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I checked my phone for the umpteenth time that evening hoping to see a 'hi' or a missed call from him. I got nothing. I mean, what was I expecting? After walking out on him when we were about to get in the moment.

Great! I muttered to myself.

"Did you say something?" Ibinabo asked.

"I think I might have scared Abbey away." I facepalmed myself.

"You what? You guys didn't even sit in the car for more than fifteen minutes. What did you do?" She ranted.

"Nothing. Why were you even spying on us?" I raised my brows.

"What did you do?" She asked, ignoring my question.

"I just refused to kiss him. Don't I have the right to refuse to kiss someone?" I questioned rhetorically.

"I'm sure you didn't scare him away. He probably just wants to give you space. I mean you must have your reasons for refusing to kiss him." She stated like she knew him.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Space? That's what you're going with?"

"I'm not sure, I just guessed. Text him, I'm sure you have his phone number."

"I would do that." I sighed.

I unlocked my phone, opened his chat and made a really bold move.

Me- Hey...

I decided to leave it at Hey for now. It double ticked immediately and turned blue, then I saw typing. My heart bounced around in my chest.

Abbey- Hey, how are you?

Me- I'm good. I'm sorry for earlier.

Abbey- It's fine. I'm sure you had a reason for that. I hope I didn't dig out some buried experiences, I was way too forward. I'm sorry.

He sent the messages one after the other.

Phew! I released my breath that I didn't know I was holding. He wasn't vexed. I know he must have felt bad after that.

Me- You didn't. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to, you know.

Abbey- It's okay babe. Are you still up for the date tomorrow?

Me- Yeah, what time?

Abbey- By 7pm

Me- Okay, see you then. Have a goodnight.

Abbey- Bye.

Relieved was an understatement for what I felt afterwards.


"Babe you look good." Ibinabo gushed as I stepped into the sitting room in my sequined mini dress and a T-strap shoe. Luckily for me, Ibinabo was also a makeup artist so she applied light makeup to my already beautiful face.

"Thank you." I beamed.

"He would definitely be speechless when he sees you." She winked. "Make sure you kill them all." She continued.

"It's okay madam." I scoffed. "You did a great job with the makeup, I know."

"Make sure you enjoy yourself and if you're not going to come back tonight don't forget to inform me." She gave a whimsical smile.

"Why won't I be back?"

"Oh, please. Spare me the pretence. We all know how charming he is. With just one look, you would fall under his spell like a pack of cards." She laughed.

"You are a certified mad woman. I will definitely be back." Just then my phone rang, rescuing me from the annoyingly pleasing conversation. It was Abbey.

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