《25》Dreadlocks Joe.

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Classes began the next week. Anabelle and I became very good friends. We ate together, went to school together, went out together. She became my best friend and I really liked her. I was glad I chose to stay with her.

I was able to confide in her and tell her everything that happened between my parents and I and how Aunt Hannah was my God sent angel. I didn't tell her about the Vincent thing and my rehab period. I wasn't very proud of it.

Aunt Hannah also kept to her word and sent money to me monthly. She was always checking up on me from time to time. I became her adopted daughter and I was glad to have a mother like her.

When I decided to study finance, I thought it was going to be a walk in the park but it wasn't. It was the direct opposite. I started regretting my decision but deep down I was determined to prove my parents wrong. I wanted them to feel sorry for not believing in me, not helping me and worse of all disowning me.

Four months had passed now and first semester exams were drawing near and nearer. I made a new friend in my department, just someone that could put me through. I was more than determined to work very hard. I wanted to be a useful member of the society. I wanted to be able to put my dad to shame and make him regret disowning me. I put all distractions behind me especially men, I wasn't interested in dating anybody.

Chisom, the new friend I made who was engaged to marry immediately after the program was a fair plump short girl, she was massively endowed. I guess that was why she was taken off the market quickly to prevent other buyers from coming to price her.

I always felt weird whenever I walked with her cause she had big boobs and ass which drew attention to her unlike me.

She was also involved in many activities on campus. She danced, hosted shows, fellowships, she also attended parties and most shocking of all, she was very intelligent. Guess who stayed close to her. Me!

One fateful day, Chisom called me and was inviting me for one of her fellowships even though I had told her countless times that I wasn't interested.

"Babe please just come, I promise, you will love it." She pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I told you, I'm not interested in any of these. I am not as energetic as you are and I hate commitments."

"I know. This is an opportunity for you to make friends. You know, be social. Come out of your shell, you don't know who might be of help in the future." She wheedled.

"I never complained of loneliness. Besides I also know it would be jam-packed with a bunch of horny undergraduates." I hissed at the truth in that.

She puffed. "It's better you make friends now, nobody knows the future. The people in this fellowship would help you grow. They would help you through life. Janette please just come, I promise you would love it." She continued to cajole me.

Just because of a fellowship, she was preaching to me.

"I hope it's not one of those winning souls thingy?" I asked her.

"No it's not. It's not a church fellowship, its just a fellowship. Just come and you would love it." She persuaded further.

"I am not down for commitments. I don't want anybody calling me and asking why I didn't show up after today. I will curse the person." I sneered.

She laughed. "So are you coming?"

I sighed in defeat. "I will try." She squealed making me almost drop my phone. Chisom was just one persistent person, she never stopped until she got what she wanted.

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