Chapter 6

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- Next Morning -

Your POV:

"Y/N, wake up time for school it's your first day" i heard Ally say i groan and lay on my back she gasp and i open one eye "What?" i ask her she smiled and look at me in 'awe' face "You slept with her jacket?" i look down at my chest seeing Lauren's jacket is still there i began to blush but i tried to hide it from Ally "No, i was just cold last night" i said she raised an eyebrow "What! It's true!" i pouted she squinted her eyes and nodded "Go get change and go down" she said closing the door. I finished doing my stuff and i planned to wear a cute dress with my matching flats and i wore Lauren's jacket. I went downstairs and sat across Ally who raised an eyebrow at me again "What?" she smiled "Really?" she pointed at the jacket i shrugged "What? it's cold outside" she nodded "hmmm... yeah but you have a lot of jackets and sweaters in your room" i chew on my bottom lip and look down "You like her don't you?" she suddenly asks randomly my eyes went wide "What? NO!" she smirked "Oh really now?" i break eye contact with her starting to eat the food in front of me "You guys were staring at each other yesterday you guys even left together. She gave you her jacket and you always have that smile on your face. You had her jacket when you wake up and now you're wearing it to school." she smiled i blushed hard "Is that bad?" i asked quietly she giggle "No, it's actually cute" i look up and smiled shyly "So do you like her?" once again my cheeks are red and i nodded shyly "Just a tiny little crush" i said "It'll grow, trust me" she wink at me "No it can't, she has a boyfriend" she nodded understanding.

"Honestly, i don't even think they love each other" she said i stare at her and placed my hand under my chin wanting to know more. "Why?" she shrugged "Well i don't really see them communicating when they're with us they just have a little conversation and done. The rest are just making out" she said "But Lauren loves him right?" she shrugged again "I guess" i nodded sadly and finished my food "But hey, i saw the way Lauren looks at you it looks like she's happy when she sees you. The other day when you fell asleep in her arms in the couch she was caressing your cheek and looking at you lovingly, her arms wrapped around you protectively and kissed your forehead before going to sleep. After the party when you were asleep in your room i ask her if she wanted to sleep here and she said yes and ask me if she could sleep with you in your room. When i said yes she ran excitedly. I never saw Brad doing that to Lauren." she finished i smiled at the things Lauren did to me when i was asleep. "Wow" i said smiling Ally nodded "Yeah wow, i never saw that side of Lauren before" she said i sighed happily and ran upstairs brushing my teeth.

I walk back downstairs and saw Ally grabbing her keys "Let's go" i nodded and got my back we both went to the car and i played some music in the car. We arrived school and i felt nervous we just moved here last week and now i'm in a new school, "I'll pick you up later" she said i nodded and thanked her. I made my way to the office and got my time table and locker number, i searched for my locker and put all my things and got some books for my first class. As i close my locker and began walking somebody bumped into me "Shit, sorry i didn't see you there" i look up and saw a handsome guy he looks so athletic "Oh it's okay" i said shyly he picked up my books and gave it to me. "Hey are you new? I haven't seen you here before" his deep voice is so beautiful "Uh yeah i am" he smiled at me and nodded "What class?" he asked i gave him my time table and he smiled again "Well we are in the same class!" i smiled and nodded "Don't worry, i can be your friend now. Well my name is Kevin what's yours?" he asked me "My name is Y/N" he nodded "You can join me and my friends at lunch later." i nodded and we both went to our first class.

- Lunch Time -

I was in my locker with Kevin beside me waiting for me so we could go to cafeteria together he is such a nice guy. I closed my locker and smiled at Kevin he smiled back and motioned me to walk with him, we arrived at the cafeteria and finally we met his friends they were not all boys though "Hi guys, this beautiful girl here is new and her name is Y/N" they all waved and said hi to me and i did the same thing. I sat down beside him and took a bite on my cookie, my phone vibrated so i pulled it out it was a message from Lauren.

Lauren: I didn't know you were in school

Me: Huh? I am in school

Lauren: I can see that....

i furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my legs leaning forward.

Me: What do you mean you can see me? You're not with me Laur

Lauren: I'm not with you cause i'm in a different table

Me: What are you talking about?

i didn't get a reply and i sighed sadly and continued eating but suddenly a pair of hands were covering my eyes, i jumped and drop my cookie. I sighed and felt the person's hands, the hands were familliar i slid up and down on the person's arm and finally it clicked. Lauren. I smiled "Lauren?" the person uncovered my eyes and i finally opened my eyes, i was right it was Lauren. She smiled and i threw my arms around her neck "Lauren! I didn't know you go to school here" i said hugging her she laughed and wrap her arms around my waist "i just saw you when you walk in with Kevin" she said she rub my back and i pull away "Are the girls here too?" she nodded i smiled excitedly "Okay guys, i'll just take Y/N now" she said getting my bag and food. "i didn't expect to see you here but i'm glad i did" i said smiling she threw her arm around my neck and we both went to the table of my friends "Guys, look who i found" Lauren said the girls look at me and began squealing and attacking me with hugs "OMG!!" they all squealed. I laughed and Camila pulled me and sat beside her, i look up and Brad had his hands on Lauren's waist hugging her. I sighed and ignored it, i look at the girls again and we all laughed and chatted. As i finish my cookie i felt Lauren's legs brushing into mine i look at her and she was looking at her phone, i pull my legs away then finally she look up this time i look away. "Oh just noticed now, Laur is that your jacket Y/N's wearing?" Dinah asked Lauren look at me and smiled "Yes, i gave it to her" she said looking at me who was blushing.

i stood up and fixed my dress "Guys, i'll be back just goin' to the restroom" i said Lauren stood up and walk beside me "I'll come with" she said i shook my head 'no' "It's okay Lauren i can find it myself" i said walking away but she caught my hand squeezing it gently making me melt into her touch. "Please?" she plead i sighed "Lauren i could find it myself" i said she started to pout "Pwease?" i chew on my bottom lip "Why?" she shrug i rolled my eyes and finally gave in. She smiled and we both went to the restroom, as we both walk to the restroom i look at myself at the mirror fixing my hair and dress.

Lauren's POV:

As Y/N fix her dress and hair i can't help but stare at her ass i am so turned on now since her dress is a little short her butt is so attractive. I blink and look away so she wouldn't notice she put lip balm on her lips and i watch as she rub the lip balm on her soft lips, dang i really wish i could taste her lips. My eyes went wide what the fuck did i just say? Ugh! I AM STRAIGHT! STRAIGHTER THAN A LINE! I smile at her and she smile back and turn to me i look at my favorite jacket that fits perfectly at her and smile again "It looks good on you" i said she hug me "Thank you!" i smirk and lift her up spining her she squealed and finally i put her down. I laughed and kissed her cheek "You look so beautiful Y/N" i complimented she blush "You too gorgeous" i smile and kiss her other cheek then my hands began tickling her she bursted laughing and i can't help but laugh with her. Suddenly we were interrupted by someone "Whoa, hey guys" Dinah said i stopped tickling her and face Dinah "Well... you guys took long and Brad is starting to get worried" she said to me i frown "Uh.. i'll go find him" i said going out of the restroom to find Brad.

Once i got back to the table Brad took my hand and kissed it "Where did you go beautiful?" he asked "I went to the restroom Brad" he pulled my face and crashed his lips into mine "Don't ever leave me" she said agasint my lips. His kisses aren't really that soft and gentle but i love him so i don't care if his too rough in his kisses. I sighed and kiss him back and images of Y/N pops in my head, that image of her ass and when she was putting her lip balm on her soft lips that i wanted to taste so badly. I started to kiss with force, love and so much passion just an image of Y/N's body turns me on, then suddenly the kiss broke i opened my eyes and breathed "Wow" Brad said "You never kissed me like that before" he said smiling i blush because i was thinking of Y/N when i was kissing Brad like i was imagining it was her. Fuck. Am i starting to have feelings for her? Shit.

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