Chapter 28

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- Next Morning -

Lauren's POV:

I woke up and saw the girl i love is in my arms sound asleep i smile and kissed her forehead and bury my face into her hair. I heard my phone vibrate i groan and grabbed it i sighed and pull myself away from Y/N a little and unlocked my phone, i rolled my eyes when i read the message.

Brad: Baby, i'm so sorry! Please take me back? I can't take not talking to you.

Me: No Brad! Do me a favor, do not ever talk to me ever again! Just fuck off and go with that Vianca chick. Plus, i'm in love with someone.

Brad: Babe, i know you still love me. Remember the day we met? We both fell in love.

Me: I was asleep in that time Brad! I'm now awake and found my true love which isn't you!

Brad: Please? Just please take me back? I love you.

Me: Fuck. Off. Bye Brad. You're now on my past and you'll never be my future!

I was so annoyed at him, i shut my phone and slam it on the table making a loud thud causing Y/N to jump, shit! "Lauren?!" she screamed "Shh.. baby i'm here" i said rubbing her back she calmed down and hug me tightly "What was that?" she asked quietly "Sorry, that was my fault" i said i felt her nod. "Brad wants me back" i said i felt her tense up "But i said i was in love with you and i'm never taking him back" she then relaxed. "You know that i love you right?" i felt her nod again and she lift her head up looking at me with her bright eyes "and you know that i love you too right?" i giggle and nodded "Of course" she stuck her tongue out and i was about to kiss her but she move away "Brush" she said i groaned and she laughed. She stood up and went to the bathroom brushing her teeth and i was left on the bed, i spread my legs and arms stretching all of my muscles. Soon i stood up and went to the bathroom standing behind Y/N, i circle my arms around her waist as she brushed i got my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth as well. When we were both done i wiped my mouth with a towel and was about to kiss her again but she stopped me AGAIN "Ugh what now?" i groan she laughed "I'm hungry" she whine i rolled my eyes and was about to kiss her but she pushed my face slightly "Noo" she squealed i smirked and tickle her she let go of my face and i carried her to the bed and kissed her passionately i moaned when our lips touched.

We pulled away and i smiled goofily "You can't last a day without kissing me?" she ask "Nope, like i said you're my drug and i'm so addicted to you" her cheeks turn pink and gave me a quick peck "Stop flattering me! I WANNA EAT" she said i laughed and we both went downstairs. We sat at one of the tables and ordered our breakfast, as she played on her phone i stare at her beautiful face i place my arm on the chair just behind her and move closer to her. I wanna call her mine but she said she still wants to be single but hey! it's sooooooo slow! A different waiter came to our table and placed the food on the table "Thank you" Y/N said smiling at the waiter, the waiter blushed and stare at Y/N as she eats. I furrowed my eyebrows and cross my arms glaring at her, she's fucking checking my girl out! "Excuse me miss but are you single?" the waiter asked Y/N who has just stuffed the pancake on her mouth making her cheeks bigger the waiter and i awe'd but soon i glared at the waiter again. "Uh...yes i am why?" the waiter began flirting with her and i sat there boiling, "uh, shouldn't you go back to take the visitor's orders?" Y/N asked "I can stay and talk to you. Maybe give me your number?" i clench my fist "Sorry, i'm gonna be taken soon" Y/N said smiling "This girl over here will be mine soon just not today" Y/N said kissing my cheek i finally smiled "Well, she's ugly" the waiter mumble "Excuse me?!" i said angrily

"What? It's true. She deserves someone hotter than you" the waiter argued back my fist was ready to punch her but Y/N grabbed my hand "Baby, ignore her" she said rubbing my knuckles she kissed my cheek and i finally calmed down a little. "Look this girl here is so ugly and fat! Why are you in love with this chick? She's looks like trash! She looks like she-" she was cut off by Y/N "Excuse me? Can you not say those things to my girlfriend? Who are you to speak to her like that? You're just a stupid waiter who works here, you are nothing to me! and FYI she's hotter than you, her eyes are so beautiful compare to yours! Her body is hotter than yours! You're small and she's tall! Too bad girly i love tall girls and has green eyes not a piece of crap! And don't say she's fat, she's sexier than you! She has abs! Do you have abs? Oh wait you only have one. Face it woman she's gorgeous in every way whether you like it or not she's beautiful in my eyes. So do not say those mean things to her cause you are nothing compared to her! You're the one who looks like shit!" Y/N said angrily the waiter and i were shocked, WOAH she's so hot when she's mad. "I-i... i'm's jus-" she once against cut off "Just. leave. us. alone. and. NEVER. EVER. say. those. things. to. her. again! In other words FUCK. OFF" i bit my lip looking at my hot girlfriend the waiter mumble a sorry and ran away.

Y/N took a deep breath and look at me with soft eyes "Are you okay?" she asked concerned "Hell yeah! You were so hot! GOSH! That was hot!" she giggle "Well she can't talk to you like that. She can't say those mean words to my girlfriend" she said i smirked "Girlfriend?" she winked "Soon babe" i groan and she let out a laugh. "Honestly, you look so damn hot when you're mad babe. That was turning me on so much." i admitted she smiled at her food "Shut up and eat your breakfast before i bang you in this table and fuck you hard" she said my eyes widen she giggle "I'm kidding babe" my cheeks turned pink "Come on! We have to get home before 11 remember?" i nodded and quickly pulled her into a kiss before we finish our breakfast. We stood up and walk towards the exit but we were both stopped when we saw the waiter again, Y/N gave her a death glare before rolling her eyes and walks out like a diva i smirked at the waiter who was looking at us with jealousy on her eyes i ran up to Y/N and we both went to the room.

We entered the room and i jumped on the bed "She's such a piece of shit!" i laugh and pulled her to the bed she still looks pissed i smile and began kissing her neck. Soon she calmed down i lift my head up and smiled at her "Is it true?" she tilt her head to one side "What's true baby?" she brush my hair again which i love it when she does "I'm hotter than her? I'll admit she's really pretty, prettier than me" i said frowning she laughed "In my eyes she looks like crap, but when i first saw her i thought yeah she's pretty but when i saw her attitude? Dang, i was wrong who would like that kind of girl? Anyway even though she's pretty i still find my Jaureugi prettier well gorgeous. and i really love tall people i'm not saying i hate small people cause i am one but i'm saying i hate small people with that attitude. They're a piece of poop!" i laugh "Do you really love me?" i ask she rolled her eyes playfully "Lauren, i'm madly in love with you!" i smiled again she makes me smile ALL THE TIME "Okay, i'm madly in love with you too" then we kissed.

It was now 10:00 am and we have to leave this hotel soon, i carried her bag and my bag to my car and open the door for her she thanked me with a kiss and of course she always leave me with a goofy smile. We arrived at her house and i said i'll be back later afternoon since i have to go home for a while she nodded and gave me a long kiss before going to her house.

Your POV:

I went inside the house and hug Ally "Hey... how was the date?" she asked i plop down the couch and smiled dreamily "Perfect" she laughed "Well looks like you had fun" i nodded "Lauren is just so......PERFECT" i sighed happily "Okay, i'm going to my room now" i said running upstairs. I change into my home clothes and just go to sleep since i'm still a little tired.

Hours later i woke up stretching my arms then i felt someone behind me i turn to the person and smiled "Hey, when did you get here?" i ask she smiled and shrugged "Just 2 hours ago" my jaw dropped "What? why didn't you wake me up babe?" i ask her "i love seeing your peaceful face" i moved closer to her and kiss her. "Mmm... baby the girls are also downstairs" she said breaking the kiss i nodded and pulled her back to the kiss but she broke it again "They're waiting for you baby" i rolled my eyes "Stooop breaking the kiss!" i said then pout "aww, sorry here let me kiss you" she said then gave me a long kiss. I sighed happily and we both pulled back "Carry me please?" i said pouting "Ugh what? that's unfair!" she gave her my puppy eyes "Please? You love me right?" she nodded "Carry me then!" she shook her head no "Fine then i'm staying up here" i said facing my back at her. "You big baby!" she said then she lift me up and carried me bridal style "I love you" i said giggling "I hate you" she placed me down i greeted the girls with a hugs and we started making a conversation.

I was getting sleepy, it was 11:45 already and the girls were sleeping over, i was sitting between Lauren's legs in the couch my back on her front. I bury my face into her neck inhaling her sweet scent before leaving small kisses, Lauren just brushed my hair with her fingers while i kiss her soft neck. "Is my baby girl sleepy?" i nodded pouting "Aww.. come on then" she said standing up "Guys, see y'all tomorrow" they said goodnight and Lauren and i went up to my room. I yawned and pull Lauren to the bed "Cuddle with me please" she followed me and i place my head on her chest and tangle our legs. "Thank you Lauren, for everything. I really had fun with you yesterday and today, you're so perfect and this day is perfect too" i said smiling at her "Thank you too beautiful, now go get your beauty sleep" i blushed and kissed her one last time before we sleep. "Goodnight Lolo" i said "Goodnight baby girl" i then fell asleep with her fingers brushing my hair.

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