《52》His Mother.

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We were on the bed, about to sleep and were talking about random things, mostly gossiping and laughing, when he said.

"My mum wants to move in with us tomorrow." I was talking before but immediately he said that, I went mute.

He peered at me, waiting for a response. My mind immediately did a flashback to my traditional wedding day when Nkem and Bola were telling me about their experience with that woman.

"Why?" I stuttered.

"She says she wants to help out at home and take care of you and the baby." He said.

I scoffed. "I'm just in my second trimester. Can't she wait till I put to bed?"

He heaved. "My mum is really persistent. She wouldn't take no for an answer."

I sighed deeply after having a deep thought. "I don't know about this, most women don't get along with their mothers in law."

That wasn't a lie.

"My mum loves and adores you. She won't want to stress you especially with your condition."

I sighed. "Can you at least allow me sleep on it and think about it?"

"Okay, take all the time you need. I'll tell her to hold on."

"Goodnight." I turned my back to him and thought about what he said and what was going to happen after his mum moves in. I knew for sure that we were going to be at loggerheads especially after what I've learnt about her.

The next morning after we woke up and got dressed. Abbey took me to the office and then went to his. Later that afternoon, he called me and told me that he wouldn't be able to pick me up as he was caught up at work, so I went home by myself.

When I got to the gate, the padlock wasn't on the outside and the gate was unbolted. I called Abbey immediately and told him that our house was broken into. He asked me to go in that someone was at home. I went in only to be greeted by his mother.

I was beyond shocked. "Mama, what are you doing here?" I asked because this was not the discussion I had with Abbey last night.

"Janette baby, how are you?" She smiled.

"I'm fine. Didn't Abbey tell you what I said?"

"No, he didn't. Don't you want me here?" She frowned. I hissed under my breath.

"It's not that. Er.." I cleared my throat thinking of the lie I was going to tell her. Fortunately, one came soon. "Your room isn't ready yet." I was the one that wasn't ready to receive her.

She laughed. "Don't worry about that. I'll do it myself, hmm? Go and take your bath. I prepared goat meat pepper soup for you."

Even though I was angry, at the mention of goat meat pepper soup, my mood changed. "Okay ma." I grudgingly/happily went upstairs.

This woman spelled trouble and I knew it.

I had my bath, went downstairs to eat and went back into my room to wait for Abbey as his mum was busy in the kitchen and I wasn't in the mood for chit-chat.

By eight pm he arrived, I sat on the bed and crossed my legs playing a game on my phone.

Normally whenever he came home after me, I was always at the door waiting for him. Immediately he opens it, I would leap into his arms to kiss and hug him but today was different.

I was furious.

He cleared his throat. I pretended not to have heard. He spoke. "No hug? No kiss? No welcome? No how're you? No how was work? What's wrong?" He counted with his fingers.

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