《3》New Friends.

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Monday morning, I woke up to the shrilling sound of my alarm. It was five forty five am, I snoozed for another ten minutes, I wasn't ready to wake up.

As I tried to return back to bed, the room lights came on stinging my eyes instantly. I shot an evil glare at the person who turned it on and hissed under my breath. I knew it was time to get off the bed. I got down, took off my night wear, put on my towel and took the slowest walk ever to the bathroom.

By the time I was done, it was twenty minutes past six. Whoa, I spent a lot of time taking my bath. I hurriedly got dressed, took my bag and left the hostel.

I got to the cab park and the queue was as long as half a train. I groaned internally, I knew I was going to be late for my eight am class.

Way to go sleeping beauty, I thought to myself.

I joined the queue because there was no way I was going to walk from the hostel to the faculty, very impossible.
Incase you haven't noticed, I'm that lazy.

After thirty agonising minutes, it finally got to my turn to get a cab, I got in. I reached down campus where my faculty was, quite fast but not early enough apparently.

Why did my hostel have to be far from the faculty? I hissed angrily


I got to the faculty and was confused, I realised I didn't know the exact venue for my class. If only I had gone to the orientation class last month, I would have known my course mates and course rep. I looked around to see if I could find someone in a higher level or anyone that could help me.

I immediately spotted someone that I thought would be of help.

"Hi" I said as I approached him, he turned to look back at me.

I was slightly thrown off balance. This guy had to be a god, his face was perfect, his eyes were brown and dreamy, I just wanted to drown in the deep brown waters of his eyes, he was tall and muscular too, he was also fair in complexion. He had pink lips and a chiseled good looks.

He fitted the description of my dream prince charming except I didn't know if he was rich but I already started imagining having his babies, my ovaries were leaping for joy. I think I started drooling, I was not sure but I think so.

He was so fine but I knew I would probably not be his type. So I consoled and composed myself immediately as I was never to be caught unfresh and asked, "huh, do you know where year one students might be having their class?"

"Have you checked NLT?" He asked.

"NLT?? Sorry, I don't know where it is." I replied, confused.

"Okay, I'll take you there," he offered.

Yay! I inwardly screamed.

I beamed widely, my eyes lit up like a child that was given candy. I dreamt of holding his hands while taking the nice romantic stroll that didn't take up to thirty seconds, my countenance fell.

As soon as it started, it came to an abrupt end. I was surprised and sad at the same time. I didn't even catch his name nor his phone number and he didn't ask for mine.

"Well, here's NLT, there's A and B. Do you have your timetable with you?"

I nodded and searched my phone for the general timetable that was sent to the faculty group chat. Soon enough I found the course I was having that period and its exact venue.

"Thanks," I said, still quite sad.

"Sure, no problem. See you around," he turned and walked away.

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