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By ten o'clock I was at a street close to mine. I texted James again to confirm if he remembered to unlock the gate, he affirmed. After a few more minutes, I was at my house.

I puffed as I pushed the gate gently, trying not to make a sound. Unfortunately my sneaking wasn't smooth enough as my dad was waiting for me when I stepped my foot into the living room.

"Where you coming from?" My father's voice boomed sending shivers down my spine. I thought he was going to be in his bedroom.

I was scared stiff. "From a friend's house." I replied fearfully.

"What friend? You better don't lie to me young lady because I know you don't have any friends." He warned sternly. I already lied and I was going to lie my way out of this.

"Isn't it your fault I'm friendless? I am saying the truth. I needed a change of environment that is why I left." I exclaimed, getting irritated already.

"And you did not deem it fit to tell your mother and I about your whereabouts." He shouted, his expression changed instantly from mad to madder.

I scoffed. "Like you care about me." I hadn't even finished scoffing before he slapped my face. Hard.


The only thing I heard was chiming for a few seconds before my ear got reset and my brain went back to its default settings. I was confused at first but that confusion turned into anger. My jaw clenched and my eyes burned with anger. My eyes tightened into fists. I felt like grabbing him by the neck and beating him to a pulp. It took all in me to stop me even though it was never ok to hit an elder let alone think of it.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

"If I had told you guys, you wouldn't have allowed me to leave so I left on my own accord." I said, suddenly feeling brave.

"I believe you are not still planning on studying finance." He spat.

"My mind is made up, it's left for you to believe it." I sighed. "Besides I have the money already so it is okay if you don't want to sponsor me. I've settled myself already. " I shouldn't have said that last part.

"Really?" He raised his brows "How did you get the money?"

"From my friend." I said quickly.

"From your friend?"

"Yes. And I'm leaving this house next week to start my masters program."

"If you step a foot out of this house, make sure you never come back." He cautioned sternly. "I've been watching you and your stupid attitude and I've been quiet about it. We sent you to school to become a useful member of the society, and what did you become? An alcoholic. This is my house, what I say goes. If you're not okay with it, I suggest you get out. My house, my rules!" He yelled abrasively.

"What!!" I screamed in disbelief.

"You heard me! No child of mine would disrespect me in this manner. If you don't want to obey me and do as I say. I sever all ties I have with you. You cease to be my daughter from today onwards." He spat venomously. I stared at him in disbelief.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Tears filled my eyes as I fell to the floor. I lowered my head and wrapped my arms around myself. Sadness was the only thing I felt and it clouded my body and soul.

How could my own father disown me?

For what? Was it a crime to do what you loved?

"Dad!!" James yelled, his eyes widening with shock. He couldn't believe it neither could I. I stared intently at my dad with shock and hatred written all over my face.

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