《63》Do I?

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Everything was promising, my feelings for Vincent was as clear as day. I had told him and well, we were dating for real this time. I spent most nights at his house from time to time mostly because of Williams.

Meh, who am I kidding? It was mostly because of Vincent but I still took care of Williams and I was there to witness him taking his first steps. Cool right?

It was crazy how time flew. It was already two months after Vincent and I got back together. He had even introduced me to his dad and siblings. Though he hadn't said anything pertaining to marriage, I was suspecting it.

If he asked me to marry him right now, heck I'd say yes. I had even given him a key to my house just incase he wanted to surprise me.

One evening, I was home, watching TV when I heard the doorbell ring. I was surprised at first because I wasn't expecting anyone and I had specifically told Ken to inform me first before letting anyone in except Vincent and Vincent wasn't coming with Williams till the next day.

I ambled to the door, opened it to see the greatest surprise of my life. I was paralysed with shock as I stared at him in blank amazement. Abbey stood at the door with his gaze fixed on me. I stared at him like I was seeing a ghost. I gasped, covered my mouth with my hands, removed my hands and left my mouth hanging open.

"Hello." He said smiling. I smiled back uneasily.

"Wh...wh..what are you doing here? I mean, how?" I stammered, still quite shocked that he was at my doorway looking at me.

"After four months, I finally found you." He walked forward and hugged me. I was too shocked to move a finger.

"What?" I wriggled myself out of his embrace.

"Let's go home babe." He walked into the house and sat on a couch. I closed the door and sat on another couch farther from where he was.

"What are you doing here, Abbey? I made myself clear in the letter." I yelled, still trying to comprehend what was happening.

"That was really mean of you to leave like that. I mean, I was really heartbroken but I was so glad when I got your exact location in Abuja. So pack your things, we're leaving. You're still my wife." He insisted.

"No! Leave my house Abbey. I don't know what you're doing here and I honestly do not care but I need you to get out now!" I hollered.

"I already said I'm not leaving without you. If you want, we'd live here together." He shrugged and twisted the wedding ring on his finger.

"I'm in love with someone else. Get that into your thick skull." I used my index finger to poke my temple.

"And I'm in love with you." He leaned back in his chair.

"What do you want me to do? Please don't make this harder than it already is. My feelings are clear now and it's not for you." I screamed. Just when Vincent and I were moving forward, Abbey had to show up from nowhere.

"Wow, Janette, wow. I really thought you loved me and I thought you'd be willing to come back to me." He lamented. "Please don't treat me this way."

"I'm sorry Abbey, but I've always been in love with him. I've never been so sure of my feelings for someone until now." He stood up, walked up to my couch and sat really close to me.

Taking a closer look at him, he looked so dejected, sad, down in the mouth. His usual handsome features were gone. I felt very bad but now there was no takebacks.

I held his hand. "You're a really great guy, any woman would be so lucky to have you but I'm not that woman. My heart beats for another guy and I really wish you would understand that. Things would have been different if I was still pregnant or if I already had our child." I stopped to look at him, his eyes held no other emotion than sadness.

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