《39》Port Harcourt.

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"So that's how you did not agree to be my girlfriend and now you're going away." Kola chuckled as he put the gear in park at the airport's car park.

I snorted. "There are many girls in Lagos. You would find another girl just not like me."

He sighed. "Don't whine yourself too much. Anyways, I wish you best of luck in Port Harcourt and take good care of yourself over there. I wish I could stay longer with you to keep you company but I have an errand to run."

"No problem Kay. Thank you for bringing me to the airport." We got down from the car and hugged before he got back in and drove away. I walked into the building, got my ticket cleared and went to the departure lounge to wait for my flight which was in two hours' time.


The flight to Port Harcourt was really smooth. It took about one hour and some minutes. Honestly, I was very nervous, this was my first time travelling by plane and this was also my first time going to another state all on my own.

I was really elated because I was going to put all my pasts behind me. My old friends and disappointments. Everything. This was a chance to start anew, become a new and better person. A new beginning as I fondly called it.

The night before, I called Miss Ibinabo to inform her about my flight scheduled for 4pm. I was expecting her to be at the airport to pick me up. As soon as the plane landed in Port Harcourt, I got off, grabbed my boxes and went to the arrivals section to look for Ibinabo so that we could go home and I could rest.

I quickly fished out my phone from my bag and dialled her number when I didn't see her. She didn't pick after the first dial, so I thought she might be driving and couldn't use her phone. After fifteen more minutes, I called again and she still didn't respond.

I was getting really impatient, I called again and she finally answered. "Hello." She spoke with a muffled voice.

"Are you asleep? I'm at the airport in Port Harcourt!" I laid emphasis on Port Harcourt and facepalmed myself in disbelief.

"Are you serious? I forgot."

"You for what!" I screamed. "How long would it take you to get here?"

"Two hours or less."

I sighed. "Please hurry up, I'm tired and hungry."

She apologised. "I'm so sorry, I would be on my way now."

"Okay." I hung up annoyed. I pulled my boxes to a corner of the airport lounge and sat down close to the window. I sat there staring at the planes taking off and landing, the sight was just beautiful.

Beautiful creations of man! I smiled to myself as if I was part of the crew that built it.

I started picturing myself in a pilot's uniform sitting in the cockpit and then announcing to the passengers. 'Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, Captain Janette Williams and I would be flying you from Nigeria to the United states at altitude blah blah and latitude blah blah blah, (no one understands what those pilots say). Sit back, buckle your safety belt and enjoy the ride.' I smiled sheepishly at the thought of that. It wasn't bad.

All of a sudden, from out of nowhere, I perceived an ambrosial scent. The scent was so divine and impossible to ignore. I had to look at whoever was the wearer of that cologne. I turned sharply to look at the wearer of that wonderful cologne that made all my sense organs stop working. He was seated opposite me, though there was a space between us his cologne still got my attention.

I stared at him completely enthralled by what I saw. Do you remember that guy I met when I was in year one, this other guy had to be his older brother. He was talking to someone on the phone. Perfect opportunity for me to admire him more. I grinned to myself.

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