《61》Start Over.

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It was 10pm. I was walking back home exhausted and hungry. I had styled hair for two people and I was trying to rush back home at that ungodly hour.

My phone rang, it was an unknown number. I sighed wearily, I wouldn't be able to plait anyone's hair this night. It was way too late but I picked anyways to turn down the offer.

"Hello, good evening. I'm ––" I was cut off.

A man spoke. "Good evening ma'am. I'm so sorry to call you this late at night. My daughter's hair is a big mess and I don't know what to do. She has school tomorrow and I don't want her looking like a neglected child. Please come to my house, I'd double the pay and send my driver to drop you off. Please." He said it all at once not allowing me to breathe a reply.

I groaned inwardly.

"It's too late sir. Can't you look up something online? There are many videos you can watch on YouTube."

"I can't. Please come, I'd triple the pay and even drop you off myself. We were so busy and we lost track of time. Her mummy isn't around too and she has been crying, you know how children can be." He pleaded.

He said he'd triple the pay, what are you waiting for? Accept it.

It's too late Jenny. What if something happens to me?

Come on, this is the safest estate in the world. Take the offer, he's waiting.

"Okay, I'd come. I understand how it feels to be the odd one out on a Monday morning."

"Great!" He exclaimed then cleared his throat when he probably saw he was over excited.

"What's your address sir?"

"Ogun street. O17"

Wasn't it Ogun street I was earlier today when I met Vincent?

Did he?

Nah, I didn't give him my phone number so he couldn't have had it.

Jaded, I heaved a sigh of weariness, turned to my left and footslogged through the streets of the estate. I got to the street and dialled his number. Then I saw someone holding a phone walking up to me.

On a closer view, I realized that, that was no stranger. It was Vincent. Seething with anger, I gritted my teeth and approached him menacingly. He was going to see my worse side that night. He walked up to me and stopped right in front of me.

"Hey." He spoke with his hands in his pocket and a smirk forming on his lips.

"You must be crazy." I hissed loudly.

"Come on. My acting skills were dope right?" He asked nonchalantly, ignoring the fact that my blood was boiling.

"I can't deal with this rubbish right now. How can you even do this nonsense? Do you know what the time is?" I exclaimed vexedly, my fists were clenched and I was ready to fight or at least do what I thought was fighting.

"Please listen to me. I want to talk to you, please." His nonchalant attitude disappeared when he saw I was angry.

I scoffed. "You wanted to talk to me? By this time? And by lying? You can't be serious." I turned and started walking away, silently hoping that he'd stop me.

I was mad yes but I still wanted to talk. There were a lot of things I needed to get off my chest.

He held my hand, I smiled hiddenly. "Let's go into the house, it is late and getting cold. I'm sorry for lying but to be honest, you wouldn't have come any other way. So you really can't blame me."

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