《14》The Intruder.

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Vincent and I enjoyed our weekend together as we were alone. This was going to be our last weekend together because exams had started and we had to study. So, we reached an agreement to stay away from each other till after exams.

Though we talked every day on phone, it just wasn't the same. I prayed for the exams to end fast, so I could be in his wonderful house once again and his lovely arms once again.

The exam lasted for three excruciatingly long weeks. I was extremely glad when it ended. My parents had called me to ask when I was going to come home. I told them we weren't given break and second semester was starting immediately after first semester.

Which was the biggest lie I ever told. We had five weeks break. Five weeks break I knew where I was going to spend it. In my baby's house.

While everyone was packing their belongings to go to their father's house, I was packing to go to my husband's house. In a way, it was technically my house too. Even though he had never asked me to be his girlfriend. I was his girlfriend to anyone that cared.

Saturday had come, the day they asked all students to vacate the hostel premises. Priscilla and one of our roommates had gone home immediately after the exams, so it was just me and one of my roommates that was left. I was waiting for Vincent to pick me up.

I realized I didn't even know her name and we had been roommates for two years now. To be fair, she was barely around like me. As we got talking, I recalled some of her friends must have called her Susan or Suzie or something like that.

"Who are you waiting for?" She asked.

Good question. Who was I waiting for? What was Vincent to me? Was he my friend or my boyfriend or a random guy or a friend with benefit?

But it wouldn't be fair to put him in the friend zone after all that has happened.

But then again, he still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend. What do I even tell her?


"I'm waiting for my boyfriend. What about you?" I smiled as I said it out loud. Hearing me say that made me exhilarated.

"I'm also wai ––" She was cut off by her ringing phone. "Excuse me," she said politely as she picked the call, said a few words and ended it. "That was my boyfriend, I have to go. I'll see you next semester." She said with a wide grin on her face.

"Enjoy your holiday dear. Let me have your number, who knows, we might get to hangout during the break."

"Okay." She called her number out for me and I typed it into my phone. I might not even call her.

So what are you collecting it for?

For collecting sake.

"Have fun." We hugged then she left.

The hostel was getting emptier by the minute and Vincent was nowhere to be seen. I had called him for fifteen whole minutes, he didn't answer any of my calls. Ten minutes after my last call, his call came in.

"Where are you?" I asked worriedly. Patience wasn't part of my virtues.

"I won't be able to make it. Order an Uber." He answered.

"Why? What happened? Why can't you pick me up?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm just running a little behind schedule. I'll meet you at home." He briefly explained.

"You could have told me this since, I'd have been watching Netflix and chilling. Is anyone at home?" I sighed frustratedly.

"I'm sorry. I thought I would be able to meet up. No one is at home at the moment but the key to the apartment is with our next door neighbour. Just tell him your name and he'll give you the key. I told him about you."

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