Chapter 8

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- Next Morning -

Your POV:

I woke up when i felt someones thumb caressing my cheek but i didn't open my eyes just relaxed and enjoying the thumb rubbing my cheek. Then it clicked....Lauren. Lauren is caressing my cheek, i tried not smile and i successfully did. "You're so beautiful" i heard her whisper i felt my cheeks getting red so i started to stir and hid my face on the crook of Lauren's neck. I heard the door open and the voice of Dinah "Aww... you two are so cute!" she squealed Lauren shushed her and stroke my hair softly "She's still sleeping Dinah and how'd you get in? and what do you need?" she asked quietly "Uh your brother, i always pick you up for school?" she said "I'm lazy" i heard Lauren say "Come on! It's Y/N's second day" Dinah said "I know, but look at her she looks tired and i don't want her to be stressed" she said hugging me tight "Laur, you can stay but she's going" i felt Lauren shake her head 'no' "Please Dinah?" i opened one eye and saw her pouting "Oh just in time, goodmorning we're going to school" DInah said Lauren groaned "Please say no, say you're tired please?" she cooed in my ear i look at her and she was pouting i gave in and look at Dinah "Can i stay? I'm tired cause Lauren and i ran up and down the stairs yesterday" i said i saw Lauren smile and Dinah raised an eyebrow "Really? You're with Lauren on this?" i shrugged "I'm really tired Dinah" i said she sighed and nodded "See yah laters!" she said leaving the room. "Finally" Lauren said out loud "Why don't you wanna go to school?" i ask she shrugged "I'm lazy" she cuddled into me wrapping her arms around me sighing deeply, "Are you still sleepy?" she ask "Kinda, since it's still 7" i said she nodded "Let's sleep" i slowly closed my eyes and fall back to sleep.

Few hours later i woke up then rub my sleepy eyes, i slowly open my eyes and it was met with the green eyed girl i blush and close my eyes again. "Hey, don't sleep again" she playfully groan i smiled and turn my back on her "Go away" i joked i heard her scoff "Excuse me, but this is MY bed MY bedroom" i smirked and stood up fixing my hair "Okay then see you soon Laur" i said grabbing my bag she quickly stood up grabbing my bag "No, don't leave i was kidding" she pouted i stick my tongue out at her and she smiled. I began to walk away with my bag then she held my wrist "Where are you going?" she asked in a sad tone "I have to go to the bathroom Laur" i said giggling "Are you sure you're not going home?" i smiled "Yes, i'll be back okay??" i hug her when i saw her nodded her head then i walk away going to the bathroom. When i was done showering and changing i went out of the bathroom and walk to Lauren's room, as i open the door my jaw drop. Lauren is half naked well she has her shorts on but her top is missing she only has her bra and shorts, i quickly covered my eyes "Uh Laur?" "Hm?" she hummed in a calm tone "You do realize that i'm in your room and you're half naked right?" she giggle "Yeah i realized that" i face my back on her facing the wall "Can you please put on a top?" i asked "Yeah yeah" i turn to her and she finally has her shirt on "Better?" she ask smirking i rolled my eyes "Yes" she laugh and hug me.

We made our way downstairs and Lauren's parents are not here oh yeah they'll be back on Friday. As we went downstairs Taylor gave me a sweet smile and i returened one back "Good Afternoon" she greeted "Whoa is it afternoon already?" i ask she nodded i felt Lauren's hand snake to my waist pulling me to the kitchen. I blush at her action but ignored it after, she started making lunch and i sat there staring at her while she cook.

Lauren's POV:
As we finished eating lunch I felt my phone vibrate i excused myself and went outside. I took a deep breath and answered my phone.

- On the phone -
Me: Hello?
Brad: Baby, why aren't you in school today?
Me: Oh baby I'm sorry I was just lazy and i didn't feel like going to school. Sorry babe.
Brad: *sigh* it's okay I'll come by later
Me: Uh... Okay
Brad: Okay byee!! Love you!
Me: Love you too!!

I sighed and went back inside "Hey who was that?" Taylor asked i shrugged "My boyfriend" i saw Y/N frown a bit but then she smiled "Oh nice" she said smiling "He's coming here after school well which is in 10 minutes" i said they both nodded. "Oh shit! Uh.... sorry Lauren but i have to go" she said standing up i immedietly grabbed her wrist "Wait- what? Why??" she smiled "I'm sorry i have to get home" she said running upstairs to get her bag "wait" i followed her to the door. She didn't stop walking i held her hand which made her stop thankfully "Please stay?" i whispered "I already told you i can't" she said pulling her hand away but i won't let her "Please? Please?" i beg then the doorbell rang i opened the door and saw Brad standing there "Oh h-hey.....b-babe" i smiled as i greeted Brad. "I gotta go" Y/N said walking past Brad i frown a bit and watch her walk away from my house, i turn to Brad and hug him "Hey" he wrap his arms around my waist and smiled "I missed you" he said kissing my neck "i missed you too baby" i cooed in his ear. We went inside and he went to the living room and i went to the kitchen dialling Y/N's number.

- On the phone -

Y/N: Yes Laur?

Me: Why did you have to go?

Y/N: *sigh* I forgot i had to help Ally at something

Me: What's that something?

Y/N: *silent* Chores

Me: Okay then.... bye

Y/N: I'm so sorry Lauren

Me: It's fine, i'll see you soon okay?

Y/N: Yeah see ya!!! huggyy!

Me: *giggling* Huggy!

Y/N: Good bye Lauwen! *baby voice*

Me: *smiled* goodbye

I smiled and hung up, i went to the living room and sat next to Brad "What do you wanna do?" i ask kissing him in the cheek "Make out" he said grinning i rolled my eyes at him and lean in to kiss him. I straddled his lap and kiss him passionaltely then suddenly Y/N's face came into my head. "Fuck" i thought, No stop thinking about her when you kiss your boyfriend Lauren! He pulled away and smiled "i love you Lauren" he said smiling " you too" i said then hug him. Gosh Y/N what are you doing to me?

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