《40》Perfect Stranger.

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He came back minutes later after he left to get the snacks. I forgot all about Ibinabo as I was enjoying my time with Mr. Perfect stranger. I nearly forgot my manners and was about to go full beast on the poor snacks when I remembered I wasn't in my house and secondly, I was sitting beside the new love of my life or my new crush.

We ate in silence with me occasionally glancing at him while he ate. Even the way he ate was perfect. Whenever I saw him move uncomfortably, I quickly shifted my gaze back to my food. I caught him staring at me a few times but I stared at him more in awe. He would have wondered what kind of creep I was.

We finished eating and we were about to dive into the second phase of knowing each other when my phone rang. It was Ibinabo. I wasn't even aware that time had passed so quickly. I hissed annoyingly, she just had to call at the wrong time.

"Hello." I rolled my eyes.

"Hello, I'm at the airport." She said in between pants.

"Why are you panting like you raced from the house to the airport?"

"Shut your mouth and tell me where you are." She snapped which earned a scoff from me.

"If I shut my mouth, how would I tell you where I am?" She hissed.

Even though this was our first time meeting each other, we had grown close during the space of five days over the phone. We had to be close because we were colleagues and housemates. She was very cool though I was still yet to know her fully.

"I'm at the arrivals lounge." I replied.

"Obviously, did you think I would be at the departure lounge?"

I stood up. "Ugh! You're so... anyways I'm on a yellow shirt with black trousers and I'm on my feet waving. Look up now, maybe you'd notice me fast, I don't want people to think I've gone mad."

"Okay." She hung up.

"Who was that?" Abbey asked.

"My friend that is supposed to pick me up," I told him.

"Oh." I looked at him and saw his countenance fall.

Aww, I don't want to go too.

Soon, I saw a heavyset lady sashaying towards me. It was Ibinabo. "Hello." I called out to her as she stopped. Ibinabo, my new housemate and colleague, was brown skinned, tall, and heavyset, no wonder she was panting when she called. She dyed her hair brown, making me wonder if it was work appropriate.

"How are you?" She asked. "Welcome to Port Harcourt. How was your flight?" She rushed out the words all at once.

"I'm okay, nice to meet you finally. My flight was fine and thanks." We hugged. "You came at the wrong time and you smell of soup, a very spicy one. Were you eating while I was waiting for you?" I whispered into her ear.

"I see that and I will explain once we're out of here." She replied and we released ourselves from the hug. "Did you guys come together?" She asked, pointing at Abbey.

"Oh, no. He's a new friend. His name is Abbey, Abbey, this is Ibinabo, my colleague and housemate." I introduced them.

He stood up, extended his hand to shake hers. "Nice to meet you." He smiled at her. She held his hand much longer than a regular handshake, I had to clear my throat to let them know it was enough.

He's mine, go and find yours.

"Likewise." She smiled, retracted her hands and turned to face me. "Are you ready to leave?"

No, I don't want to. My sharp voice was suddenly subdued as I realised I was never going to see him again. "Yes." I whispered and my countenance fell.

"Great, can we?" She asked.

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