Chapter 58

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Your POV

I woke up and i felt a small body pressed on my chest i opened my eyes and saw Ethan still sleeping, i smile and kissed his forehead "Good morning" i heard i look up and smiled "Good morning" i said and she held me hand. "You guys are gonna perform later?" i asked she nodded "Later, 8" she said and then spooned Ethan. "Is he tired?" she asked me "Yeah, he really didn't sleep on the plane since both of us are so excited to see you" i said smiling at him and Lauren, "Aw, my babies!" she said kissing his cheek. "Come on, let's eat downstairs" she said getting up i stretched my body and stood up "What time is it?" she asked while she was changing, "Uh, it's 8:25am why?" i asked she shrugged "Nothing, just really hungry" she said giggling. I nodded and got my phone and changed into just some sweat pants and Lauren's sweater, i love Lauren's sweater it smells so good and it smells like her. I love it so much.

After i fix my hair i walk to the bathroom and wrap my arms around Lauren's waist "Are you okay?" she asked caressing my arm with her thumbs "yeah i just need a moment with you right now" i said kissing her shoulder. She turn to me and trapped me on the wall "Do you want to do a quickie?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows i laughed and cup her cheeks, "Baby, Ethan is here and if he heard me or you moaning he'll wake up and you don't want him seeing your fingers deep inside me" i said kissing her cheek. "Fuck, i want you so bad" she mumble and she kissed my neck "No Lauren, Ethan" i said pushing her away slightly "But you dirty talking to me turns me on" she mumble on my skin. "Stop babe, Ethan will walk on us" i said "Please?" she looked at me with puppy eyes, i groaned "Hurry up!" i said she smirked and attacked me with a kiss. "Close the door" i mumble against our lips she kicked the door making me slap her arm "He might wake up!" she giggled "Nah" she then carried me.

When i was about to come like literally i'm gonna explode soon we heard running outside the bathroom "Mama? Mommy?" i look at Lauren and she was kissing my neck, "Shit" i said when i was really close we then heard Ethan crying. "Fuck Lauren!!!" i tighten my grip on her neck and exploded on her fingers, she washed her hands and peck my lips with a smirk before going out of the bathroom leaving me panting. Oh shit Jauregui! When i finally calmed down i fixed my hair and exited the bathroom seeing Ethan crying on Lauren's lap, "But where did you guys go?" he asked looking at Lauren sadly. Lauren tried not to smirk so i came in since i know Lauren will fail and Ethan will get curious, "Hi Ethan" i said kneeling in front of them, he looked at me and lift his arms up "Huggy" he said i smiled and hugged him tight glaring at Lauren she giggled and peck my lips.

"Where did you and mama go?" he asked me cupping my cheeks "Uh..." my face then turned red making Lauren laugh silently at the back rolling over the bed, "Bathroom" i said "Why?" he asked tilting his head Lauren once again laughed. "Well mama needed help on doing her hair since it was tangled" i said and Lauren looked at me confused i giggle and kiss Ethan's nose, "yeah" i said nodding he nodded too and hug me. "Okay, but please don't leave me again i thought you guys left me" he said tearing up, "of course we won't leave you, we love you" i said smiling he hugged me and kissed my cheek "I love you mommy" he said and then he tried going up in the bed but i just carried him. He hugged Lauren and kissed her cheek too "I love you mama" Lauren smiled "we love you too" Lauren and i said. 'You're dead' i mouthed to Lauren she giggled and winked at me 'i love you babe' she mouthed back i smile 'i love you too' she smiled and blew me a kiss and continued hugging Ethan.

After our little moment as a family we finally decided to go down and have breakfast Ethan still in his pyjamas but it was alright he looks adorable anyways. We then saw the girls and they waved at us, Ethan ran to his aunties and hug all of them and Lauren and i sat together, "alright, what is on the menu?" she asked looking at the menu. I then felt her hand on my lap at first i didn't mind since she always places her hand on my thigh but i gasped when i felt her going up, "Lauren!" i warned her she ignored me and just rub my thigh. I sighed and tried moving her hand away but it always go back, i pulled her head so i was near ear "Lauren, stop it! you are so horny early in the morning!" i whispered/yelled at her she laughed and just kiss my cheek. "You're too sexy, plus i missed you, i missed your body, i missed our making love sessions" she said while rubbing my thigh again.

I rolled my eyes and slap her arm but she didn't budge "Lauren!" she smirked and look back at the menu, she then called the waitress and said her order "What do you want babe?" she asked looking at me smirking. Her hand was already near my spot so i could speak "Uh" i tried and grabbed the menu but i can't really concentrate since Lauren's hand is already inside my sweatpants. "Just, waffles and hot chocolate please" i said really fast and then smiled at the waitress she looked at me weird and then walked away. "Lauren stop!!! PLEASE!" i whispered she smirked and she entered a finger inside me making me gulp hard, "So Y/N, can you and cutie Ethan stay on the backstage later?" i nodded since i really couldn't speak and she added a finger. "Ugh!" i groaned making them turn to me Lauren laughed to herself "Is something wrong?" i shook my head 'no' "Just hungry" i said smiling and tried pulling Lauren's hand out but she wouldn't budge.

"Fucking hell" i mumble to myself and then the food came when i was about to eat my waffles she moved her fingers faster making me moan silently, i saw Lauren looking at me and i glared at her she smirked and just ate her food. In the middle of my meal i was close, i squeezed my legs and i know Lauren knew that i was close since she pump her fingers even faster. I dropped the fork and covered my face, i bit my lip hard so i wouldn't moan and then i came, i let out a long sigh. I look at Lauren and she was sucking her fingers 'Ew!' i mouthed to her she shrug 'Wash your hands' i mouthed again 'Later' i hit her shoulder "Now" i said she pouted and went to the bathroom. "Uh what was that?" Camila asked i look at her "Nothing" i said continued eating my meal, "uh huh" she said smirking "nothing!!" i whined she laughed "She's horny isn't she?" i gulped and nodded "Yeah, she misses you that's why" i giggled nervously and glared at Lauren as she sat back down.

She smiled and kissed my cheek "i'm sorry okay?" she whispered "Lauren, a while ago Ethan cried because of you and now i can't eat properly" i said pouting she looked at Ethan who was playing with Dinah so she looked back at me and kissed my lips. "I know, and i'm so sorry, i just....i missed you okay? i need you" she said frowning i smiled and cup her cheek "Whatever Jauregui, i missed you too anyway. I love you" i said kissing her lips she smiled and deepened the kiss. "Uh Lauren your child is looking" Normani said making Lauren pull away, "Ethan!" she glared at the cute boy who giggled and hid his face to Dinah's chest. "Dinah, cover his eyes please" she said "No way" i laugh and Lauren glared at her, "Kay fine, Y/N come on" she said holding my hand, "Where are we going?" i asked "Bathroom" i raised an eyebrow "I wanna kiss you" she mumble aw she's so cute! I nodded and we both went to the bathroom.

When we got there she smiled at me and peck my lips "I missed you so much" she said "i missed you too Lolo" i said wrapping my arms around her neck and hers on my waist, "you being horny is just...." i started and she blushed making me laugh. "What's wrong?" i asked "i don't know okay? i just miss touching and holding you now stop asking that" she said pouting i laugh and she pouted even more, "Oh Lolo! it's alright, i still love you my horny dog" she glare at me "i'm not a dog" she then peck my lips. "A horny one" i said smirking she peck my lips again "No!" she then peppered my face with kisses making me giggle and then she finally kissed my lips and i cup her cheek deepening the kiss. I pulled away and smile at her lovingly "Let's go, Ethan might look for us again" i said she nodded and intertwine our fingers. We both exited the bathroom and walk to the table again seeing our friends smirking "We didn't do anything" i said they raised an eyebrow "We just kissed" Lauren said kissing cheek i smile and we sat down.

After breakfast we walk back to the room and Ethan was jumping on the bed "Ethan don't jump on the bed" i said he pouted "oh come on babe, it's fun" Lauren said and then began jumping on the bed with Ethan. I crossed my arms "Lauren, if the bed break you have to pay for it" i said she shrug "I don't care" she said and began jumping again and Ethan began laughing. I sighed and rolled my eyes "Oh come on, you're not fun" Lauren said getting out of bed, "Lauren we might break the bed!" i said pointing to the bed. Lauren got Ethan and she gave him to me, i look at Ethan and he smiled and began peppering my face with kisses making me smile, and then i felt something hit my butt. I look over and saw Lauren smirking holding a pillow, and then Ethan and Lauren began hitting me with pillows making laugh. "Stop" i squeal they laughed and kept hitting me, "We love you mommy!" and then i landed on the bed laying on my back. Ethan sat on my stomach and smile at me while Lauren was beside me, she kissed my cheek and then covered Ethan's eyes and kiss my lips making me smile.

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