Chapter 56

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Your POV

"Mami" Ethan said looking at me "mama" he then looked at Lauren, yes Ethan Miles is finally 12 months!!! Lauren was videoing him saying his first words "mama and mami" but he still babbles, "Baby quick! go to the other end" Lauren said so i went to the other end. "Ethan walk to mommy" she said and i saw Ethan slowly standing up with the help of Lauren and started walking with little steps making Lauren's eyes get teary. He was already half way and when he gets to me he laughed "mami" he said i laughed and cheered when he walked to me!! "Yes!! Ethan can walk!" Lauren cheered stopping the video. "Oh mama is so proud of you little one" she said kissing Ethan's head "Mama" he said "Yes mama's here" she said and then he walked to Lauren making her smile widely.

"I'm so proud of you baby boy" she said "Go find your blue ball" she said and Ethan began walking to the small blue ball and then he threw it in my way but i caught it and roll it back to him. He then threw it again but it wasn't that hard it was just on my legs and i rolled it back to him, he laughed and walk to me sitting on my lap. "Alright, my family will be here soon" Lauren said looking at her watch. "Yeah can you bathe Ethan babe?" she asked me i nodded "okay" i said she smiled and pulled my face and kissed me. I stood up and held my hand out for Ethan to take and he did and we slowly walk upstairs step by step, and soon we arrived at the bathroom. He got his rubber duck and i took off his clothes preparing his bath, and finally i began washing him and i'm actually soaked since he plays with the rubber duck and he always squirt it everywhere but i'm fine with it. I'm gonna shower soon.

After bathing him i changed his diapers and clothes and brought him to the living room with his toys, i walked to Lauren and kissed her cheek "i'm gonna shower okay?" i said she nodded and held my hand "Kissy first" she said smirking i laughed and peck her lips before going up and shower. When i was done i dried my hair and finally went down, i went to the living room and say Ethan on the window looking outside. "ou-" he tried saying "ou-...t" he said pointing outside i look outside and saw the Jauregui's "Aw" i said and kissed Ethan's head "Wanna greet them" he nodded and clapped his hands excitedly. I giggle and tried carrying him but he said "n-o" i smile and gave my hand to him and he held it and we began walking to the door slowly.

"ETHAN MILES JAUREGUI!" Taylor said and carried Ethan she smiled and kiss his cheek, "Hey Y/N" i smiled "Hey Tay" i said and we hugged and i did the same with Chris. Then Clara and Mike came and i hug them, they're actually sleeping over for 3 days and it's gonna be fun. "Mommy!! Daddy!" Lauren screamed and attacked her parents with a hug, "hey what about us?" Taylor and Chris said Lauren smiled and attacked them with a hug too . "Oh mom, Ethan can say mama and mami and he can walk" Lauren said squealing Clara smiled and kiss Ethan's head "Well done Ethan!" she said laughing. "Y/N" Lauren said pulling my arm and we entered the kitchen, and then she threw her arms around me "Woah, everything alright?" i asked rubbing her back. "I'm just so happy you know? he can walk now and can say mami and mama" she said smiling, "and you are such a great parent" she said cupping my cheeks. I blushed "You too, we are a perfect couple" she nodded "So perfect" she then pressed our lips together.


After dinner Taylor and Chris was playing with Ethan in his room and Clara and Mike on the living room watching a movie while Lauren and i wash the dishes. "I miss my parents" i said as i lean on the counter, she turn to me and wrap her arms around my waist and press our foreheads together. "What about, we'll call them to stay here next week?" she asked i shrug "They're busy" i said sadly "next next week?" i shook my head 'no' she sighed and peck my lips. "They can only come when Ethan is now 3 or 4?" i said tearing up she hugged me tight and i bury my face to her neck "i'm sorry i just miss them so much" i said sh nodded "I know baby, it's hard to be separated from your parents" i sighed and pulled her closer to me. "I love you so much Lauren Jauregui, thank you for always being here for me" i said wiping my eyes i felt Lauren smile "i love you too and i'll always be here for you" she said kissing my forehead.

When we finished at the kitchen we went up to Ethan's room and saw them playing Ethan laughing loudly, "hey monkey" Lauren said sitting down I then sat down next to Ethan who was staring at me. I look at him and smiled sadly he then crawl to my lap and cup my cheeks, he just stared into my eyes and i felt slightly better. I smile and kissed his nose making him smile too, "mami" he said "Ethan" i said and i hug him, "you guys are so cute" Taylor said and then i saw the Jauregui kids looking at me with aw. I giggled and gave Ethan to Lauren, she smiled and began tickling him, making him laugh loudly and Taylor and Chris joined in. I stood up and walk to Lauren and i's room and got my phone dialling my mom's number. After two rings she picked up.

"Hey sweetie" she said i smiled to myself "Hi mom" i greeted "How are you? how is the baby?" i sighed and wipe a few tears away "Uh... i'm fine and the baby his name is Ethan. It's a he, and he is already 12 months old" i said looking at the ceiling. "Oh wow, i wish i could be there to see him" i sighed and tears were forming in my eyes "I wish you could see him too" i said "I miss you guys" i said now quietly crying. "We miss you too sweetie, we're so busy at work here but we promise we'll visit and stay there for 3 weeks maybe?" i smile "I can't wait" i can feel her smiling at the other line. "Look, i know you're upset but i really promise we'll be there for you okay?" i sighed "Yes, i know" i said and wiped my tears away. "Can i talk to Ethan?" she asked I smile "Sure, one minute" i said before going to Ethan's room.

Lauren saw me and her smile turns to a frown she walk to me and cup my cheek "Baby?" i smile "I'm okay, can you get Ethan? mom wants to talk to him" i said she nodded and carried Ethan to our room. She gave him to me and i sat down placing him on my lap, i got my phone and made it loud speaker, "Mom he's with me" i said "Hey baby Ethan" my mom greeted Ethan looked at the phone and look at me. "Say hello" i said "he-ll-o" he tried and my mom aw'ed Lauren smiled and sat next to me, i lean to her and she wrap her arms around me "Are you okay Ethan?" Ethan turned to the phone again when he heard his name "y-es!" he said clapping his hands. Lauren and i giggled "Good good, Y/N is Lauren there?" she asked "Yes she is" i said "Hi Lauren" she greeted "Hi (your mom's name)" Lauren greeted "How are you honey?" "I'm good and really tired but thanks to Y/N she helped me a lot" she said kissing my cheek.

"Aw that's good please take care of one another okay guys? and take care of the little boy. I have to go okay? i love you guys, love you Ethan" she said "we love you too mom" she then hung up, i sighed and rest my head on Lauren's shoulder. "Please stop crying queen" she joked i laugh "I'm not a queen" i said "Yes you are, Ethan here is our prince" i giggled and kiss her "Shut up" i mumble and kissed her again. She then slapped me "ouch" i said pouting "Don't swear in front of Ethan" she said i look at Ethan and she was playing with my shirt "Sorry Ethan" i said kissing his head. "Wanna go to the park? you know to enjoy things?" Lauren suggested i nodded so we went outside and called Taylor and Chris to join us to the park and we told Clara and Mike. I placed Ethan on his stroller and we all went outside.

When we arrive at the park Taylor and Chris being the kiddie ones ran to the swings making Lauren roll her eyes, Lauren took Ethan out of the stroller and we went to the kiddie playground. "Okay i'll catch him down here" she said i nodded and went on top of the slide, and look at him "Are you ready" Ethan squealed and clapped his hands excitedly. So i let go of him and he landed on his mama, "up" he said pointing to me since i was still on the slide, "you want to go again?" she asked Ethan who nodded. Lauren gave him to me and went back down to catch him, we did like 5 more times and finally changed and went to the swings for babies and we rock him back and forth gently.

Lauren's POV

I walk behind Y/N and wrap my arms around her waist and she lean her back against my front, "i love these moments with you" i mumble and kissed her shoulder, "me too Lauren" she said intertwining our hand since the other one was swinging Ethan. I felt her squeeze my hand gently and relaxes, we stayed like this for at least 30 minutes just enjoying the cool wind and holding each other.

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