Chapter 44

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- Next Morning -

Lauren's POV

When i woke up and frowned when i didn't feel Y/N's body near me, where is she? I look down and i was wearing her shirt and shorts. I sighed and have a huge headache! i groan and went downstairs, when i saw her in the kitchen i instantly smiled and walk to her. I wrap my arms around her waist causing her to jump but then tried to move away. I frown and hug her tight "Babyyy why are you moving away?" i ask an kiss her neck "Don't call me that and don't kiss my neck Lauren. Sit down and eat your breakfast!" she said sternly i jumped and slowly unwrap my arms around her and sat down. I look at her confused when she was placing 2 pancakes on my plate, "are you okay?" i ask "Drink this" she mumble giving me some painkillers. What is up with her? Does she have her period today?

"Eat" she said giving me the plate i look at it and back at her "I won't eat til you tell me what's wrong" i said crossing my arms she sighed "Okay, i'll tell you but you have to eat" i nodded and got the fork and start stabbing my pancake. She sighed deeply she was silent then i look at her tears were forming in her eyes "Hey why are you crying?" i asked pancakes are still inside my mouth but soon i swallowed it. I stood up to hug her but she move away "No, just uh eat" she said wiping her tears away "Please tell me what happened" i said she sighed and sat across me. "Well, yesterday at the party i remembered i slept in your arms, then i woke up i couldn't find you all i saw was Ally. I asked her where you were and she told me she doesn't know. I started looking for you in that house but still couldn't find you, i left you a bunch of messages and called you a lot of times but you never answered." she gulped and look down.

"Then, i got a message from you saying....." she started sobbing "Saying..." i look at her with watery eyes cause i don't want seeing her like this, this breaks my heart so much. "Saying you're breaking up with me" she muttered, my eyes went wide and fear and anger were inside me "WHAT?! I NEVER SAID THAT!!" i said and stood up pacing back and forth. "Then when i went to the bar, i saw you kissing........Lily" she said covering her mouth trying to stop herself from sobbing but it was a fail. Shit!!! NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!! "You were drunk when i pulled you back to me and i begged you to take me back but you passed out." "I....i took you here cause i don't your parents to see you drunk so i placed you in my room. I changed your clothes, and wiped your face since it was sweaty then i slept in the living room. This morning i though you'll get mad at me like before but i still made you breakfast because i still love you." she finished "Y/N-" i started but she ran upstairs then i heard her lock the door.

Holy shit! what have i done?! i don't even remember what i did last night except for taking care of Y/N as she sleeps on my arms. I honestly don't know what happen! Fuck! i need to fix this!! I can't loose her again! Not again!! I don't remember kissing Lily i didn't even kiss her when she dared me to do it. What the fuck is she saying about the break up?! i never said ANYTHING! I quickly got my phone and look at my messages to her. My jaw drop when i read all the texts.

- Yesterday -

Me: I just realised that i never been in love with you.

Me: Lily was right, you are a fucking bitch.

Me: I never want to see you again!

Me: I'm sorry but....I'm breaking up with you.

I was breathing heavily when i re-read the last message, I NEVER SAID ANY OF THOSE!!! I shook my head "No no no no" i said repeatedly and ran upstairs to her room. I knock on her door "Y/N baby please! Let me explain please!!" i cried i heard her sobbing from the inside and it was breaking my heart so much. "Baby, i'm never gonna break up with you!! Please let me explain" i beg "L-lauren please.... talk to me some other time. Not now please, go home please." her voice was weak "I'm not going home until you let me explain!" "Please? I'll talk to you soon, just give me time" i cried "No Y/N you can't do this to me! I love you!" i then heard her sob even more. "P-please...just g-go" i bang on her door but it was still locked, "Do you still love me?" i ask and hopefully she still does. "Y-yes....i still do but please give me time? and you can explain" she said i sighed "Can i at least get a kiss before i go?" i asked quietly "No, i'm sorry" she said "Please?" i begged "i won't say anything, all i need is a kiss right now to know if you still really love me" i whispered "i still love you Lauren" she said "Prove it then" i said trying to open her door.

After minutes of trying to open her door it finally swung open revealing a crying Y/N, she hug me tight and i started crying again "Go home please, i will talk to you soon" she whispered i hug her tighter "Please i wanna stay with you" i cried "Not right now, i need time" she said then pull her head away and press her lips against mine. I melted into the kiss and deepened it, i can definitely feel her love in the kiss and i was relieved "i love you, i love you so much Y/N" i mumble she pulled away and sighed "Goodbye Lauren, i'll talk to you soon" she said smiling sadly. I frown and tears were still on my eyes, i don't like it when she smiles at me sadly or if she forces a smile because i know inside she's hurt and upset and it's all my fault! "Please talk to me soon" she nodded "I'll tell you" she said i nodded and hesitantly and slowly leave her house.


When i got home Taylor and Chris greeted my and ask me about Y/N but i just ignored them and went straight to my room and cried all afternoon. I woke up and look at the time it was 4pm, please tell me what happened between Y/N and i was a dream. I look at my phone and frown tears were falling again, they're real. I laid down and just look at her pictures and our pictures, it hasn't been a day since i left her house and i already miss her like crazy. I want her in my arms smiling and giggling, i want to see her smile and her eyes shinning in happiness. I want her beside me, cutely cuddling on my side, i want her to kiss me endlessly and i want her to love me forever. But right now it won't fucking happen because of me! I regret going to that fucking party! I really wish i could rewind everything and make everything correct, i should be cuddling and watching movies with Y/N at her house last night but i fucking went to the party!

Regrets! I regret to go to that fucking party, i regret kissing Lily, i regret the messages, i regret everything that i did really hurtful to Y/N. I was now heart broken and i couldn't wait for the day she'll talk to me again, i need time too, to figure out what really happen. I might have to ask.........Lily. This bloody whore!

I called her number and she instantly pick up "Hey Laur!" she cheered i glare at my phone "Heyy!" i faked sweetly said "So, what's up?" i grip on my phone tightly "Can i meet you somewhere? Cause Y/N's mad and i'm bored" i said through gritted teeth still managing to do a sweet voice. She laughed "Sure, where?" "Starbucks, the one near our school" i said then hung up, i threw my pillow across the room and place my hands on my face. You fucking bitch Lily!! I hope you love the color red cause you'll be seeing that color later when i beat the crap out of you. I ran downstairs and angrily grabbed my keys then drive to the school.

When i entered the Starbucks just in time i saw her going out of her car, i gave her a fake smile and drag her at the back of the shop. "What's going on?" she ask confused "What happened yesterday?" i ask and crossed my arms, she smirked "Nothing" i glare at her "Tell me!" i snapped "Fine! Well we went to go get drinks and i just gave you few more drinks then suddenly you became drunk then you know you started kissing me." i clench my fists "How many cups did i drink?! and tell me the damn truth were you the one who kissed me?!" she jumped "6 and y-yes" i punch her in the stomach making her bend and groan. "Who sent the messages cause i know i won't, i never said those things to her!" i said holding her hair "OW LAUREN YOU'RE HURTING ME!" i let go of her hair and look at her "WHO?!" "ME!" i then punch her nose making it bleed. "Why did you do this?!" she look down "WHY?!" i asked "BECAUSE OF BRAD HE TOLD ME TO! SO YOU COULD BREAK UP WITH HER! SO HE COULD SEE HER BREAK DOWN!" i pushed her and went back to my car and drove home.

When i got home i got some ice and placed it on my knuckles, i winced in pain and then Taylor saw i groan and turn my back at her "Tay, go to your room" i said weakly. I heard her sigh and walk to me giving me a hug "What happened Lo?" she asked and carefully reaching for my hand. "Nothing" i said and wipe my tears "Lauren, i'm your sister. I can help you." she said i then burst into tears, "i miss her Tay" she hugged me tight. "Come on let's go to your room" i nodded and we both went up to my room. We went to my room and she closed the door she got the ice and carefully placed it on my knuckles, i began telling her what happened yesterday and today and she really looks disappointment. "i know, i'm a huge mess" i said looking down she smiled sadly "You didn't do it Laur, this Lily girl did or Brad. Not you" i hug the pillow.

"But, i got drunk" i said sadly "She made you drunk, i know your mind wasn't processing when you were drinking. I think you were dizzy when everything happened. Am i right?" i look at her confused but nodded "That means it's her fault" i frown "But still" she sighed and hug me "Don't worry you can explain all this to Y/N when she talks to you again." i nodded and sighed deeply. "Alright, i think i'm going to sleep for a while, my head hurts." i said rubbing my head she nodded and got out of my room. I laid down and look at my lock screen which is Y/N's picture then slowly falling asleep.

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