Chapter 43

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Lauren's POV

It's now 7 and the girls are doing their make up and hair and started dressing up, i was wearing a short black dress and some black heels and my make up was black. I saw Y/N and smiled she looks so cute and sexy at the same time with her dress, i walk to her and place my hands on her hips as she put on here eyeliner. "Hey gorgeous" she blushed "Stop distracting me baby i'm doing my eyeliner" she said trying to concentrate but a smile was forming on her lips. I giggle and kiss her neck inhaling her sweet scent, she moaned quietly and bump her butt to my front "Stop" she said glaring at me. I smile innocently and hug her from behind instead, "Why are you so sexy and gorgeous?" i ask she smirked "I got my sexiness and my gorgeousness from the person behind me." she simply said and i blush hard. "And that is??" she raised an eyebrow at me at the mirror "Michelle Jauregui" i frown "It's Laureeeeen" i whine she laughed "Alright, MY Lauren" she said and turn to me. She peck my lips and i can't stop blushing, i spin her away then back into my arms she giggle and shook her head "Stop with the charms" she said then got her purse.

"But I'm so good with it" I pout she laughed "Yeah I know, and I'm falling even more every time you do it." She said winking at me I stayed quiet and blushed. "Oh, so that's how I shut you up?" I stayed quiet again she laughed "No I know, oooh I know one more thing to shut you up" she then walk to me and pressed her lips on mine I shivered and kiss her back. "Alright love birds, stop with the touchy touchy cause we have to party party." Ally said "AYEEE!!" Normani said walking to Ally. We laughed and nodded, we picked Lily up in her house and I can't help but feel uncomfortable. Soon we arrived and entered the huge house, "woah" I said looking around this is huge! How many bed rooms are in here?! "Come on babe" Lauren dragged me to the bar and I sat at the stool "Here" Lauren gave me a drink and I smiled "Thank you, I won't drink that much though. I have to be the sober one" she said I nodded and drank some on her cup. I pulled her in the dance floor and we began dancing, she seductively sway her hips and I can't help but bite my lip as I look at her booty. "Damn baby you've got a huge ass" I said palming her butt cheeks but she slap them away "No touchy touchy my butt" she said shaking her finger from left to right. I groan and just place my hands on her hips, I began twirling her around and she laugh.

When I turn around someone got my girl and started grinding into her, Y/N looked uncomfortable and tried to get out but couldn't cause of the guy's grip. I clench my fist and punch the guy in the stomach "Do not touch my girl again!!" I yelled at him "Calm down asshole!" I slap him and drag Y/N away from him. "Are you okay?" I ask she nodded "That was just super weird and uncomfortable" she said I sighed and nodded. We began dancing again until Dinah and Normani pulled us away from the crowd and sat us down with the other girls. I pulled Y/N on my lap and wrap my arms around her, "Truth or Dare Lauren?" Dinah asked "What? why me first?" I ask "Because we already started we just couldn't find you and yo girl a while ago." I sighed "Truth" I said "Okay, did you do something to Y/N that she never knew about?" She asked Y/N eyed me and I blush. "Uh... I went through her phone a while ago when she dropped it and saw her selfies then sent them all to my phone." I admitted I blush when they laugh and Y/N was smiling at me "Dork" she said I pout she giggle and kiss me. "Which ones?" She asked "Most of them are the really sexy ones, it turns me on" I said the last part quietly but she heard it. She laughed "Well I think I should take more sexy photos huh?" I blush even more "I think so" I said smirking "In your dreams! I won't send them to you!" I stuck my tongue at her.

"Alright Y/N, Truth or Dare?" Y/N thought for a while "Truth" she said shrugging "Uhm... Have you ever turned Lauren on?" She laughed "Yup, a looooot of times. Right babe?" She looked at me I blush again and hide my face in the crook of her neck while they all laugh. "Ugh guys stop making me blush! Y'all suck!" I groan "We love you!" We then continued the game. The bottle landed on me for the sixth time, I groan "Dare" I said to Lily. "I dare you to kiss me" my eyes widen and I felt Y/N tensed up"W-what?! No!" She smiled "Come on, it's just a silly game. Plus, if you don't do it or if we don't do what the dare is or if we don't say the truth we drink this" she said showing me the disgusting liquid. "Ew, what's in it?" I ask she shrug "I don't know with Dinah" Dinah smirked "You don't wanna know" I sighed "No, if I do that I'll be cheating on my girl" I said hugging Y/N. "Lauren it's just game, come on just one peck" Lily said I look at Y/N and she was frowning "Well it's my girl's choice" I said kissing her cheek. "Well, I don't want you to drink that and this will hurt me a little but I don't have a choice" she said looking at me. "I can drink that" I said unsure "Lauren I know you're hesitant. I don't want you to vomit either so yeah whatever." she said sitting beside me. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you" I said caressing her cheek she smiled slightly "It's just a peck right?" I nodded "Not longer I promise" I promised she nodded.

I hesitantly look at Lily and was smiling "I-I can't do this! I feel like a horrible person for doing this!" I said looking at Y/N who smiled sadly "I don't want you to drink that babe" she said I sighed deeply "Screw it, I rather drink that disgusting thing than to feel like a cheater for kissing Lily." I said getting the disgusting liquid. I look at it with disgust "Baby you don't have to drink you can just kiss her" she said I shook my head "No, I rather drink this" I then take two gulps immediately place it back and drank water. "EW EW EW!!" I said shutting my eyes tightly "Do you want mint?" ally asked "Yes please " I whispered Y/N got the mint and place it on my tongue. Soon when I tasted the mint I calmed down "That is so fucking disgusting!" I said pulling Y/N back to my lap hugging her tightly. She smiled and hug me "I love you" she whispered "I love you more" I said kissing cheek. We all continued the game and I begged them to not include the kissing, touching or any sexual things cause if they did I'm out of the game. I brushed Y/N's hair back as she watch Ally doing her dare, I kissed the side of her head and lean my head on hers. She looked like she was falling asleep but kept her eyes open "Baby I know you're sleepy" I cooed in her ear she look at me sleepily and nodded. I smiled and wrap my arms around her tightly, I place her head on my chest and kiss her head "You sleep for a while baby" I said she nodded and close her eyes.

I look at her while she sleep and brush her hair back, I caress her cheek then kissed her forehead. "We're gonna dance Lauren you coming?" Camila asked I shook my head "Nah i'm good, I have to take care of my sleeping beauty." I said hugging Y/N "Aw, okay! see yah!" Then they all started dancing. I look down and stare lovingly at my girlfriend before i was interrupted "Hey, can you come with me?"I heard Lily asked i look up "I'm sorry but she's asleep and i don't want her to be alone." i said looking at the peaceful Y/N. "Hey Lo, i'm here so you can dance or whatever" Ally said i kissed Y/N's forehead and lift her head up a little so Ally can seat and place her head on Ally's chest gently. "I'll be back" i said caressing Y/N's cheek, "Okay" Ally said, i look up to Lily and nodded. We both went to the bar and got a drink, we started chatting and she kept offering me more drinks. When she offered me the 3rd drink i was hesitant since i'm feeling a little dizzy "I'm fine" i said "Come on Laur! You're so mean!" i giggle and nodded. Few minutes later i was now drinking my 6th drink, my mind isn't processing that much. I feel numb and really dizzy "Wheeerreee isss Y/NNNN?" i slurred i saw her smirked and got my phone on my pocket. "What's the password Lo?" she asked and the stupid drunk me entered the password.

When i drink my cup she gave me back my phone and i look at her weirdly then shrugged and started laughing. "Lauren, i love you" she said then the next thing i knew her lips were already in mine, my eyes went wide and tried to push her but i was too weak she gave me too much alcohol and now i don't have the strength to push her. Then suddenly she was pushed away then a beautiful angel came "Baby!" i said and tried walking to her but i always trip. She caught me an look at me with teary eyes "Whyyyy areee youuuu cryinggg?" i slurred i tried wiping her tears away but she back away still holding me since i will fall if she let go "Why did you break up with me?" she asked weakly. "What?" i ask he kept crying and hug me "Please don't break up with me." she begged and i was so confused.

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