《62》Our Love Story.

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I didn't sleep peacefully as my whole body and soul kept on having conflicts. I really wished there was someone that could tell me what to do because right now 'follow your heart' didn't seem like a good advice when my heart was split into two.

I got off the bed, ready to perform my daily routine when my phone rang. I hurriedly picked up the call cause it could be a well paying client.

"Hello, please don't hang up." Was the first thing I heard.

"Oh really, why?" I frowned even though I was happy that he was chasing me.

"It's Williams. He won't stop crying since he woke up, he won't eat or let me touch him and he keeps repeating mum–my. I'm all out of options. I think he wants you, please don't refuse the poor boy."

"I think you should speak for yourself because I know this is another prank and I don't hear any crying."

"That's because he's in the living room with a friend and I'm in the bedroom."

"I'm not moving an inch until I hear him crying." I spoke stubbornly. Even though all parts of me wanted to drop everything I was doing and race to his house. I was still forming 'hard girl'.

"Alright. Brace yourself for the loudest baby cry in the world."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, kidnapper." After a short while, I started hearing loud cries in the background.

"Can you hear that?" He asked.

"I heard. Ask your friend to feed him because I don't know what you want me to do."

"Just come over. Do it for Williams, I promise, I won't waste your time with my talks."

"Really? Did you beat the poor boy so I could come?" I was enjoying teasing him.

He groaned. "Janette, I'm serious. I don't want him to get sick. Please."

"Fine." I sighed, not like I had any other thing to do, I just wanted to tease him. At least, I'd finally be able to hear what he had to say and maybe, just maybe, we would sort out our issues and see where life takes us. "I'd be there in an hour."

"Make it shorter." He ordered. That was when it dawned on me that Vincent really loved his son and was going to do anything for him. It also made me fall in love with him more even though I wasn't going to admit that yet.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and hung up. I hurriedly took my bath, got dressed and flew over to his house. I wasn't only going to see Williams, I also wanted to see Vincent and hear him out.

When I got to his street, he was by his gate pacing around frantically.

"Thank God, you're here. At last." He heaved a sigh of relief and pulled me into the compound almost making me miss my step but he was quick to stop me from falling.

As we approached the door, I could hear Williams loud wailing. I was immediately moved with compassion and pity. I scurried into the sitting room and saw him on the friend's lap crying dolefully, kicking and screaming.

"Oh!" I exclaimed sadly as my heart melted. I hated seeing children cry, I always felt sad. The sight was just too displeasing to behold, his face was stained with tears. There was food everywhere, on his body, the chair, the lady's clothes and yet I don't think any food had entered his mouth. I stood looking at him, thinking of how I was going to take him away from the lady because he was going to mess up my clothes.

He looked up and saw me. With tears welled up in his eyes, he stretched out his hands for me to take him and at that moment I didn't care if he was a total mess. I dropped my bag on the floor and lifted him off the lady who seemed pleased to have him off her. I patted his back for a while before his wailings subsided to whimpers.

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