《47》Let's Get Married.

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It had been three weeks after I got the news of my pregnancy. The symptoms had reduced except the occasional morning sickness and never ending eating.

It wasn't news to my colleagues as I was always having fainting spells. The whole office from Mrs. Tamara to the cleaners knew I was pregnant and unmarried.

I always wondered what kind of life I lived. How could I have made such a costly mistake? That was going to make me stop loving the love of my life and start loving my baby's daddy.

I stopped seeing and hearing from Abbey. He completely ghosted me. My fears were coming true. I made up my mind that I was going to raise my baby with or without him. I would learn to live with the consequences of my carelessness forever. It was high time I bore the consequences of my actions.

I opened a new bank account in my baby's name and started saving some money in it. Ibinabo was also a great friend, she really supported me and had promised to be an assistant mum. It felt so good to be reassured, I was gradually feeling at ease.

Little did I know this was the calm before the storm.

I was brooding whilst resolving a customer's problems. I stopped attending to customers, I only took care of their complaints which the colleagues in my department brought to me. I was more like their unseen super hero.

"Hmm." Without looking away from my computer, I knew who the spiteful hmm came from. It was Dorcas. I was immediately enraged.

I hissed. She was only here to revile me and call me all sorts of names. Well too bad for her, there was nothing anyone would say to me that would make me feel bad anymore. I had stopped caring about what anyone thought. I was living for myself and little Janette.

"Dorcas, what do you want?" I seethed.

"Nothing, I just came to laugh at you." She snarled.

"Okay, are you done?" I rolled my eyes. I was tired of the childish game.

"As the saying goes, 'you reap what you sow.' You came to Port Harcourt for only a month and you started prostituting yourself. You deserve everything you're getting now and I pray you get fired." She spat venomously.

"Dorcas, watch what you say. I'd disfigure your body for you. Watch your mouth around me." I warned sternly.

My blood was boiling to over a hundred degrees.

She cackled evilly. "Please spare me that nonsense." I was about to reply when my phone rang, shutting me up.

I looked at the caller ID, it was Abbey. He decided to call, after I had moved on.

"Hello." I said boringly into the phone, Dorcas walked away when she saw I wasn't going to reply her anymore. 

"How are you?" His voice was dull. I could tell he was stressed.

"Fine, I guess. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. I have some news for you."

"Okay, I'm all ears."

"I'd tell you in the evening when I see you."

"Why not now?" I whined.

"It's better said in person." He replied.

"Alright then, see you in the evening." I hung up.

By 4pm I was done, I briefed Ibinabo on Abbey's call and she asked me to hear him out. I just hope he wasn't going to ask me to terminate it because he was scared of commitments cause I wouldn't. I'd rather be a single mother to a thousand babies than kill a child.

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