《41》New Enemy.

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"Wake up, Janette wake up." Ibinabo tapped my arm with her wet and cold hand.

"Mm-mm. Allow me to sleep for five more minutes." I mumbled.

"It's 8 o'clock already, we are late!" She shrieked.

My eyelids flew open immediately and I jumped off the bed, "Are you serious?"

She cackled. "No, but if I give you five more minutes, you'd be late on your first day."

I frowned. "You're so annoying and I hate the fact that you're right." I dragged my feet and grudgingly strolled towards the bathroom. "What's the time?"

"Six-thirty." She replied.

"How far is the office from here?"

"Thirty to forty minutes away." She answered.


She interposed. "I'm not answering any more questions, now go and take your bath otherwise I'd leave without you." She warned.

I scoffed. "Yes ma." She left my room and went to hers to finish dressing up.

I hurriedly took my bath, got dressed and ate. After what Ibinabo said the other day, I made a silent vow to stop eating out. When I was done, we left the house.

We got a bus, then stopped at a bus stop before the office's bus stop. I asked her why and she said she didn't want the other colleagues to see us coming down from a bus. I thought it was stupid, I mean who cares about what they think?

How many of them even have cars?

Because of that we took a taxi straight to the office at an extra cost.


"Everyone, hello! Can I get your attention please?" A woman stood in the centre of the banking hall and hollered. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and concentrated their attention on her. When she saw all eyes were on her, she proceeded with her speech. "Thank you. There's a new member amongst us today and I want you all to give her a warm welcome. She is no other than Miss Williams. Can you come forward, Miss Williams?" My heart galloped at the mention of my name. I became nervous immediately, I hated being the centre of attention.

Can I say no? I walked to the centre with a wobble as all eyes followed me.

"Hello everyone." I managed to speak without stuttering.

"Welcome." They chorused and someone hissed making everyone gasp.

I just made a new enemy.

"I'm Janette Williams and um, I'm from the Solar Avenue branch in Lagos." That was all they needed to know.

"Welcome Janette, we are happy to have you in our midst. I'm Mrs. Tamara Adiele. And as time goes on, you'll get to know the rest of your colleagues." She smiled at me. She had a radiant smile and was very beautiful.

"Thank you, ma." I smiled, feeling at ease already.

"Ok guys, that would be all. Prepare for the day's work." She gave a dismissive wave of her hand and we dispersed to our various workstations.

"Congratulations, you've made your number one enemy." Ibinabo said to me as she took me to my new workstation.

"Who was that and why did she hiss?" Not like I cared though; I was just curious.

"That was Dorcas. She's just jealous and angry."

"Jealous and angry? This is my first day!" I exclaimed and scoffed in disbelief.

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