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I staggered into the room and gave an uproarious scream. Both of them woke up startled. I saw an half drunk orange juice in a glass on a tray beside the bed. The girl tied her wrapper around herself and ran out the door while Abbey stared at me confused as I was.

"What have you done? What have you done?" I kept on repeating it because words failed me. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.

"I really don't know what happened here." was his response.

I scoffed in disbelief. "You don't know? Are you seriously telling me that? You freaking slept with that girl incase you were wondering. The one you were supposed to throw out."

"I assure you, this wasn't done on purpose. The last thing I remembered was drinking the juice she brought for me. I must have been drugged."

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable. I only stepped out for three hours and your mother did this to me." I stormed out of the room. I was going to kill that woman myself.

He ran after me. "Janette, please listen to me." He held my hand.

"I don't care what you have to say. Since you couldn't chase your mother away, I'd do it for you. We would get back to this later." I growled, tugged my hand away from his and stormed downstairs to the guestroom.

I walked in and saw them packing their things. "Mama why? Why did you do this to me?" I shouted.

She tsked. "Why? You're asking me why? What a stupid question."

"Yes, I'm asking you why. I need an answer."

"Yes mum, answer her." Abbey spoke from behind me.

"You people want to know why. I hate her, yes, I despise you Janette. Did you think I would allow you bring another man's child into my son's house?"

"What? Abbey was the father of my child." I was shocked. First of all she called me witch and now she was saying something else.

"Oh please. You weren't a virgin when my son met you right? How would we have confirmed if he was truly the father? You came to Port Harcourt for only a month and you widened your legs for the first man you met." She spat spitefully.

"But how was that any of your business, mum? I was the father of the child. Even if I wasn't the father, it isn't any of your business."

"Which you weren't sure of, she knew you weren't the father that was why she hesitated to get married to you." She continued.

"How are you sure of these allegations you're making?" Abbey questioned.

"You see, when you see things in the spiritual realm. You will begin to––"

He interposed. "I don't want to hear any of that nonsense. I asked you a simple question and it requires a simple answer. How do you know all these?"

"I have a very good pastor who told me, Janette was forcing another man's child on you."

"Janette, is ––" He started to talk but I didn't wait for him to complete the question before interrupting him. I knew he was already doubting me.

"What? Abbey are you serious? Do you really think I was bringing another man's child for you?" I looked at him with disbelief all over my face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what to believe anymore." He hung his head low.

"You don't have to believe me. I'm out of here." I turned to walk away.

"Wait! You might want to hear this before you leave." His mother yelled. I stopped in my tracks and faced her. "I did what I had to do for my son. Remember those herbal drinks I gave to you, they were abortion medicines. I even thought the medicine wasn't going to work because it took a long time for you to miscarry. The child was very strong like you are but my medicine was stronger. I couldn't stand the thought of you giving my son a bastard child so I killed it." She revealed, terror overtook my whole body.

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