《18》IT Palaver.

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That woman better be nice to me, I thought as I went back to the phlebotomy room. I had gone back two weeks later to collect my acceptance letter and I familiarized myself with the environment. I was to work in the haematology lab. I was happy I wasn't working in departments like forensics. I just couldn't stand the thought nor sight of that.

I dashed into the building because the blazing sun was threatening to roast me alive. I hissed under my breath as I approached the familiar office. She might be nice, maybe she was in a bad mood that day.

I walked into the office, it was filled with people. I decided to kill two birds with one stone. "Good morning everyone. I'm here to start my industrial training." I grinned and brought out my acceptance letter before she said anything to upset me.

"Another Intern?" She stared in disbelief at the acceptance letter I gave to her. "And from unilag too!" She gaped.

I wondered the problem she had with people that attended University of Lagos. I knew we were very popular nationwide but this woman seemed to have an issue with us.

"Anyways find a place to sit. That secretary is always accepting interns anyhow. I hope you know we are not paying you a dime." She scorned.

"I know. I read the letter." I crossed my arms across my chest and turned my face away from her looking for where to sit.

"Do you know what phlebotomy means? We are not doing child's play here. You are to fill your logbook every week and leave it on my table for signing every Fridays. Ask the other students what they've done so far and read on it." She ordered.

"Okay ma." I mumbled and balled my fists as I was already feeling annoyed.

"Find where to sit." She set her mouth in a hard line and faced the woman she was gossiping with and continued from where she left off.

I knew in my heart that we were going to have issues because there was nothing likeable about her.

I found an empty chair and sat on it. Bored out of my mind, I started fiddling with my phone. I couldn't believe I was going to resume by 8am and close by 4pm.

It was going to be an interesting/exhausting experience! I mused.


Waking up in a frenzy, I squinted at my phone. My alarm was ringing softly beside my ear. I widened my eyes in shock. The time was seven thirty and I was supposed to be at work by eight. I flew out of my bed and raced to the bathroom.

This was the third time I was running late this week and to top it all, my house was one hour away from my work place. Mrs wicked woman had promised to write a bad review for me in my logbook if I came late again this week and I was clearly giving her reasons to do so.

Madam, cook up a lie.

Can you imagine? You're supposed to be the good guy.

I got to work fifteen minutes after nine. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me I was in a lot of trouble. One bad review wouldn't hurt, I tried to comfort myself.

It was a lie, one bad review would reduce my chances of getting an A.

"Good morning everyone." I announced my lateness. I saw sceptical eyes raise at me and a smirk form on Mrs wicked woman's lips.

"Welcome Janette." She sneered. "Why are you late?"

I actually didn't want to answer because it was a lie but I did anyways. That was the only way I could save myself.

"There's a road repair ongoing on my express way so it caused traffic jam."

Some of it was true but it didn't cause any traffic. I had to take advantage of the fact that the road was undergoing construction and therefore caused a lot of traffic in the morning around five to seven am not around nine.

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