Chapter 59

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Your POV
It's showtime!!! Ethan and i are backstage and the girls are just getting their mics. I smiled as Lauren walked to us "How do i look?" she asked twirling around "You look beautiful mama" Ethan said hugging Lauren's legs. She smiled and look at me "Honestly? you" i said biting my lip checking her out. She smiled and kissed me secretly "Thank you baby" i nodded and wrap my arm around her waist. "Come on Lo" Normani said she nodded and smile at me "Good luck baby, make me proud" i said smiling widely. "Good luck kiss?" she asked puckering her lips i laugh and kissed her passionately and finally let her go. "I love you Jauregui" i said "I love you too baby" she then went with the other causing the fans to cheer loudly. We walk to the side and began watching Fifth Harmony perform. Ethan was jumping up and down as he watches his aunties and his mama dance. "Mama is so beautiful" he said looking at Lauren i nodded "Yes she is Ethan" i said smiling at Lauren. Lauren saw me ad gave me a wink and then continued singing and dancing. "Hi Y/N" i look up and saw my parents i jumped and squealed "YAY!! you guys are here!" i said hugging them. "Grandma and Grandpa" Ethan said hugging them "Oh little boy!" dad said before carrying him an tickling him. I smiled and saw the Jaureguis i hugged them all and parents are talking to parents of course.

Between the show i was carrying Ethan as he plays on my phone i was about to let him sit dad but i was stopped when i heard Lauren say. "Hey guys, i want you to meet two important people in my life, both of them are the best and loving people! One of them is my lover as you all know, she has been my girlfriend since we were in high school and until now we're together. As for the other y'all know what happened to me and The Vamps so i don't have to say it since i hate the memory but this little cute boy is my son. I love him so much and i really want you guys to meet my girlfriend Y/F/N and our son Ethan Miles Jauregui" then girls pulled me they had no problem with Ethan since he just ran to his mama. "No guys!!" i said pulling away but Dinah carried me making the fans go crazy, Dinah placed me down beside Lauren and she was smiling at me as she carries Ethan. "So Harmonizers, y'all know my girlfriend Y/N" she said kissing my cheek the fans cheered and i blushed "and our son Ethan Miles" Ethan shyly wave at fans making them say awe. "Now, there is a reason why i wanted you to come out" she said looking at me. She let Ethan down and he ran to his aunties, Lauren smiled at me and took my hand. "Okay, do you remember what you wrote for me before?" she asked and i blushed hard, fuck! she remembered that?! i nodded shyly. "Okay don't be mad but i kinda got your song book and showed it to the girls" she said my eyes widen she laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Well, i want my beautiful girlfriend to sing it with me" she said looking at me with loving eyes. I blushed "Please?" i nodded she clapped her hands excitedly and fans cheered loudly. Someone gave me a mic and Lauren intertwined our fingers.

Eva, eva, eva (uh)
Oh, eva, eva, eva
(Fifth Harmony, baby)
Oh, eva, eva, eva
(Let's go)
Oh, everlasting love
(Another one)

Always looking over my shoulder cause I don't ever wanna miss you
I been thinking about you daily
I can't wait to see your face
I don't even know you but I know that I can't wait to kiss you
Somehow I know when we finally lock eyes that you'll feel the same way

You're gonna be all I've needed
You make me feel like a dream
Whoever you are
Baby, you are
The one I'm waiting for

You're my ever- everlasting love
My ever- everlasting love
And I'm never ever giving up til your laying next to me
I'm lookin' for that ever- everlasting love
Forever ever kind of touch
And I'll never ever get enough
Baby, we were meant to be

Ain't no use in wastin' my time on just anybody, baby
I want exceptional, original someone I can't deny
I'm in love with you already I know it sounds crazy
But I hope you save all you got for me cause (baby) you're all mine

You're gonna be all I've needed
You make me feel like a dream
Whoever you are
Baby, you are
The one I'm waiting for

You're my ever- everlasting love
My ever- everlasting love
And I'm never ever giving up til your laying next to me
I'm lookin' for that ever- everlasting love
Forever ever kind of touch
And I'll never ever get enough
Baby, we were meant to be

Everlasting love
Everlasting love
Everlasting love
My everlasting love

I don't even know your name
But I can't get you off my brain
Darling, I can hardly wait
Til I can get to know you
You'll be beautifully insane
Infinitely all for me
Promise you'll (be) glad you came
I can't wait to show you

You're my ever- everlasting love
My ever- everlasting love
And I'm never ever giving up til your laying next to me
I'm lookin' for that ever- everlasting love
Forever ever kind of touch
And I'll never ever get enough
Baby, we were meant to be

Everlasting love
Everlasting love
Everlasting love

My everlasting love

When we finished Lauren hugged me tight an i was so happy i get to sing with Lauren with the song i wrote for her. She let go ad smiled at me "Okay, i'll be right back" she said i nodded and she went backstage. I walk to the girls and they were smirking "What?" they shrug and hugged me "You have a beautiful voice" they said i thanked them and i kissed Ethan's nose. Then suddenly the fans are wildly cheering and i look up and saw Lauren holding a bouquet of red roses. I stood up and she walk to me "These are for my lovely lady" she said giving it to me. I smiled widely and hug her tight "Thank you babe" i whispered in her ear she smiled and held my hand.

"Okay so the real reason is that...." the song Everlasting Love again started but this time the girls are singing it in a soft tone. What is happening? Lauren looked at me in the eyes and smiled "Y/N i know we've been together since High School and honestly it was the most amazing thing that has happened to me. I know we had our ups and downs but we always find a way to each other. I remember when i broke your heart and i'd always fix it. I remember when i first met you thanks to Ally" she said looking at Ally who giggled. "I fell in love with you when i first laid my eyes on you. I know i kept telling myself i was straight and loved a different person but i was wrong. I was to blind to see who was really meant for me, i was blind to see my real lover. But then i woke up, it was you Y/N i love you so much you are my real lover my everything. I love how make me laugh, blush, angry, sad, happy, and i love how yo love me as me. I love all the things you do for me and i want to thank you for that. Thank you so much for being there for me when i needed you, you helped me raise Ethan and i thought when i was pregnant you'd leave me but you didn't you helped me raised him. I love everything about you, your eyes that always bring me home, your arms that always keeps me safe, you lips that always tells me you love me and everything. So Y/N, it's been years now, and everyone is asking why haven't i proposed to you? So here i am..." she said kneeling down and opening a fancy box revealing a beautiful ring "Y/F/N, will you make me the happiest woman in the world and be my wife? In other words..... Will you marry me?" i was now in tears well i was already when she started this whole thing. Lauren was also in tears and i could see fans were in tears too.

I looked down at Lauren and nodded "Yes Lauren, of course i'll marry you" i said she jumped up excitedly and placed the ring on my finger before lifting me up spinning me around. I heard fans wildly cheering so is our family and the girls. She placed me down and i cup her cheek "I told you, i'll propose first" she said smiling i giggle "I love you so much Jauregui" i said and then press our lips together. "I love you too Mrs Jauregui" i blushed and deepened the kiss. We pulled away and the girls attacked us with hugs so did our families. Congratulating us, i was so happy right now, like seriously happy! I love Lauren so much and i'm now spending the rest of my life with her.

Lauren's POV
i'm so fucking happy that Y/N said yes i planned this since Ethan was like 12 or 8 months? and i didn't really remember when i was on tour but the girls did tell me to bring it and then i remembered when i saw her in my room. The song 'Brave, Honest, Beautiful' started playing and all of us in stage are singing and partying and of course i couldn't keep my hand off my now fiancé.

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