Chapter 21

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Your POV:
I felt hurt and sad when I heard the words that come out of Lauren's mouth, I knew it! she doesn't like me! why am I so stupid to let myself fall for her? she wouldn't even catch me. She already said it, she doesn't like me and she's not a lesbian. Right now I tried to avoid Lauren so that I can at least try my best not to cry when I'm with her but soon I can talk to her but the pain in my heart is still there. I know she wanted to hug me but I always move away cause if I let her hug me I might cry and she'll ask me questions of course I don't want to tell her that I love her right? She has dang perfect boyfriend. We entered the party and of course sex and alcohol everywhere and loud music blasting through the speakers. We greeted the other girls with hugs and Dinah passed me a drink i thanked her and took a sip. I felt someone grabbed my arm and pulled me outside I look up and saw the familiar gorgeous eyes "Why are you ignoring me?" She asked with hurt on her tone "Lauren I'm n-" she cut me "No, your lying to me" she said "Just tell me the damn truth Y/N please?" Tears are forming in my eyes "I'm falling for you" I said really quiet "What?" I look up and tears started falling she lift her hands up and wipe my tears "What is it?" She asked "I'm f-falling for y-you" I stutter she was shocked but quickly move her hands away from my face "Y/N I'm not a lesbian and I have a boyfriend you do know that right?" I can feel knives stabbing my heart now. I nodded "I can't love you Y/N we can only stay as friends" she said "But I love you" i mumble more tears are flowing "I'm sorry" then she went inside making me fall on the ground and sob. The girl in my dreams has rejected me and it fucking hurts.

Few minutes later I was on the ground my back was against the wall and I was looking down. I'm so heart broken, this will leave a huge scar on my heart and I hope someone else can heal it. "Y/N!!" I look up and saw Ally and Kevin running to me "What the hell happened to you?!" Ally asked worriedly "I told her already" i mumble "Oh" they both said I sighed sadly "I'm sorry Y/N" I nodded "I'm f-fine" new tears were forming "Oh, no you're not" Kevin hugged me then my tears flowed again. "She rejected you didn't she?" I nodded and hugged Kevin tighter "I'm going to kill her" she said standing up but I pulled her down "Please don't." She kept saying that she hurt me so she deserved a punch but I always say no. I don't want anyone to hurt her even though she hurt me already. We all went inside and Lauren actually is avoiding me I sighed and just ignore the pain. We drank some beer but I'm not too drunk nor did Kevin and Ally.

Few hours later the girls were dancing and singing to the song and I saw Lauren dancing with Brad she's obviously drunk. Then I saw Brad walk away so Lauren started dancing with the girls. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed Brad "Where are you going?" Kevin asked "Come with me!" I said he followed me and we both spotted Brad having his tongue on another girl's throat. My jaw drop and took out my phone and snapped a picture of them one of them is Brad squeezing the girl's ass. "This asshole is a cheater" i mumble "Come on, we might get caught" Kevin said I took the last photo and walk away with Kevin. We sat on the table and I crossed my arms, that fucking bitch just cheated on his girlfriend! "Kevin! Brad just cheated on his girlfriend!" He sighed "Yeah he actually does that every time. When he's not with Lauren he secretly goes with that girl her name is Vianca" I look at him shocked "Woah! how'd you know all this?" I asked "Dude, I'm in his basketball team and they always talk about Vianca about how hot she is more than Lauren" my blood is starting to boil "And i can't believe Lauren is too blind to see that?!" I said through gritted teeth he rub my back and so I calmed down a little. I pulled out my phone and sent all the photos of Brad to Lauren hopefully she wouldn't just ignore it.

It was now 2am and I'm so sleepy Kevin said he needed to go so we both said our goodbyes. I closed my eyes for a moment then it opened when I felt someone sat on my lap. "Lauren?" I ask "Heeey! *hiccup* Y/N" yup she's drunk "Why are you beautiful? I always get lost *hiccup* in your beautiful eyes" I blush but I know this isn't her talking she's drunk. "You're so smart and pe- *hiccup* people should be jealous" she started laughing "Lauren you're drunk" i said she laughed and got her drink "You look so hot" she said as much as I want to hear more I know I should stop her drinking this is wayyy to much. "Lauren stop drinking, come on I'm taking you home" i said standing up "Nooooo! I wanna *hiccup* stay on your house" I sighed and called Ally. "Hey! what the hell?" ally said as she saw me "She's drunk, and she wanted to sleep in our house" Ally started saying no since she broke my heart but I always beg she sighed and finally nodded. Lauren fell asleep in my arms so I carried her and Ally drove us back home.

I carried Lauren upstairs and changed her clothes well of course my cheeks turned pink when I saw her panties. I just pulled on some shorts and leave her bra on since she always wanted to sleep like that. Should i sleep next to her? I don't think so, when she wakes up she might go crazy on me. When I was about to walk out the door she sat up "Y/N?" I turn to her "Yes?" She lifted her arms up saying to cuddle with her "Cuddle" she said in a baby voice "I don't think I can Lauren" i said she pouted "Puhhhhleaaseee!!! I WANNA CUDDLE" she began crying "Woah!! Okay okay hold on! I'm coming" i said rushing towards her and hug her "Sleep here with me please?" She mumble "Okay" I said quietly i laid down beside her and she laid her head on my chest. I'm finally cuddling with her but I know this won't last forever, tomorrow she'll be back to the real Lauren. "Baby?" I heart stopped I missed her calling me that "Yeah?" She shifted her position and now her weight is on her elbows "I love you" she said then the next thing I know I felt her soft and kissable lips on mine. My eyes widen and shivers down my spine my cheeks started heating up. She started sucking on my bottom lip and i can't help but kiss her back too. Finally! I felt her lips on mine! But this is the drunk Lauren I want the real Lauren to kiss me. She moaned quietly as our tongues fought she deepened and made the kiss really passionate i can feel love in the kiss but maybe i'm imagining things "I love you so much Y/N" she mumble against our lips then attached our lips again. After a few minutes which feels like forever we both pulled away panting "I love you too Lauren" she smiled and rested her head on my chest again. Then I heard her soft snores telling me she's asleep now, I couldn't sleep thinking about the things that just happened. She kissed me. SHE FUCKING KISSED ME!!! But it's still the drunk Lauren but hey she KISSED ME.

It's already 3:30 am and i'm still not asleep Lauren's arm around me tighten when i shifted a bit. I sighed i couldn't move or else Lauren will wake up, i know i was sleepy but after what happen just a while ago i can't help but stay awake. The door opened revealing an sleepy Ally, "Heey why aren't you asleep yet?" she whispered she walk to me and crouched down since she saw that i couldn't move. "She kissed me Ally" i muttered "What?" She said shocked "She kissed me a while ago, she told me she love me then continued kissing me" she grinned "She does love you!" she squealed quietly "No Ally! She's drunk! She's not the real Lauren she doesn't loves me" she sighed and nodded sadly "Y/N, i'm sure she is in love with you" i shook my head 'no' "She doesn't Ally and she'll never be" tears again were forming then suddenly one fell on Lauren's face i quickly wiped my eyes and suddenly her eyes opened, shit. "Y/N? Why you crying baby?" she said hovering me she started kissing me and i saw Ally's eyes widen i gave her a quick peck and pull away "Lauren i think you should sleep i'll just be outside with Ally" i said standing up "Noo!! You said you'll stay with me" tears were forming in her eyes "No no no don't cry baby please? i'll be back okay? i'll cuddle with you again give me 10 minutes okay?" she nodded slowly and i kisses her forehead. I tuck her in and kissed her cheek she look at me like she was a lost puppy her beautiful green eyes are just perfect. "I will be back for you okay?" i whispered in her ear "Kissy?" she said with a baby voice i look at Ally hesitant "Do it or she'll cry again" she said i sighed and faced Lauren who was staring at me. "Kissyyyy!" she said puckering her lips i sighed and gave her a quick peck "No! I don't want a quick peck!" she pouted "Lauren please i'll just have a quick talk with Ally" i said "No! You won't go until i get my kissy! not a peck!" she crossed her arms i sighed and cup her cheek and kissed her with so much love. I pull away and smile at her "Okay, 10 minutes" she said i nodded and Ally and i went down.

Ally ad i sit at the coach facing each other "Wow, she does love you" she said smiling "Ally! She's drunk!" i said annoyed "Y/N! I know she is but her actions are just so cute and you guys act like a couple!" she squealed i rolled my eyes "We've been acting like a couple ever since we've talked again" i said smiling at the memory "Wait what? when? how where?" she said "Well Lauren and i act like a couple sometimes without knowing it. If we're alone we cuddle, hold hands and kiss each other's cheek but we haven't kissed each other on the lips. We have pet names like baby and babe but that all happens when we're just alone" i said she smiled in victory "ya both are so cute!!!" i nodded "Well i was happy before now i'm not" she rub my back and said comforting things to me. Few minutes later i heard my bedroom door open and saw Lauren rubbing her eyes "Y/N? it has been 10 minutes already" she said walking to me "Oh uh i was going to leave soon" i said she sat on my lap and curled into a ball her head on my chest. She then fell asleep on my arms again "She loves you Y/N" Ally said i carried Lauren back to the room and i cuddled next to her.

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