《13》First time.

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I got downstairs and immediately spotted him by the gate pacing around. He turned around, looked up and I could swear I saw him heave a sigh of relief. He walked briskly towards me and hugged me while my hands remained at my sides.

"Thank you. Let me help you with your bag." He offered and stretched his hand to collect it. I didn't hesitate in handing the bag over to him.

"Thanks." I said dryly.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really myself all week and that was because I didn't talk to you." He apologised and then continued. "Thanks for coming down." He put his hand around my waist and escorted me out of the hostel complex to where he parked his car. I didn't say anything as I walked beside him.

We got to the apartment within the blink of an eye. He had tried to talk to me on the way home but I gave him cold shoulders and one word replies.

As soon as we got home, I didn't know what came over me. I think it was the pent-up anger, frustration, the annoyance and starvation. I missed him so much, I missed talking to him, hearing his voice, seeing his handsome face.

I leaned forward and kissed him, he was surprised but he kissed me back with so much zeal than I had. We stood there in the sitting room kissing and kissing passionately. Our breaths quickened as our lips remained locked.

It wasn't clear if I had dreamt this moment to life but there was raw emotion in the way he kissed me. The warm feeling of his breath, although unstabling, was alluring. He wrapped both arms around me and lifted me off the ground to the room where he threw me on the bed.

Wait, what if I hit my head on the headboard and died? What will I say when I get to heaven?

Why would you think of such a thing right now? Shut up and enjoy the moment. If Jenny was a real person she would have slapped me.

It was just a thought.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"I'm sure, now shut up and continue." I barked at him. "Wait. Would it hurt?" I whispered.

"I promise to be gentle." Was all I heard before I left planet earth.


"You promised to be gentle." I cried as I played with his chest hairs.

"Sorry. I tried to be gentle." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"It was fun while it lasted." We got off the bed, had our baths and got dressed. Then we went to the sitting room to eat and watch movies till late night. We talked for a while and he explained what happened to him and why he was in a bad mood.

Love had never felt so good.


We both woke up late as we had spent the night talking about how our week went and how exams were fast approaching and we needed to study instead of partying all weekend.

I woke up first which was very unusual. I took a slow look at his face. He was still asleep. He looked so peaceful, more handsome, devoid of worries. Like he had everything figured out. He didn't look like someone that had any troubles. Just a peaceful and quiet guy. That was what made me love him more.

I just wanted to lay in his arms forever and live in his stress free world. I put my head on his chest and was about to cuddle him when he opened his eyes.

He smiled broadly. "Continue admiring me as much as you want."

"What? I wasn't admiring you. Don't let your head swell." I scoffed.

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