Chapter 22

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Your POV:
Next morning I felt Lauren shift so I opened my eyes "What the hell?" I heard her mutter "Lauren?" She turn to me confused "Why am i here?" I was about to answer but she cut me off with another question "Why am I only sleeping with a bra and shorts? And why am I sleeping with you?" Yup she's back i sighed sadly "I'll answer your questions" she stood up "Okay" I sighed again "Well you were drunk last night so you told me to bring you here I changed your clothes and just leave your bra on since you always wanted to sleep with a bra and shorts and I was about to go downstairs so I could sleep there but you said that you wanted me to cuddle with you and.... That's it" I didn't want to her about the kiss though, she nodded "Does Brad know I left?" I shook my head 'no' "What?! What if he's worried Y/N??" I stood up and tried to calm her down but she back away "Stop" she grabbed her phone and her jaw dropped "Y/N what is this?" She showed me the picture of Brad and Vianca "Lauren I saw them making out while you were dancing with the girls" i said truthfully "Y/N I know Brad, he's a good guy and never cheats on me. He loves me! And this photos are shit I'm not believing this! are you trying to make me break up with him so you can just get me?!" I stood there shocked "What? Lauren N-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y/N I know you have feelings for me but I already told you! I'm not a fucking lesbian! You can't just send me fake photos of my boyfriend making out with someone! I don't love you Y/N!" This time I feel like I wanted to die ever since her words left her mouth tears uncontrollably flowing down my cheeks "B-but those p-photos aren't f-fake" I stutter "SHUT THE FUCK UP! Just face it! I don't love you! I love Brad! Look I'm sorry for yelling but sending me fake photos like this isn't gonna make me break up with him" Ally barged in my room "What the fuck is this?!" Lauren showed me the pictures I sent her "She sent me those fake pictures so that I could break up with Brad" Ally glared at her "Lauren those might be real" Lauren scoff "L-lauren.. Those aren't fake I really saw him making out with Vianca he was even squeezing her butt" I saw her got angrier, holy shit! then I felt her palm hit my face making me fall "Y/N!" Ally quickly hug me "What the hell is wrong with you Lauren?!" Lauren stood there shocked tears were about to fall but she quickly turn away "I'll never love you Y/N" she mumble then walked out of the house.

I sat there holding my cheek sobbing "Holy shit, your cheek is so red" she said caressing my cheek i winced cause it's painful but what she said was really hurtful. "I she doesn't l-love me" I stutter i began shaking and my sobbing got louder "Ally I love her! so much and her words just hurt me so much" I cried Ally had tears on her eyes "Please stop crying, i don't like seeing you cry" I laid my head on her chest crying my eyes out. "p-please... C-call K-Kevin" i said she nodded and called him she told me he's on his way. Ally helped me to my bed and laid me down "I'll wait for Kevin downstairs okay? And he'll be baby sitting you for a while when I'm at work okay?" I nodded slowly she kissed my painful cheek and went downstairs. I open up my phone and my lock screen just made my heart stop it was me and Lauren at the fair she was kissing my cheek and I was smiling. These memories are just making me sad even more i changed my wallpaper so that I'll not think about her but I miss her already.

My door opened and saw Kevin with worry on his face "Shit, are you okay?" He asked stroking my hair "C-cuddle.... with me p-please" he nodded and rushed to my side pulling me close to him. I wrap my arm around his muscular body and tighten my grip "What happened?" I told him what just happened today and he just kept rubbing my back and kissing my head which helps. "Those aren't fake I've seen them making out with my own eyes" he said "Really?" Ally asked walking to us "Yeah, well Y/N saw Brad walking somewhere so she followed him and she told me to follow her so we saw Brad and Vianca making out. Brad's hands was all over her you know butt squeezing, grinding and I know all this cause I'm in the basketball team and they always talk about how Vianca is so good in bed and how sexy and hot she is more than Lauren" he explained i tighten my grip "That bitch! I knew it! Cause from the start when Lauren started dating Brad there was something with him that isn't right" Ally said "Guys, who cares? She said she wouldn't believe it she's thinking it's FAKE" I sighed and burying my face into Kevin's neck wow he smells really good.

"Okay, we'll talk soon right now I gotta rush and get to work. Kevin are you okay with baby sitting my baby sister here?" Kevin smiled "Of course, I'll take good care of her I'll make sure she's happy" he said tickling me i began giggling "S-stop!" I said he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Alrighty then, see YA both later and hey! No funny business!" She pointed at Kevin who giggled "Not making any promises Ally, Y/N is a hot/cute type girl and I love that kind of girl so there maybe a time I'll bang her in the wall and just kiss her with so much love" I blush hard "Yes! I made her blush!" He threw a fist in the air making me laugh "Okay, but please use condoms! Or don't do anything else but kiss or make out" she said exiting my room "Bye mom!" She yelled a bye then exited the house.

So Kevin and I watched movies together and of course in every scene she jokes around. "Y/N I'm gonna be honest, I really really like you" he mumble I look at him and kissed his cheek "I also like you Kev but know that I have strong feelings towards Lauren" he nodded "I know, it's just.... Can you give me a chance?" He bit his lip nervously Aww he's so cute! "It's okay when you still have feelings for Lauren it's just I wanted to feel what it feels when you're my..... Girlfriend" I smiled he looks so cute when he's nervous "Well? Why aren't you saying the words?" I joked he giggle "Will you please give me a chance to call you my girlfriend?" I gave him my thinking face then taking him by surprise i peck his lips "Yes!" I said excitedly he grin "YES!!" He yelled "Shhh... Baby don't be noisy" he bit his lip "Ohh... Pet names I like it!" I laughed "But I'm sorry If I hurt you okay? I still have feelings for Lauren and I don't want you to get hurt. Don't worry i'll try my best to move on from her okay?" He nodded and kissed me I smile and kissed him back. "Dang, you have no idea how much I wanted to kiss your lips ever since I first saw you in school" he said "You're a romantic guy Huh?" I said Making him shrug. We both kissed again and it turn to a make out session.

So the whole day my boyfriend and I hung out and he managed to make me forget about Lauren. He made me laugh, smile and most importantly happy. I know I'll be happier with Lauren but I want to give Kevin a chance maybe I'll fall for him too cause look at him handsome, tall, got muscles, basketball player and of course sweet, romantic and so nice. He's actually like the PERFECT GUY to date, since he doesn't cheat well he only had 2 girlfriends but those girls cheated on him and I'm his 3rd. "Wait, you haven't cheated? Ever?" I ask he nodded "Yup, and I'll never do that like girls don't deserve to get hurt" I gave him an aw'ed face "Omg! You're such a sweetheart" he blushed and kissed my cheek "So I'll never cheat on you" i bit my lip and kissed him passionately.

Author's Note: Thank you guys for reading this story! I hope you're enjoying it though. I love you guys stay swaggy and awesome! 😂😊💕✌️🙈 feel free to comment and please vote thank youuuu

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