《32》Jonathan again.

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I got to my apartment by eleven o'clock in the morning. As I ascended the third flight of stairs going to the fourth set. I detected an oddly familiar scent of someone but I couldn't quite place who it was.

Was it Peter or Vincent, Alex, Franklin or Jonathan? I shuddered at the thought of it being Vincent or Jonathan.

I got to the fourth set of stairs and there he was standing in all his glory. I rolled my eyes and groaned in displeasure. "What are you doing here?" I growled. My keys were in my hands but immediately I saw him, I threw it into my bag and walked up the stairs to my door to challenge him. Like I could fight.

"I told you I wasn't going to give up on you." He simpered.

I snorted. "And I told you to never set your two left legs in my apartment again. Do you wish to spend the rest of your life in prison? Leave this building right now otherwise I would call the police."

He laughed. "Police? I never knew you were such a joker." He derided.

"I said get out. I need to get into my house." I yelled.

"Then go in but I'm coming with you to finish what I started. Thankfully your trouser isn't tight. I can easily rip it off." He sneered.

"Leave or else I will stab you with my knife. I'm serious." I fumbled with my bag looking for the knife I didn't have. I looked at him, he didn't look affected by what I said.

"Empty threats." He grabbed my hand forcefully. "Open this door now!" He ordered angrily.

I tried to think of anything I had in my bag that could act as a weapon. There was nothing except my pen which would be of little help. "Leave me alone." I yelped. "You scoundrel! Leave my hand this minute." I tried to wriggle my hand free but he intensified his grip so I dropped my bag that was in my other hand and slapped his face with all my strength. He didn't even rub the spot; it was as if I just touched his face with my hand. I winced.

"You know, I thought you were smart but you're not. I was always calling you but you kept on blocking my numbers till your number eventually stopped working. I had guys following you around but at a distance. The other day I saw Ann moving out meaning you were all alone and I was free to do whatever I wanted with you." He stated, emphatically.

I shuddered at what he said. He could have harmed me all along if he wanted but he didn't. I thought I was being paranoid but I wasn't. I even thought I was running mad. "You've been stalking me? I wasn't being paranoid all those while. Let go of me, you are hurting me." I cried and tried to wriggle my hand out of his grasp but he was too strong.

"I wanted you to believe that. That was my plan. There's nothing else I want to see now except your downfall. You are going to pay dearly for choosing Vincent and rejecting me." He smirked smugly.

I screamed again. He was going to hurt me. He picked up my bag and started searching for my keys. I asked myself where my neighbours were because we were still in front of my apartment door or were they minding their business? Before I could cry for help again, someone came.

Finally! I heaved

"What are you doing? Who are you? Let her be." Mr. Wale asked all at once and walked over to us and yanked his hand away from my arm much to my relief. I looked at my hand and saw the impression his hand made on my skin.

"Leave us alone. It doesn't concern you." Jonathan snapped at him.

"Please help me. This guy is mad, he is not my boyfriend!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I looked at Mr. Wale with tears filled eyes, his neutral expression was replaced with anger.

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