Chapter 53

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Your POV
I woke up when I felt Lauren kissing my face and I can't help but smile. "Good morning" she said I smile tiredly "Good morning my love" I said she blushed and snuggle closer to her. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask she yawned "Yeah, the baby is just kicking a little" I smiled and kissed her tummy. "Hey there little Ethan" I cooed I placed a hand on Lauren's stomach. "I'm hungry baby" Lauren pouted "Alright, do you wanna eat downstairs or do you want me to bring it up here?" I asked "Uh... Please bring it here?" I smiled and nodded "Sure baby" I stood up and went downstairs. I walked downstairs and made her breakfast and as I finished I walk back upstairs and gave her the food.

She smiled and thanked me and then she began eating, Taylor and Chris came in and began talking with Lauren. "Hey baby Ethan" Taylor greeted excitedly "So this Brad guy? Was your ex boyfriend right?" Lauren tensed "Y-yeah" then Taylor slapped Chris's arm "Don't remind her of that jerk Chris!" Taylor said "I'm so sorry Laur" he said Lauren nodded and smiled. "It's alright" she said "can we watch a movie please?" she asked "yeah sure" we then watched Jurassic World, "Ohhhh i love this movie!!" she squealed. "But we don't have popcorn" she pouted "Chris can you do it?" i ask "But i'm already comfortable here" he said "Please" i pout "NO" i sighed and was about to stand up but was pulled back down "Chris please" Lauren said "Cause if you tell Y/N to do it i will do it" she said and was about to stand "No no no, i'll do it" he said and ran downstairs. Lauren smirked and kissed me "You're welcome" i giggle and cuddled next to her.

It was now afternoon and we were eating lunch with the Jaureguis and the girls i was about to feed Lauren but she stopped and gasped, "what? what's wrong?' i asked she gulped "i think my water just broke" i look down and there was a wet spot on the couch. "SHIT! GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!" i screamed we all ran and Chris and Mike helped Lauren inside the car we had two cars, and i was with Lauren since she was freaking out. " i going on labor?" she asked i nodded "yes baby" i said kissing her cheek, and then soon we arrive at the hospital. Mike and Chris helped Lauren to a wheel chair and a nurse came to us and we said she was going on labor, so she rushed to a doctor and told us to only have 2 people with her. "Y-Y/N please come" Lauren cried "and mom" she said we both nodded and we both went inside with Lauren, the nurse gave us masks and i held Lauren's hand and Clara was holding the other one.


"One more push darling we can see the head" The doctor said Lauren was crying in pain and she couldn't stop crying "I-i...can't do this. It's painful" she cried it was sad looking at her like this so i hug her and kiss her forehead "Come on baby, one more push and it's gonna be all done" i said caressing her cheek with my free hand. She cried "I love you baby, you can do this. Just one more push" i said and then she nodded she screamed and squeezed both Clara and i's hand and finally the doctor said "Congratulations Ms Jauregui, it's a healthy baby boy" i smiled and i was now in tears, my baby did it, i'm so proud of her. Lauren was breathing heavily and a tired smile on her face, "We'll just clean the baby up" the nurse said we nodded and i took off my mask and so did Clara.

"You did it baby, congratulations" i said kissing her we were all in tears while we hug and everything the doctor cleans Lauren up. "Where is he?" she asked i got my handkerchief and wiped her sweaty forehead, "he is here" the nurse said smiling at the baby, i smiled widely when she gave the baby to me. "Oh shit" i mumble and happiness were spreading all over my body and tears again were forming in my eyes, "Lauren he's beautiful i mean handsome" i said she giggled and i gave her the baby boy. She smiled widely and kissed the head "I love you so much Ethan, welcome" she said smiling widely, she then gasped when the baby opened his eyes. "Y/N" she called "What?" i asked "He got my eyes" she said looking at me with tears and pure happiness, "shit really?" i said looking at the eyes. Damn, he does have it! Aw shit! He's gonna handsome!

"Please do not swear in front of Ethan" she said in a motherly tone, "Woah, where did that came from?" i asked she shrug "I just want baby Ethan to not those words yet" she said kissing his cheek, "Okay ladies, i'll fix the papers and i'll come back and tell you if Lauren can go home or not" we nodded and we all saw the others came in and squealed. "Shh.." i shushed them they giggled and just went to the side of Lauren, "omg, he's so cute" Camila squealed quietly "Can i carry him?" she asked Lauren nodded and gave Ethan to Camila who had a wide smile. "Hey baby Ethan, it's aunt Camila here the most sexiest girl in the world" she said we laughed "Hey i'm the sexiest" Normani said showing her abs "Hey i got that too" Camila said showing hers to Normani. "Mine is harder" she said "oh hell no!" "Guys! if ya both are just gonna fight give me baby Ethan" Dinah said getting Ethan from Camila's arms.

"No! ugh! Cheechee!" Camila pouted "What i looove babies and kids i'm better than you" she said flipping her hair "Hey baby Ethan, it's me aunt Dinah the most sassy aunt ever! You know i might have a crush on you, you have Lauren's eyes dude, your gonna be hot" she said making Lauren and i laugh. "Baby lay down beside me" Lauren said i smiled and laid down next to her and then she cuddled to me, "Our friends are weird" she said looking at the girls while they play with Ethan "Yeah just like you and me" i said poking her nose. She giggle and kissed me "come on, i think you should sleep i know you're tired and it's already 10:30 pm" i said she nodded and slowly close her eyes. Well the labor thing has been hours so she might be really tired, "Y/N she has to stay in here until 6am tomorrow after that she can go" Clara said i nodded "I'm staying" i said "I am too" Chris and Taylor said.

"Alright, guys, behave okay? Y/N take care of Lauren please?" i nodded and she took Ethan in her arms and she brought it to the baby room, "Good night guys" they all said we waved and they went out. "Okay, i'm sleeping here" Taylor said laying down in the couch "Hey no fair sis" Chris pouted "Go sleep there" Taylor pointed at the other couch which is a little shorter. Chris groaned and finally walk to the other couch and we all fell asleep.


Lauren's POV

I woke up and checked the time and it was 5:45 am, woah, i woke up early that's weird i normally wake up at what? 11am? i shrugged and look at Y/N who was still sleeping peacefully, i smile and just stare at her as she sleeps the way her breathing is calm and her face is just so beautiful. Finally i'm done being pregnant and honestly it was so hard but hey i got a cute baby boy, Ethan Miles (your surname) Jauregui. I then saw Y/N opening her eyes and rub her eyes yawning and stretching, she then saw me she smiled and peck my lips, "You know, every morning you use to tell me to brush my teeth first" i said smiling she giggle "Oh yeah, well i got use to this" she said kissing me again. "i love you" she mumble "i love you more and Ethan" she laughed and nodded. "I wanna see Ethan" i said pouting she sat up "I'll try asking for him in the baby room" she said standing up i nodded and she exited the door.

Soon my monkeys woke up groaning loudly "Morning monkeys" i greeted with a chuckle "Heyyy" they said "Okay please be quiet when Y/N arrives okay?" i told them "Why?" Chris asked "She's gonna get Ethan" i said "Okay, i'm just gonna sleep anyways" he said laying on his stomach. "Don't snore" i warned "I'll try" he mumble and i giggle, i saw Taylor stretching and hug me, "Want anything? Food? Drink?" she asked "A fruit please" i said smiling she nodded "What kind?" i shrug "Any" she nodded and yawned. "Alright, i'm going" she said lazily going outside, then suddenly i saw Y/N with baby Ethan. "He's awake baby" she said smiling i smiled too when she placed the baby on my arms. "Good morning Ethan" i said with a baby voice, Ethan smiled and i giggle when he has no teeth yet. "Aw, he's smiling" i squeal and Y/N look at him kissing his little nose "I'm your mommy, and this is your mama" she said looking at me. Ethan then placed a hand on Y/N's nose since she was near him. I laugh when Y/N scrunched her face, "Oh Ethan you little cutie!" she said smiling at him.

"Finally we can see you now" she said kissing Ethan's little hand and i look at it with 'aw'ed face "he has little fingers!" i said in a baby voice. Y/N smiled and kiss the fingers, "you know Lauren i think he'll be handsome and sexy" y/n said "Huh? why?" i ask "Well, he got your eyes which is really breath taking, he might be going to the  gym more often when he grows up. He might be very caring and loving like you" she said smiling a me. "Aw!" i said and kissed her cheek. "Ugh! stop with the baby noises" Chris groaned we both laughed and finally he sat up and saw Ethan. "Aw, is this him?" he asked i nodded "Can i carry him?" i nodded again and he carried Ethan in his muscly arms. "Finally, when you grow up you should come with me in gym. We both can find hot girls there" i then gave Chris a glare "What? that's gonna be years" he said and began playing with Ethan.

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