《24》Starting Anew.

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Monday came quickly, I called the agent for the apartment the previous evening to inform him that I was coming to check the apartment and pay for it if I liked it. I also texted the girl that was looking for a roommate so we could meet up and I could be able to assess her and know if I wanted to stay with her.

James had gone to the library to study for his exam and I was left alone. I hurriedly took my bath, ate and left. I got to the apartment by twelve o'clock. The girl and the agent were there already waiting for me.

"Hi, good afternoon. I'm Annabelle." She extended her hand to shake mine.

I gave her a handshake in return. "Good afternoon, I'm Janette nice to meet you."

"Likewise." She smiled.

"My name is Wale." The agent started. "We have two available flats one on the ground floor and the other on the second floor. Both are one bedroom apartments with kitchen, bathroom and a furnished parlour. The only thing the parlour needs is a TV set and the room needs mattresses that's all." He concluded.

"Can we see both flats to determine the one suitable for us?" I asked.

"Okay. No problem. Come this way." He led us into the ground floor apartment, we checked it out and then headed to the one on second floor. "So which one do you guys prefer?" He asked.

"Second floor." We said in unison. I wanted to scream 'jinx' so badly. But I was an adult now so I kept my jinx to myself.

"What about the power supply and water. How is it like?" She asked him.

"Well, when we have light we always pump water and our light is usually one day on, one day off but sometimes we get light everyday." He replied.

"So what you're saying is that on the off days we won't have water?" I scoffed and shook my head.

"We have generators to pump water only, it won't supply light to the flats." He spoke sharply.

"So we would be in total darkness for a whole day?" Anabelle exclaimed.

"You can bring your own generators if you like." He replied.

Where would I get money to buy generator? I barely had enough for myself.

This is what you get for looking for cheap things, Jenny mocked me.

I'm not looking for cheap things, I'm looking for comfortable things. I answered her.

"Just give us five minutes, let us discuss if we would take it." He excused us. "I don't like this place." I complained.

"Why? This is actually one of the best apartments close to school." She exclaimed.

"How do you know?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I've been to many apartments and honestly they don't match up to this. Most of them are in a horrible condition. The landlords collect rents that doesn't worth the apartment and leave their apartments a complete eyesore. Don't waste your time going around looking for an apartment. Let us pay for this one." She looked into my eyes, her eyes were pleading. I just couldn't say no because I was lazy. I didn't want to go through the stress of looking for another apartment and having to stay at home after I had insulted my parents.

"Okay fine. Let's pay for this one." I sighed like I wasn't interested. She smiled.

"How long are you paying for?" She asked.

"It depends on how much a year's rent is. It shouldn't cost more that two hundred and fifty thousand naira for a year right?"

"I don't know, but I plan to pay for a year and half. Let me call the guy to ask him." She went outside to look for him, they spent few minutes talking before they came back in.

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