《16》Mrs. Vincent.

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After three agonizing extraordinarily long months. The holiday ended. School sweet school, who cares about school. I mean Vincent's home sweet Vincent's home.

I couldn't wait to be in Vincent's arms again. I dreamt of the holiday coming to an end every night and day. I nearly ran away from home. I thought I was going die of heart failure if I stayed at home any more.

Well, I survived and now, I was going to be with the love of my life once again. I had never been this happy to resume school except when I just got admission.

After my mum dropped me off at school on Saturday. I went to his house the following day. That's how much I had missed him.

I knocked nervously on the door. What if he wasn't around? I didn't call him before appearing at his door. I wanted to surprise him, I hoped I had not surprised myself instead.

There was no response. I jiggled the door handle, it was locked. I knocked again, louder this time. Seconds later, I heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Who is it?" A tired voice asked.

"Janette." I squeaked, wondering how many people came to visit him. I heard the keys rattle and the door creaked open. "Hey baby!" I screamed delightfully as I leapt into his open arms.

"My queen! I've missed you so much." He exclaimed cheerfully.

"I've missed you more. It's so good to see you." I kissed him over and over again like he died and resurrected. "Home was like hell. I was so lonely and depressed."

"Thank God you're here. I didn't enjoy home either." He lamented. "Come in, I have something to discuss with you."

"Uh-oh, hope I'm not in trouble?" I asked teasingly.

"Just come in and hear what I want to say." He rolled his eyes and smiled.

What could he want to say? I pondered as I made my way to the bedroom. Maybe he wanted to finally ask me to be his girlfriend.

To clear my doubts, I asked. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I was thinking and well ––" He paused, massaged the back of his neck anxiously. "And uh, I want you to move in with me." He spoke quickly.

I gasped. "Move in?" I coughed as I choked on my saliva. "With you?" That wasn't what I was expecting.

"Sorry. It's okay if you don't want to?" He said it but his facial expression said otherwise.

"Errrr, yes, I'd move in with you." I answered with uncertainty. Afterall I had low–key been dreaming of this moment but I never thought it would come true.

He blew out his cheeks. "Phew! I thought you would say no. I'm so happy right now." He exclaimed cheerfully and hugged me tightly.

"Me too." I replied giving him an unsure smile.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to live with him again. I mean, seeing someone everyday might get very annoying and intolerable.

I had become Mrs. Vincent just like that without even thinking.

You know that feeling you get deep down in your guts. Deep down you know that this thing would end terribly but you don't care because you've branded yourself as the risk taker and your slogan is 'you only live once.' I had that tiny voice, warning me to change my mind but I shut it up. As far as I was concerned, that voice was an enemy of progress.

Vincent was all that mattered, he was the love of my life. I was ready to do whatever it took to prove that I really loved him.

The whole scenario kept replaying over and over in my head as I went to bed.

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