Chapter 55

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Lauren's POV

I stretch my arms and then my arms landed on a person i opened my eyes and saw Y/N i smiled and just hug her closely to me, i got my phone and it was already 7? woah, damn. I stood up and gently placed Y/N's head on the pillow as i made my way upstairs. I went to our room and saw Ethan on his crib hugging his little bear, i smile and opened the lamp. "Hey there Ethan" he squished the bear and the bear made small noises. I smile and carried him "Did mommy put you to nappy?" he smiles and i can't help but smile too. I then walk downstairs and placed Ethan on his baby high chair.
I then began cooking dinner for my babies.

When i finished cooking i walk to Y/N and placed a soft kiss on her lips and in her forehead "Baby come on let's eat dinner" i said quietly, she groaned and turn her back on me i chuckled and carried her bridal style and placed her at her seat. "Lauren i'm still sleepy" she said pouting "So you don't wanna eat?" i asked she puckered her lips "Kissy first" i giggle and kissed her lips "Okay, i'm eating" she said smiling. "Baby, can you please bring this to Ethan?" i asked still putting the Oatmeal cereal in the bowl, Y/N hugged me from behind and kissed my neck making me melt. "Ugh baby, no time for that" i said moaning a little i felt her smile and got the oatmeal "Okay Ethan time for dinner" she said i look at her and she was feeding Ethan the oatmeal cereal making me smile.

I then sat across them and we all began eating, "Oh i forgot Ethan's bib" i said standing up "No, i'll get it" Y/N said running to Ethan's room, i sighed and just continued eating. She then came back and put on the bib around Ethan's neck and continued feeding him. "You're so cute" i said looking at Y/N "yeah he is huh?" she said looking at Ethan, i rolled my eyes and giggle "I was talking about you idiot" i said i then saw her cheeks turn pink. "Aw!" she giggle and smile at me sweetly "I love you" she said taking my hand on her own, "I love you" i said holding her hand squeezing it gently. When we finished eating Y/N stood up and collected the plates since she always washes the dishes for me, i wiped Ethan's mouth and gave him water. "Did he 3 naps today?" i asked Y/N "Yup" i nodded and carried him, "oh don't shake him or he might puke" Y/N said "oh okay" i said bringing him to his little bouncer chair.

I walk back to Y/N and wrap my arms around her waist, "You know, i kinda miss being alone with you" i said on her shoulder, "Yeah me too" she said wiping her hands on a towel then turn to me. "I miss your sexy body" i said biting my lip she giggled "No Lauren we already have a child if we are too noisy he'll be awake plus he sleeps in our room" she said i groaned "Please?" i said and began kissing her neck grinding my hips to hers. "Lauren" she warned i then sucked on her neck making her moan "Fuck" she mumble "Please" i said looking at her and then i saw lust in her eyes making me smirk. "Lauren we should better make him sleep first" she said "Then what?" i said wiggling my eyebrows she sighed "Then, we're going back to business" she said connecting our lips. She started kissing me with force and she started sucking and nibbling before pulling away walking to Ethan leaving me breathless. Gosh that woman is hot.

As i walk to them i saw her carrying Ethan patting his back lightly and then suddenly i heard a noise coming from Ethan's mouth making Y/N laugh i look at them weirdly "Did he just.....?" she nodded "Burped" i laugh and kissed Ethan's nose "Aw! you little one!" i cooed and kissed his forehead. "Okay, let's get you to sleep huh?" Y/N said going upstairs and i followed them. "You are going to sleep in your room for a while alright? Mama and i have business to work on" she said looking at me then back to Ethan. I smirked and sat down on the couch Y/N then began singing lullabies to Ethan, and i can't help but admire her beautiful voice. Then i saw Ethan closing his eyes and Y/N stopped singing and gently placed him down on his crib. I stood up and pulled her hand, making our way to our room and when the door closed see attacked me with a kiss and y'all know what's gonna happen.


Finally Ethan is now 8 months, he could crawl now he could stand but with a help of person watching over him, he also needs something to hold just incase he falls. We were now in his room playing with his little toys, and Y/N she's becoming a very helpful and a perfect mother and i can't take care of Ethan by myself so i'm so thankful she's with me. She now teaching Ethan some simple shapes and abc, and watching them is making my heart melt, just when Ethan smiles i could see Y/N smile too or when Ethan laugh Y/N laughs too. It's adorable!! Y/N is so good with kids and honestly she's the best girlfriend ever well soon to be my wife. Yeah i bought something special for her and i'm gonna use it for the right time and when Ethan can now stand that'll be the right time.

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