《48》 I'll Marry You.

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Two days later, I was back to normal. No tears, no solemnness, I was my bright, happy self. Ibinabo was even surprised at my change of attitude. At the office, I greeted everyone from the security guard to the cleaners even Dorcas. I was happy because I had finally found a solution.

After work, I lied to Ibinabo that I was meeting up with Abbey somewhere. She was suspicious at first because she knew if I was meeting with Abbey, he would have come to pick me up, but she decided to leave it. She went home while I decided to go on with my evil plan.

I looked online for a bunch of clinics that carried out abortions for women. I decided to go to one not to far away from the house so I wouldn't miss my way. I used Google map to locate the place. When I got there, registered myself and waited for my turn.

Who knew there would be a lot of women present in an abortion clinic? I thought. As I was still seated waiting, my mum called. I wanted to ignore at first but I don't know what made me answer the call.

"Hello." I spoke in a hushed manner.

"How are you Janette?" She asked.

"I'm fine, how are you mum?"

"I'm good. You've stopped talking to me. You're enjoying Port Harcourt, that's why you forgot all about your poor old mum." She lamented.

"Mum, it's not that. I've just been going through a lot lately, that's why I haven't been able to call." I sighed and drew in a shaky breath as the nurse called the lady beside me to go in for her procedure. I was next.

"What's going on over there? Are you okay?"

I fell silent.

"Janette, are you okay? Talk to me. Is anyone bothering you. I can bring you back to Lagos if you don't like Port Harcourt."

I stood up and went outside. "No one is bothering me, mum. I'm fine, just tired." I lied.

"Then what is the problem. Don't lie, I can detect the fear in your voice."

She was right. I was scared.

What if I lose my life in the process of getting rid of another?

The form I filled said the clinic would not be held responsible for any complications suffered afterwards including death.

I sighed, "I'm pregnant mum," and dropped the bombshell.

She gave a gasp of astonishment. "Does the father know?"

Sadly, I sighed. "Yes." I closed my eyes and drew a long breath.

"Is he taking responsibility for it?"

"He is and his family wants us to get married but I don't want to marry him."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know mum, I really don't know." I blinked uncontrollably as my vision became clouded with tears. I was surprised and relieved that she was so cool about it.

"No matter what you decide, I would support you. If you want to raise the child alone, I'm here, we would raise him or her together. If you want to marry him, no problem. But don't do anything stupid. Don't terminate the pregnancy." She encouraged and advised me.

"Mum, you wouldn't believe I'm at an abortion clinic right now. I wanted to get rid of the baby because I was a coward. I was scared of what your reaction would be. I was scared of what society would label me as. Speaking to you, knowing you love and support me has given me a change of heart. I'm going to keep the baby because I know I'm surrounded by people who love me. I love you mum." I cried and spoke amidst sobs.

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