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As fast as it came, the holidays ended and it was time to get back to school. I was very pleased, I had missed school so much. I get to be myself when I was among my mates than the fake face I put up at home.

Activities resumed very fast and everything was back to normal except, classes were less congested now as everyone wasn't offering faculty courses as in our first year. But a few of us in biological sciences still offered some courses together and that was when I met him.

"Hi. I've been seeing you for quite sometime now and I think you're really cool and I'd love to be your friend." I was so engrossed with what I was doing on my phone and my headphones were on that I pretended to not have noticed him hoping he would go away. I needed zero interruption.

"Hello..." he drawled, waving his hands to catch my attention. I looked up slowly to see another handsome guy staring at me. Mehn, this school was crawling with handsome guys everywhere.

I was instantly captivated by his handsomeness. Having a baby with him seemed more realistic than with the other guy.

He was tall and skinny. Just how I liked my guys. He was also dark skinned, had the most beautiful pair of black round sparkling eyes I had ever seen, his eyebrows were thick. His face was clear unlike mine that looked like a battlefield and hosted no beard. He was clean-shaven. His hair was ebony and he had white hair tossed around on his head.

It had been rumoured that young people with white hair were usually very wise and intelligent which was a good thing because our children would be wise and intelligent.

Focus Janette. You can't go around imagining having kids with every fine guy you come across. My subconscious finally spoke some sense into me.

I smiled to myself for a while before realizing he had been standing before me, talking to me. And my mind was wandering like a lost soul.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." I apologized as I took off my headphones and turned it off to pay more attention. "What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to say "Hi". I've been seeing you around and I felt like talking to you and knowing you more. If that's ok with you though."

"Oh, that's okay." I replied, amusingly.

I thought I was invisible, apparently I wasn't.

"Alright. Well, my name is Vincent, I'm in Cell biology and genetics department and I really like making friends especially pretty ones." He extended his hand to shake my hand.

I blushed slightly but quickly concealed it. "Hello Vincent, I'm Janette and I'm in Biochemistry department." I took his hand into mine and couldn't help but notice how soft his palm was for a guy.

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked

Obviously not! I still had to play 'hard to get' plus I just met him. So that was a big no.

"No, I don't think so. We just met and I'd like to know you well enough to know that you aren't creepy." I blurted and wished I hadn't said that last part out loud.

"Oh, it's okay. I understand your point of view. I was too forward." I noticed his countenance fall. "When we get to know each other better, you'd feel a lot more comfortable around me and don't worry, I'm not creepy." He smiled. His smile was so radiant and sexy, I almost felt like kissing him.

I had self restraint. I didn't want to come off as creepy so instead I thought of something else to say. I smiled back with what I thought was a sexy smile but I think I looked like a frog with what I did."Yeah, so, I'd ––"

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