Chapter 25

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Your POV:

It's been 5 months! ( sorry for skipping time )Times flies fast! But. Those five months were the happy and sad moments of my life. Lauren and I of course act like we don't know each other and if the girls hang out i always go with Camila and ignore Lauren. She has hurt me, she even hurt me physically! But I still have feelings for her. 5 months and she still hadn't caught Brad making out with Vianca and i don't really care anymore. I'm done with this bullshit! The happy moments are of course the dates I had with Kevin he's such a gentleman and I'm not kidding. I'm scared to see him break when I go back to Lauren but he said If I truly love Lauren it's okay at least he got a chance. like fucking hell! He's so perfect! "Whatcha thinkin' about beautiful?" I blush and kissed him "Mmmm.... Baby I was thinking about you" he smiled "Why?" I shrugged "You're just soo.... perfect baby" he wrap his arms around my waist "Babe, YOU are perfect!" We continued to tease each other until we were interrupted "Hey Kev, we gotta practice" I look to the side and saw Brad and Lauren i heart stopped beating when our eyes locked oh gosh I missed her beautiful eyes but right now we're kinda avoiding each other. "Baby, I'll text you when practice is done okay?" Kevin said to me I turn to him and hug him "Yeah sure" he hugged me back "I love you" he mumble "I love you too babe" he smiled and cup my cheek and gave me a quick peck before walking away with Brad he didn't even say goodbye to Lauren. Jerk.

I was gonna walk away but her voice made me stop "Y/N" I bit my bottom lip I wanted to run but I slowly turned around. "Lauren" wow we do act like strangers now it looks like we've just seen each other for the first time. "H-how....are y-you?" She asked looking down i'm so annoyed now the last past months she was yelling at me and slapped me now she's going all shy on me? "Lauren please don't act shy on me" I said walking away "Wait. Please I want to talk to you" she said "No Lauren, i don't want to talk to you anymore cause if i talk to you I can be able to see your beautiful face and that can't happen! I fell in love with you but you rejected me i don't want to talk anymore let's just move on alright? I wanna stop thinking about you be-" she cut me off "But I don't want you to stop thinking about me" I laughed sarcastically "Lauren, you have the "perfect" boyfriend well that's what you said and you're straight! why on earth will you tell me not to stop thinking about you? I've moved on now. I'm happy with Kevin Lauren" i said "I'm s-sorry" her voice was shaky.

"No Lauren, I'm sorry but no. You've hurt me enough. The words you said stabbed my heart with a million of knives Lauren. The words "i don't love you" hurts so god damn much! Lauren the moments we've had was a total waste. You threw our good memories, our friendship and MY HEART away." i said now tears were falling same with her "I'm so sorry" I shook my head no

"A simple sorry will not fix my broken heart Lauren, you shattered my fucking heart! and good thing Kevin was there to vacuum my heart and put all the pieces together when you slapped me in that day" she started sobbing "You think those photos were fake Lauren? Why don't you ask Brad? Huh? Maybe Vianca" she look at me with hurt and sadness in her eyes "I regretted the slap and everything I'm so sorry Y/N and I know those photos were real I caught them" i crossed my arms "Well now you know they aren't fake Huh?" Her nose and eyes were puffy and red so is mine "I realized these past few months that I really really love you" I laughed "Wow! No really wow! You just realized it? Well too late Lauren I have a boyfriend and that is Kevin" she began crying again and wrap her arms around me but I tried to pull away "Please baby I know you still love me. I'm so sorry for everything please forgive me" I pushed her chest and ran away.

Lauren's POV:

I fell down on the floor crying my eyes out how can I be so stupid? I really really love her ever since I've met her. I'm so fucked up! Why is the world mad at me? I love her so much and now she has a boyfriend. I regretted all the words I said and the slap I swear when the moment I slapped her i immediately regretted it. Now my heart is broken, I miss her. It's 5 months! And we've just acted like strangers but in those months I've been thinking about her and I really really love her. Brad and i are done i broke up with him when I saw him kissing Vianca. I really need to get Y/N to fall for me again so that I can tell her I love her soooo much. This is all so fucked up! "Lauren!!" I heard the girls yelled they all hugged me "I really do love her" I cried on Dinah's shoulder. "We know boo, you couldn't even shut up when you talk about her" Mani said "I miss her" I mumble "But she got Kevin now" Camila said "I know but I really want her to fall for me again so I can tell her that I really do love her" I said "Come on, let's get you cleaned up you look like a mess" I sighed and followed the girls they all fixed my make up and hair.

I was already at home and it was 12 am, i couldn't sleep I wanted to sleep next to her. I wanna feel her body close to me and wrap my arms around her protectively. I missed her scent and her perfect face, body and her. I missed everything, I was crying silently at my bed but soon stood up and walked out of the house silently not wanting to get caught. As I arrive where I wanted to be i climbed the tree and to the balcony, I got the key under the mat and opened the door. I went to the bed and carefully cuddled with the girl i love but soon she felt someone behind her she quickly sat up and opened the light.

"What the hell?!" She whispered/yelled "What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I look down sadly "I missed you, and I just wanted to cuddle with you again" I mumble "What no Lauren. You're gonna get me in trouble it's already 12 am!" she said "But we don't have school tomorrow" i said "Does your parents know you're here?" I shrugged "They're in a trip" she sighed "Lauren I think you should go, we can't cuddle" I frown "We've cuddled before as friends when I was with Brad" she look away "Who said we were friends Lauren?" I sat up and hug her I felt her tense up but after like 10 minutes she finally relaxes "Please? I just want to cuddle with you until the moment we both wake up" I whispered in her ear i pout at her she look at my pout but quickly looked away.

"Please please!" I straddle her and wrap my arms around her neck "Lauren get off" i hug her tighter "No" I said in a baby voice "Jesus Christ" she mumble I giggle and I felt her shiver I smiled, does she still love me?? "Fine! but we have to talk in the morning!" I smiled and kissed her cheek oh like the old times. "I'm really sorry" I apologized "Let's talk tomorrow okay? right now let's sleep cause I'm tired" she said I nodded and didn't move. "Laur, move to the bed" she said patting my back "Cuddle with me then" she let out a deep sigh "Fine, I'll just lock the door i can't believe you still remember where I hide my key" she said smiling slightly "Of course I remembered it i always go here every night before" I said laying down she sighed and lock the door before she laid down with me. I pulled her arm making her turn to me I placed her head on my chest and she wrap one arm around my waist hugging me and I wrap mine around her body protectively.

Oh gosh I missed this so much! "I missed you too Lolo" I chew on my bottom lip, fuck the nickname is killing me! I want to kiss her! "Lauren?" I hummed in response "I have to be honest okay?" I nodded she took a deep breath "We've kissed already" my eyes widen and my jaw dropped "I-in the c-cheeks?" I felt her shake her head no, fuck. "Lips" she mumble "What? When? How? Why?" I ask "That night when you were drunk you asked me to cuddle with you then you kept saying that you loved me and the next thing I knew your lips were on mine" I was still shocked "Woah. So you mean..... We've kissed in the lips? Once?" I asked she giggle "You kept kissing me that night, when I was about to talk to Ally you kept demanding for a kissy cause if you don't get one you won't let me out" she said giggling I blush "Oh gosh that was embarrassing" i said burying my face on her soft hair "But honestly I loved that kiss but it was the drunk Lauren not the real Lauren" she said she look up at me and we both stared into each other.

"Can I kiss you again?" I asked nervously "Lauren, i don't think that's a good idea cause if I did I'll be cheating on Kevin" she said i pouted "Please? Just one little peck? I'm really craving for your lips now" she bit her bottom lip "Laure-" i cut her off "Please" she sighed I begged for her lips but she kept telling me she didn't want to but her eyes are telling me she wanted to. "Fuck Lauren!" She cursed before pressing her lips on mine, I moaned as I felt her lips. Fucking finally! I felt her lips on mine! Our lips started moving together and our kiss was full of love and passion. We began sucking at each other's bottom lip then I gently bit her bottom lip making her groan between our lips. When air was an issue we pulled back with a pop sound. "I have to tell Kevin tomorrow" she said still panting I nodded "Thank you I really needed that" I said smiling she smiled back and peck my lips once more before laying back down at my chest. We said our good nights and we both fell asleep.

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