Chapter 16

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Your POV:

Gosh, that was embarrassing! She figured it out that it was me who gave her the unicorn. Before we walk back my question stopped her "Do you avoid me again when we go back?" She turn to me frowning "No, we're free now" I smile and hug her then we walk back to the others. We all went again to try different rides and Lauren and I finally are back to normal, we started chatting again and laughing to random stuff and I'm happy we're back. As 9:57 pm came we all sat together in a table since few minutes later fireworks are gonna come out. We all started eating junk food and while waiting for the fireworks. The order of the seats Brad, Normani's boyfriend, Dinah's boyfriend, Normani, Dinah, Camila, Ally, Me, Lauren. Lauren has been hugging and kissing the unicorn which is making my heart flatter. She really likes it and I'm so thankful, she rest her head on my shoulder sighing "I'm so tired" she mumble I giggle and kissed her forehead "Me too" she look up and gave me her sweet smile. We stared into each others eyes for minutes before we got interrupted by our friends squealing and fireworks exploding. We watched the fireworks and we all had smiles in our faces, i felt Lauren slid her hand on mine and i help but intertwine our fingers. She cuddled into my side and i wrap one arm around her neck pulling her close to me, in the corner of my eye i could see Ally taking a picture of us and i acted like i didn't know. I felt Lauren's phone vibrated so she took it out and opened the message, she giggle when it was our picture "I'm keeping this" she said saving the picture on her phone.

She was about to keep the phone but i stopped her "Do you wanna take selfies?" i ask she smiled then nodded, she rest her head on my chest and i took a picture of us. We took 4 pictures and another one when i kiss her cheek, we actually look so cute no offence to Brad. When it hit 11 all the girls wanted to sleep over in our home so their boyfriends left and us girls went to Ally and i's house. As soon as we got home we gave the girls some pjs and we all went to the living room to watch a movie. As i sat down i quickly got up again "Guys! i have to study" i said walking away but i was pulled by them "Noo! study on Monday" they all said "No! i don't have time" i pout at them. Lauren went near me and placed her hands on my shoulders "Fine, 30 minutes okay? and i'm coming with you" she said i nodded and ran upstairs. I got my book and started reading again, Lauren sat beside me fixing her beanie then going to her phone.

Lauren's POV:

As Y/N study i can't help but stare at her, she looks so focused and cute. She scrunch her nose up when she doesn't get it i smiled every time she does it. "Lauren i can't concentrate with you staring at me" she said not looking at me "I'm sorry, i'll just remind you, you have 20 minutes" i said she bit her lip hard trying to concentrate. I brush my thumb over her bottom lip so she won't bite it anymore, gosh it's so soft. I blush and sat across her pulling out my phone since i'm bored. I smirked when i had an idea, i silent my phone and went to the camera app. I started to take pictures of her but pretending i'm texting someone, holy shit she looks so fucking cute! I zoom in her face and just in time she bit her lip and i snap the picture. I lock my phone and rest my head on her lap facing up at her. She started stroking my hair with her free hand and the other holding her book. Her strokes feels so good, the way she strokes my hair is making me sleepy. When i was about to close my eyes she stopped stroking my hair causing me to look at her, she turned the page and began stroking my hair again i smiled and close my eyes for a while.

After a few minutes i open my eyes and Y/N still stroking my hair, it's passed 30 minutes now and i want her to stop. "Mm... Y/N it's passed 30 minutes" i said taking her book "No wait, last one" she said i giggle "Nerd" she stuck her tongue out her eyes still on the book. I finally sat up and sat on her lap she wrap one arm around my waist i smirked and closed her book "NO! LAUREN!" she pout i smiled and threw her book away. I wrap my arms around her neck "Nope, we had a deal that you'll study for 30 minutes and that was already 40 minutes babe" shit that slipped she blushed and smiled "Fine, let us go eat something i'm hungry" she said resting her head on my chest. I feel her breathing in my neck causing me to shiver, "Come on let's get you something to eat alright?" i said brushing her hair back. "Okay" she mumble on my chest i kissed her forehead and stood up, she lay down on the bed before rolling off the bed making a loud thud on the floor. "Holy shit are you okay?" i said giggling "You're so stupid, why'd you do that?" she laughed "Tired?" i nodded and help her get on her feet. When we get to the stairs at the middle she began to trip so good thing i got her by wrapping my arm around her waist "Jesus Christ! Y/N are you trying to kill yourself?!" i said this time i wasn't joking she began to pout and gave me her puppy eyes "I'm sowwy... i'm really cwumsy" i can't help but smile "I already know that baby girl" she smiled "You know what?" i said and carried her bridal style down the stairs.

She laughed as we got down i placed her on the couch and the girls looked at us confused "She tripped on the stairs but good thing i caught her" they laughed then nodded. I bent down beside her "What do you want to eat baby girl?" i ask lovingly she smiled at me sweetly "Nutella sandwich please" i laughed and kissed her forehead "Sure" i said then went to the kitchen. After i made her sandwich i went back and gave it to her, as she was about to take a bite i hovered her and bit her sandwich right in front of her, our faces was so close, i wink at her before pulling back with a piece of her sandwich on my mouth. She sat there shocked and her face is so red i giggle and lift her legs up so i could sit then placed her legs on my thighs. I saw her smile and bit her sandwich near the spot i bit well i bit the middle part. I began watching the movie and mindlessly rubbing her smooth and soft legs and looks like she doesn't mind so i kept going. Y/N looks like a little munchkin with her Nutella sandwich she looks so adorable oh my god! This girl is killing me with her cuteness! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME Y/N?!

Author's Note:
Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 10 votes and I'll post the next chapter. 😊💕

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