheek. "Okay, I'm buying a hotdog for myself" I said "Buy me another one please?" She asked doing her puppy face. I puckered my lips and she kissed my lips "Okay, I'll be back princess" I said kissing her head then I made my way to the hotdog stand. I bought two hotdog sandwiches and walk back to Y/N who was playing in her phone. "Here ya go beautiful" I said handing her one her eyes lit up when she saw it, I sat down beside her and she started kissing my face making me smile. "Thank you so much Lauren!" She said smiling "Anything for my baby" I said winking at her she blushed and look down. As we finished our hotdog sandwich i reach for her hand and intertwine our fingers, we both entered the ice skating rink again.

We started skating to the girls but suddenly Y/N was pushed harshly but good thing i caught her "What the fuck dude?!" i yelled at the guy then he turned around "Sorry Y/N" he said sarcastically "Fuck off Brad" i said skating away with Y/N. I look at her and placed a strand of hair on the back of her ear "Are you okay?" she nodded "Sure?" she nodded again pulling my face and crashed her lips against mine. "I'm fine Lauren" she said smiling i nodded "Okay, good cause i can totally beat the crap out of him if you want?" she giggle "No baby, i don't you to get hurt either. You're to beautiful to be hurt" she said caressing my cheeks that was now pink, "Guys! Stop the lovie dovie for a minute please" Dinah said groaning we laughed and just peck her lips before secretly holding her hand.


After skating we all decided to eat outside in a restaurant, we sat down and the arrangement are Me, Y/N, Ally the other side are Lily, Normani, Camila, Dinah. It was a little awkward for me since Lily was sat across me and she just kept staring at me but when i catch her staring she would blush and look down. I look to my right and saw Y/N slightly glaring at Lily when i saw Lily once again staring at me. Oh boy, this is so fucking awkward. "Guys?" the three of us went back to reality "Huh?" i ask "We were asking for your orders?" Dinah said raising an eyebrow. I cleared my throat and look at the menu and told them my order, Y/N has the same meal as mine and it was cute.

I mindlessly placed my arm around Y/N's shoulders and i saw her smile and lean into me, i saw Lily looking at her like she was disgusted but quickly smiled when she saw me look at her. Okay, that was just weird. Then i felt her leg brushing against mine but i tried my best to pull away but there was only small space so i really couldn't move. I cursed myself quietly and just ignore her, "are you okay?" Y/N asked making all the attention to me, "Uh yeah why?" i ask "You look so.....annoyed? or disturbed?" Camila said i shrugged. Then my phone started vibrating.

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