《15》His Queen.

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It was Vincent's call that came through. I rolled my eyes as I picked it.

"Hello." I spoke in a hushed tone afraid of being heard by the intruder.

"Hello. I'm at home. Where are you?" I heaved a huge sigh of relief as I realized he must have been the one in the house.

I was scared for nothing.

"In the bathroom." I replied sharply and hung up. I got out of the bathroom only to be greeted by his sorry sight.

"What were you doing in there?" He asked.

"I was hiding."

"From what?" He asked mockingly.

"From what I thought was an intruder. I was here worried sick about you, wondering where you were and hoping nothing bad had happened to you. Then I heard the front door open, I didn't know you had a spare key. So I hid thinking it was an intruder." I explained. "I called your phone countless times, sent you multiple texts. You didn't reply nor call back. Where were you? And now, you showed up from out of nowhere reeking of alcohol. I need to know where you were." I demanded angrily and shot him a disgusted glance.

"Look babe, I'm tired. I went out with some friends and lost track of time."

"That doesn't explain anything. Where were you Vincent?" I asked again.

"Please. I'm not in the mood for this drama. Stop being a drama queen and go to bed. Leave me alone." He yelled and laid down on the bed. "End of discussion." He said finally before closing his eyes.

"Oh so now, I'm being a drama queen? You're so unbelievable. Ugh! You're so annoying." I spat angrily. "I'm not sleeping here tonight." We hadn't even spent a night together and we were already fighting. How would the remaining five weeks be like?

I wanted to say I'm leaving but I thought about it. Leaving to where? I couldn't go to the hostel neither could I go home. Besides it was too late.

I took two pillows from the bed and a bed sheet from his wardrobe and went to the sitting room.

"Don't tell me you're serious."

"Watch me." And he did. He didn't come after me nor stop me. Guess he was too tired to do that.


I hissed angrily as I couldn't sleep all night. I looked at my phone, it was just 5am. The sofa wasn't even wide enough to accommodate me. I stood up, folded the bed sheet and went back to the room. Because I was angry didn't mean I wouldn't get enough sleep. He was still fast asleep when I into the room so I just crept in beside him and slept off comfortably.

I could tell it was daybreak by the ray of sunshine threatening to force its way in through the window. Then all of a sudden, I felt a shadow over my face. I peeked and saw it was Vincent hovering above me. I closed my eyes back and hissed. I was still mad and not ready to talk to him.

"My queen. I'm sorry okay? Please look at me." He pleaded.

"Not until you say the truth." I mumbled.

"I already told you last night. I went out with my friends and I lost track of time." He said defensively.

"Then why didn't you pick my calls or reply my texts?"

"My phone wasn't with me. It was charging in my friend's room."

"I don't believe any of this nonsense." I didn't believe him. He sounded as pathetic as he smelled when he came home yesterday night.

He asked. "What are you thinking?"

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