Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV:
"Go ahead dribble the ball" I heard Brad say I saw Y/N took a deep breath then taking all of us by surprise she ran around Brad and shoot the ball. Brad has his jaw on the ground "Hold up! One more time" he said then they both started grabbing the ball from one another then it end up Y/N shooting the ball again. "Woah" I heard the girls say I was still shock I still couldn't believe a girl can play basketball and can totally beat my boyfriend which is a basketball player. As the game continued i couldn't help but stare at Y/N's tummy when she's jumping to shoot the ball. Every time she raises her hands up her shirt lifts up showing off her smooth tummy. I jumped when the girls and Brad's teammates cheered "What's Y/N's score?" I ask Dinah who shushed me i glare at her "8 and your boyfie is 5" she said not looking at me. I stare at Y/N again as she shoot the ball "9!" The girls screamed, wow this chick got skills. "damn! That chick is mine" one of the guys say which totally got my attention. "No way, a girl playing basketball is very rare so that chick is mine" another guy say "SHUT UP WILL YA?!" I turn to Camila who was glaring at them, wow Camz. "10! Y/N WON!!!" the girls cheered and I smiled. She walk back to us and smiled the girls attacked her with a hug congratulating her for beating my boyfriend's ass. I walk to Brad who was panting "Hey, great job" i said smiling he placed his arms around my hips pulling me closer then kissed me.

We heard squealing causing us to pull away and I turn to the girls and Camila was twirling with Y/N in her arms, her legs wrapped in her waist and her arms hugging her tight in the neck. I frown and walk towards the girls crossing my arms. "You are so damn good!" Camila said as she placed Y/N down "Thank you" she laugh she looked at me and smiled "That was.... amazing" i said she smiled at me widely "Thank you Laur" I smiled at her and attack her with a hug. I felt myself relax when I felt her body close to me. i didn't want to let go but after few minutes i did, I kissed her cheek and she bit her lip again. The bell rang and we all went to our classes, well Y/N and I had the same class so we walked together.

Finally school is done, i walk to Y/N's locker and waited for her as i always do. She saw me and hug me "Hey good thing you didn't fall" i joked "I did" I laugh "Where?" She blushed "At the bathroom" she muttered I laugh again causing her to blush more "Stoop!" She whine "What happen?" I ask she started to pout and all I could think of doing is to kiss that pout but can't. "I was washing my hands then when I was about to walk out i slip causing me to fall on my butt" I laugh again and this time she glared at me and went to open her locker. I hug her from behind and sway us left and right slowly "I'm sorry" I whispered I felt her shiver making me smile "Don't laugh" she turn to me I bit my lip to stifle the laugh but I let out a small one she frown then turn her back on me. "I'm sorry, okay I'll stop now" I said she didn't answer "Y/N!! I'm sowwy" i place my chin on her shoulder she sighed "Fine" I smile and hug her. "let's go to my place, you said to teach me the Math thing" she giggled then nodded. We went to my car and open the passenger seat for her she thanked me and I went to my side. She buckled up her seatbelt then crossed her legs, my eyes landed on her smooth and soft legs. I bit my lip and look away trying to avoid that beautiful figure beside me, as we stop on the red light I saw her mindlessly rubbing her thighs up and down and she was looking out the window. I feel my face heat up as I watch her rub her hands on her thighs then suddenly a loud horn made us jump i look at the light and it was green "Shit" i mumble then began driving again. "What. was. that?" Y/N said panting "Sorry, I was distracted" i said "With?" I gulped "Something" i sighed "Okay" she said.

We finally arrived my place and we both got out and went inside. "Oh great" I mumble when I saw my parents "Oh hi Lauren, and hello to you" My mom greeted Y/N gave her a sweet smile "Hello Mrs Jauregui" my mom smiled "No dear, just call me Clara" Y/N giggle then nodded "What's your name dear?" My mom ask "Oh my name is Y/N" Y/N said "Lovely, and to be honest you're beautiful" i groan and saw Y/N blushing "You're beautiful as well now I know where Lauren got her looks" Y/N said my mom clapped happily and hug her while I blush slightly. "Oh hey Lauren and friend" my dad greeted I smiled and hug him "Dad, this is Y/N" i introduced he stare at Y/N for a minute then smiled "I know you" he said "You do?" Y/N and I said shocked "Yeah, I met her father! And he showed me a picture of you! Well it's very nice to finally meet you!" My dad said hugging her "Oh, it's very nice to meet you too sir" she said "Ooh... Polite! I like it! Oh and call me Mike" i groan again "Can we go up now??" I ask my parents laugh then nodded "Bye , see you later" Y/N said waving at them.

I collapsed on my bed and I heard Y/N giggle closing the door, "Your parents are so nice" she said "And annoying" i added she sat beside me and slap my back playfully "Ouch" i joked "That doesn't even hurt" she said giggling "Yes it does! there might be a mark there" i continued she laugh i sat up and glare at her "I'm gonna tell mommy!" I said then crossed my arms she laughed at my actions and pulled me into a hug I wrap my arms around her sexy body. "Want me to kiss your booboo?" She said laughing i started to laugh and placed her in my lap "I wouldn't mind" i said she slap my arm "Ow!" I joked again "You hit me twice!" I pout "Lauren! that doesn't hurt either!" I began tickling her and she started laughing she was about to fall backwards but I caught her and placed her on my bed, i straddle her then continue to tickle her. "Stoop!! Pleasee!" she said panting I stopped and grin "You're an asshole!" She said I laugh and kissed her cheek "I'm an asshole?" She nodded smirking "Oh, so you want my fingers to work again huh?" I said tickling her again "NOOO!! LAUREN!" She squealed "Lauren?" The door opened and I jumped off at Y/N's lap. She was panting and sat up and saw my mom smirking "What were you guys doing?" I rolled my eyes "Mooooom! Really?" She laughed "Kidding! by the way there's waffles" she said then closed the door. "Ow, Lauren my sides hurt" she said pouting I laugh "Now you know how I feel" she glare at me "Yours really hurts" i sat up and kissed her cheek again "I'm sorry baby girl" i said rubbing her sides "I'll forgive you if we eat waffles" she said smirking i giggle "Fine" she clapped her hand happily then stood up. "And give me a piggy back ride" she said I groan playfully and she jump on my back wrapping her legs on my waist, as i held her legs I bit my lip. Shit her legs are so soft!

She wrap her arms right in my neck then we both went downstairs with my beauty princess at my back. I sat her down and gave her waffles, she smiled and began to eat. I stood beside her watching her eat "Hmm.. These are good" she moaned my breath hitched "Lauren taste it!" She said "No, I'm full" i argued playfully she pouted and pulled me to sit at where she was seating, she cut a piece and place it near my mouth "Eat it" she demanded "Well you're demanding" I joked she glare at me I started to laugh but once I opened my mouth she stuff the waffle piece in my mouth she laughed and it was my turn to glare at her. "That's not fair" i said with my mouth full "Lauren don't eat when your mouth is full" she said giggling i shrug "I'm still a kid y'know?" she smiled "I can tell by your actions Jauregui" I laugh and began eating her waffles "Hey! You said you were full!" Y/N said pouting "Well it was your fault, now I liked the taste" i said laughing she sat beside me glaring. "Oh come on, here" I said placing a piece near her mouth she was about to eat it but I pulled it back and shove it to my mouth. "How dare you!" She whine I laugh i wrap my arm around her pulling her close to me "No" she said moving away "Come on" I said moving near her. "Look!" She said pointing in a different direction and the stupid me followed, as I turn back her cheeks were stuff with waffles I look at the plate and there was nothing. I laugh at her cuteness "Really Y/N?" She nodded swallowing it. Gosh, my feelings for her is really growing.

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