Chapter 48

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Lauren's POV

It's now been 4 years! 4 fucking years! the girls and i already graduated college last month! whooooo! Finally, i'm free from school! Well hello work, i'm now 23 and Y/N is 22 and luckily i got a job as a singer! with the other girls our group is called Fifth Harmony. Y/N is a teacher in elementary school cause she loves kids. Right now we're in our tour bus Y/N has 3 weeks off so i'm glad she can join us, i'm now at my bunk since i was tired from the performance we just had and seriously i haven't showered yet. "Baby?" i heard Y/N called i open my curtain and she smiled when she saw me "Hey go take a shower" she said giggling i stuck my tongue out and got out of my bunk. "Join me then?" i said winking she giggled "Lauren, i already showered come on go in there" she said pushing me to the bathroom. "Ugh fine can i atlas get a kissy?" i asked pouting she laughed and cup my cheeks "sure Jauregui" she said and then finally kissed my lips, "yaaay!" i cheered she giggled "Go in loser" she said smiling i wink at her before going inside. 

After my shower i got dressed and looked for Y/N, i walk to lounge and saw her playing with Midnight "Hey boy" i said kissing Midnight's head he barked and jumped on me. "Lauren, there's a photo of you and Brad i don't know if it's true of not" Camila said Y/N looked at me and i shrugged and look at Camila's phone. Okay yes Brad, my ex boyfriend is also now in a band called The Vamps, This photo is me and Brad kissing, i laughed since i know it wasn't true. "Come on guys will you believe this? You all know i hate him right?" they nodded Y/N was just looking down at Midnight "Babe you don't believe them right?" i asked she shrug "Y/N really? This is just edited!" she look up "I don't know you and Brad became close again" she mumble i stood up "So you think i'm cheating on you?" i asked crossing my arms when she didn't answer i storm out of the lounge and went to my bunk. 

Your POV

Shit! i fucked up! ugh! I stood up and followed Lauren and saw her in her bunk, i sighed and opened her curtain "Lauren?" she didn't answer i frown and rub her arm but she pulled away "No Y/N" she snapped i sighed "La-" "No Y/N please leave me alone!" she screamed i jumped making me bump my head. "Come on Y/N, Lauren's just upset you should give her some space" Camila said hugging me, my eyes became watery and just nodded, "here" Camila said giving me ice for my head. We sat back to the lounge and i wiped my eyes "That was a wrong move" she said i nodded "i know" i said sighing "It's just...her and Brad just became close again. I'm scared she might leave me" i said sadly "I understand but do you think Lauren will just leave you like that? i mean come on it's been 4 years now" i nodded and sighed "i'll talk to her later right now i just wanna sleep" i said standing up and went my bunk. But i usually share with Lauren but she's mad so i just go to my own bunk.

I laid there cold, i wasn't used to sleep without her, i always feel her arms wrapped around me every time we sleep or cuddle but right now i feel cold. Good thing my little buddy came to my bunk, i smiled and open my arms for him, he happily went inside my arms and snuggled to me. I sighed and stroke him, "i fucked up Midnight" i mumble he looked at me with puppy eyes and i know he's sad for me. "Let's just sleep" i said and we both fell asleep. 

Few hours later i finally woke up and saw Midnight already gone maybe he went to Lauren, i shrugged and went out of my bunk and walk to the lounge. I then saw Lauren eating a sandwich while playing with Midnight, "Lauren" i mumble she look up and frown she stood up and tried to walk away but i got her hand and intertwined our fingers. She sighed and finally look at me in the eyes i saw sadness and hurt "I'm so sorry Lauren" i said and then hugged her but she didn't hug me back. "Why Y/N? Why will you think i'm cheating on you?" she said now crossing her arms, "It's and Brad got close again and i was scared that you might leave me" i admitted "Do you really think i will leave you for him? Do you think i want to be with him again? From all the things he did to us and mostly to me you think i wanna be with him?" i feel tears started flowing down my cheeks "I-I'm...sorry" i said looking at her with teary eyes.

She look at me with now soft eyes "You know that i won't leave you right? You're my girlfriend, i chose you right?" i nodded "It hurts cause you believed in a fan's edited photo than your actual girlfriend"  i sighed and cover my face "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry Lauren". "I'm sorry, i'll never believe them without asking you first" i said looking at her with sad teary eyes she sighed and pulled me into an embrace "Good, you should ask me first. I forgive you, i can never stay mad at you." she said kissing my head i snuggled my face to her neck and just enjoyed her warm arms around me. "I love you" she mumble "I love you too" i mumble back we then heard Midnight barked happily i giggle and Lauren pulled me down so i could on her lap. Midnight barked and tried jumping on top of me so i helped him and placed him on my lap he happily jumped and licked my face and Lauren's face, "Ugh stop it Midnight" Lauren playfully groaned i giggle and kissed Lauren's lips i felt her smile in our kiss and i did too.


The girls and i are going outside to eat dinner! i was excited since i was really starving, i felt Lauren snake her hand to my waist and we all went to the restaurant but it was hard since their fans and paparazzis kept attacking them well thank you big Rob. I sighed when we get to the restaurant "gosh, i'm still not use to this life Lauren" i said they laughed and Lauren kissed my head "you'll be soon" she said we all sat down and ordered and when i look to my left my eyes went wide. Dang it! The Vamps are here, "Oh hey guys" the tall one said with his accent "Oh hey guys!" the girls greeted i was just there sitting with my head down my hair covering my face. "Woah, Y/N?" i heard Brad said i look up and i saw him smiled i look at him confused and look away "Oh okay... hi Lauren" i look over to Lauren and she was just looking at me concerned. "Are you okay baby?" she asked me i nodded she smiled at me softly and pulled me into her arms, "hi Brad" she said i snuggled my face to Lauren's neck making her giggle.

I then started giving her little kisses "Stop it! it tickles!" she said giggling i smile and just continued, i then kissed her cheek "i love you" i whispered "I love you too" she said and then peck my lips. "Uhm... is it cool to join y'all?" Brad asked "Uh..." the girls said looking at me and Lauren who was just in our little moment. "Okay" they said since they didn't want to disturb us, i laughed and snuggled back to Lauren's neck, we then got out food! "Yayy!" i cheered and then ate my food. "You still act like a kid?" Brad asked i raised an eyebrow at him "Look, i do not care if you think i still act like a kid but i can do what i want! Now please shut up and leave me the fuck alone!" i said with full confidence well i was hungry i always get grumpy if i'm hungry. I heard my girlfriend giggle and the other girls too, "geez, calm down" he said i rolled my eyes and put my middle finger in the air and i heard his band mates and the girls 'oh'ed. 

"You hottie!" Lauren cooed in my ear and kissed my cheek i smile at her and continued eating, "Brad, did i tell you not to talk to her like that if she's in a bad mood or if she's hungry?" Lauren said "No" he said "Well now you know, so leave her alone" she said nodding. I don't know but all of the sudden i got confidence, i think i was really pissed at him? Yeah maybe. I know he still likes Lauren since through dinner he was just staring at Lauren and honestly i wanna beat the crap out of him! i remembered what he did to Lauren and i and i haven't gotten my revenge. But the girls said he "changed" i still really didn't believe that, i feel like there's something bad gonna happen soon. I don't know but i feel it. 

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