Writer's Note

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Welcome to my work of fiction.

Hello, I'm Frances. Nice to meet you and thanks for checking this book out.

This book is my first work and so somethings might feel off and be cringe causing. Not to worry, there's nothing editing can't fix.

While reading this book, be prepared to; laugh till your sides hurt, get mad you might feel like punching your phone, be sad you might cry depending on how emotional you are, but most importantly you'd be happy you read it because there would be a happy ending no matter how long it takes.

I hope you find it interesting.

Before I forget, take note!!

Copyright © 2020 by Frances Ejoh

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher.

Thank you!

Merci beaucoup!

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