Chapter 50

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Lauren's POV
I woke up and stretch my arms and look at my beautiful girl in my arms. I smile and stare at her beautiful face for a while and i saw her scrunch her nose and then she went back to normal. I giggle and kissed her nose she then nuzzle her face to my neck again making me smile. This girl is my real happiness i can't live without her cause when she's not with me i'm nothing. I love her so much. I look at the clock and it was already 11:30 pm i sighed and slowly untangle myself from Y/N and quietly change to my jeans and crop top. I sighed and got my phone and kneel down on the side of my bed and kissed Y/N's forehead. She opened her eyes and look at me i smile and she smiled back, "where are you going?" she asked when she saw me dressed up. "I'm going to Brad's" she frown and nodded "Baby please don't be sad i promise i'll be back give me maybe 2 hours" i said she smiled and captured my lips. "I'll wait for you " she said cutely "And i promise when i come back i'll be cuddling and watching movies with my girl" she blushed and nodded "I love you Lolo" i smiled and kissed her lips "I love you more" she smiled softly and slowly closing her sleepy eyes. "Sleep my angel" i said and gave her one last kiss on her forehead before going to the kitchen.

I got a banana and and walked to Brad's, i didn't know why i had to be there but i think i need to. I sighed and knock on their door, the door opened and i saw Brad smiling. "Come in Lo" he said i went inside and look around "No one's here?" i ask sorta scared since we're alone. "Yeah, the lads are buying some stuff" he said he then led me to his room. "What are we doin in here?" i ask and then turned around to him. He smirked and locked the door "Lauren, i've missed you so much" i gulped when i saw him unbuttoning his shirt. "B-Brad?" i stutter now i'm really scared! he walked to me and pushed me to his bed. I tried my best to get out of here but i can't he's to aggressive! "Brad please stop this!!" i screamed when he pushed me to the floor since i tried running to the door. He then straddle my lap and brush his thumb to my lips, i then started crying.

"A-Are you gonna r-rape me?" i asked crying "No Lauren, i will fuck you......hard" i cried harder "Please don't!! please!!" he carried me and i trued pushing him. "Stop pushing me Lauren!!" he screamed in my face and he cuffed my wrists and my legs to the head board of the bed.
He laughed when he saw my face "you look so beautiful Lauren" i shut my eyes "Fuck you!! i fucking hate you so fucking much!!!" i screamed "Help!!!" i scream once again. He looked angry and got a handkerchief and wrap it around my mouth to keep me silent. Shit!! Please someone help me! i can't believe i came here, this is such a bad decision. I need my Y/N, i need my baby. I was then cut in my thoughts when Brad pulled my jeans down "NOOO" I mumble he smirked and took my underwear off too. Shit shit shit!! no!! this is so bad!! i can't stop crying, i needed someone to help me. He then took off his pants and stroke himself making me look away and i was DISGUSTED! "Are you ready Lauren?" he asked positioning himself to my entrance i shook my head 'no' but then he aggressively thrust into me making me cry even louder. He then continued moaning and thrusting to me and trust me i feel really dirty now.

After hours of him enjoying himself he finally stopped and exited his room. I was there sore and felt really dirty and i felt like i wanna die, i can't go back to Y/N like this i felt really disgusting. I can't do this anymore i wanna die, i don't want Y/N to know cause she might leave me but i have to but the problem is how do i get away? I sighed and look around and tried to get away from the cuffs but it won't budge, my wrists and ankles hurt so much. I can't do this, i can't do this. I cried and cried until i'm out of tears, but then the door opened, oh shit not again please! i'm so sore. "P-please...let me go" i said weakly, and then the guy ran to me and gasped "Lauren!" i can't really see the person since my eyes were full of tears. "Lauren! Shit! Where is the fucking key?!" i then heard him looking for the key, "A-are y-ou...gonna help me?" i asked "Yes Lauren, it's me Connor" he said unlocking the cuffs on my wrist and ankles. "Who the hell did this to you?" he asked "B-Brad.." i cried again "Shhh... it's alright i'm gonna get you outta here" he then wrap me in a blanket and carried to his car.

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