Chapter 49

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Your POV

We all went back to the tour bus and i was a little scared or something when i saw Brad's face when he was looking at Lauren, i can't help the feeling i feel really scared. I then felt a soft hand cupping my cheek i look up and saw my favorite green eyes "Hey are you okay?" i gulped and nodded "you're lying i can see it in your eyes" she said staring right into my eyes. "Lauren i'm fine" i said closing my eyes "Really? why don't you wanna look at me in the eyes?" i took a deep breath and look up at her eyes again. "See you're lying" she said caressing my cheek "what's wrong?" she asked "it's just..." i sighed deeply "I feel something bad is gonna happen to us....or you" i mumble she looked at me sadly "Baby nothing's gonna happen to me alright? nothing is gonna happen between us." she said hugging me. "I hate this feeling Lauren, the way Brad was looking at you at dinner it was like he was planning something to do to you." i admitted i gulped and my eyes started to water.

"No baby, please don't cry" she said wiping my eyes "i promise nothing is gonna happen" she said cupping my cheeks "i'm just scared to lose you" she leaned it and kiss me with all the love she can give just to make me happy and i can feel it. I finally smiled and kiss her back with the same force, i then felt her snake her hands to my waist and to my butt, i snake mine to her neck and deepen the kiss. "Let's go to the bunks" she mumble "Jump" she said and i did and she walk us to her bunk and lay me down, she went on top of me and closed the curtain and attacked my neck making me moan. My shaky hands went to unclasp her bra and took off her shirt, i bit my lip and kissed her while my hands went to her chest and..........

When we finished we were both panting and prepared to shower, we both went inside the shower and washed ourselves. After that we dressed up and then i was looking for my other underwear, what the hell where is it? I started looking for it and then i saw Midnight chewing on my underwear! my jaw dropped "LAUREN!" i screamed she then ran to me "What?" i pointed to Midnight she laughed hard "Is that?" i nodded she laughed again i glare at her and the puppy and got it. "You pervert! you're a pervert like your mom!" i said Lauren laughed and hug Midnight "We love you too mommy" she said kissing the puppy's head. "I love you both" i said and kissed their heads before washing my underwear.

- Next day -

The girls had to be in the studio and Lauren wanted me to come "Do i really have to go baby?" i asked she nodded "Yes, please?" she did her puppy face "aw" she smirked and kissed me "Come on baby" she said and lift me up. "Okay okay" i said giggling she smiled and place me down, "let's go" she said and we entered the studio, we then saw Austin Mahone and The Vamps, i sighed and held Lauren's hand tighter. "Hey guys" Brad greeted oh shit. "Hi" i said "Come on Y/N i changed" he said looking at me, i rolled my eyes and took Lauren away from him. Yeah right asshole! Lauren gave me a soft kiss on my lips when they are needed to practice their dance i sighed and just stare at her butt as she shake it. I bit my lip and suddenly I saw her wink at me at the mirror I blushed and look away. "Alright guy, we want a picture of you guys and The Vamps" the photographer said I rolled my eyes.

I then saw Brad walking to Lauren and placed his arm around her waist not really since it was going down to her ass, i bit my lip hard and glare at his hand. He then pulled Lauren close to him i took a deep breath and went outside the studio and went to the roof, i needed air, i don't like seeing them together it makes me sick. As i arrived at the roof top i sat at one of the chairs and sighed i look at the beautiful view in front of me and hopefully they finish that photoshoot thing. I then heard my phone ringing but i can't be bothered at the moment i want to be alone for a while. I sighed and played some music from my phone just to make me feel slightly better, i then sang along with the music but then my phone kept vibrating. I groan and look at my phone i had 7 messages from Lauren and 5 from the girls, and i had 10 missed calls from Lauren and 7 from the girls, i unlock my phone and read the girl's messages first.

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