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Ann came back the next morning and was arranging some of her stuff into the wardrobe and was making a lot of noise. At first, I thought I was hearing the noise in my dream until I peeked and saw her throwing clothes into the wardrobe. They would fall back out; she would hiss loudly and groan before proceeding to throw it back inside again.

I watched her for some minutes before I decided I had had enough of her noise. "Madam, what are you doing?" I sighed.

She screamed and jumped. "I'm trying to shove these stupid clothes into the wardrobe." She groaned.

"Then do it quietly. I slept with one eye open last night and I am not yet ready to wake up yet."

She laughed. "What do you mean one eye opened?"

"Because I was afraid. Jonathan came here yesterday and ––" I trailed off, not knowing how to say the next words.

"So, did you finally agree to be his girlfriend?" She chuckled and looked at me and saw I wasn't smiling. She quickly wiped the smile off her face.

"He tried to rape me." I sobbed.

She screamed. "What!!" She jolted upright from her kneeling position and gaped at me. I looked at her hoping she would say more but she was truly speechless.

I continued. I told her everything that happened the previous night. All through, she just stared at me in disbelief and was utterly shocked and silent. I concluded and there was another round of total silence before she finally spoke up.

"Wow, I can't believe this."

"I'm still in shock too. What was going through my head was that he was going to kill me and dispose of my body where no one would ever find me."

"God forbid such a thing!" She exclaimed. "I'm going to look for him tomorrow at the faculty and give him a piece of my mind. What a stupid human being!" She retorted.

"There is no point in doing all of that. Nothing happened to me, so don't confront him so you wouldn't have a target on your back." I said, trying to convince her to change her mind. Who knows if he was completely honest about not still being with his gang members.

"Heaven knows I'm not going to return to that fellowship and I'm going to tell Chisom about it. If he ever crosses my path, I'm going to teach him a lesson."

"I'm not going back there either." I added quietly.

The next time I saw Chisom in class, I made sure to tell her all that happened. Just like Ann, she was speechless and I made it clear to her that I wasn't returning to the fellowship anymore, I just couldn't stand the sight of him. He disgusted me.


Jonathan kept on calling me. I didn't know what he was calling me for and why, but he just continued calling. I never answered until I eventually blocked his number. He called with different numbers, immediately I heard his voice, I hung up. He continued doing that with numerous numbers till I finally changed my phone number.

He wanted to frustrate me but his plan failed.

Months passed but I was still living under the impression that Jonathan was going to show up at the apartment one day. I kept having nightmares whereby I would forget to lock my door and then he would just appear. Sometimes I dreamt that whenever I opened the main door, he would just be sitting on the couch pointing and laughing at me. Those kinds of laughs, that, meant 'even with everything you've been doing, I was still able to get in'. Other times I would look out through the window and see him or someone that looks like him just standing and gazing at my window waiting for me to look outside.

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