《33》The Letter.

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The shrilling sound of my alarm made me jerk off from my bed. I checked the time, it was five a.m. I had initially set the alarm for four but I snoozed it all the way from four a.m. till five o'clock. I groaned, got off the bed and sauntered towards the bathroom.

Why do I have to wake up so early? I hissed.

You could go back to bed and become homeless and useless. Jenny mocked me.

I rolled my eyes, no one asked you.

After taking my bath, I put the necessary things (after going through it to make sure nothing was missing) into my bag including my knife, which I put in easy reach just in case there was need for it.

I wore a nude minidress with a white blazer and white ballet flats. I checked the mirror making sure I looked presentable. I said a prayer, locked the door and left.

At the bus stop again, I did not form a posh girl. My interview was by eight a.m. and I had an hour plus trip ahead of me so I fought for a bus making sure I didn't stain my clothes. Lagos life was beginning to rub off on me. I didn't even see the need to order Uber again because my account balance wouldn't let me. But once I got the job, I wouldn't enter those smelly rickety buses again, I comforted myself.


Life hit me hard, from all corners. I always thought I was a princess and as such should be treated as one. I had the opinion that once I graduated from the university, companies would line up at my feet begging me to work with them. I felt with just the snap of my fingers; things would happen.

Boy was I wrong with my way of thinking! My parents always made everything seem like it was easy to get. I never really went outside to see the real world; I was in a cage all through my life.

Life started treating me badly after I graduated from secondary school. Even while I was in the university, I still didn't think I had anything to be worried about because Vincent spoiled me silly until after we separated. And with aunt Hannah's help, I was able to complete my master's program. I hated adulthood more than anything. I wished I could go back to being a child. Childhood was so much fun, I got what I wanted whenever I wanted.


I was quickly pulled out of my sober thoughts by a woman that wanted to get down from the bus and I was in her way. She muttered some things in Yoruba language that I didn't even understand but in my mind, I said 'same to you' just in case she cursed me.

After her bus stop was mine, so I alighted from the bus when we reached my bus stop and huffed. My palms became cold to signify the arrival of anxiety. I rubbed them together to make them warmer but it didn't work so I left it.

Be cold all you want but you won't ruin my interview. Not today. I said to my palms.

I looked at my phone, the time was twenty minutes to eight. I panicked, I was thinking I would get here by seven or seven fifteen at most but I guess traffic had other plans plus the bus driver that stopped at almost all the bus stops in Lagos to drop and pick passengers.

I raced to the bank because I didn't want to encounter someone like Mrs. Hauwa that didn't tolerate African time. When I was two blocks away, I slowed my pace till I got to the bank, walked to the security guard and greeted him.

"Good morning." I greeted in my most cheerful voice and smiled at him.

"Good morning. We are not open to customers yet." He informed me, looking squarely at me.

"I'm here for the interview." I told him sharply.

"Oh, okay. Go through the door by the side of the building and climb the stairs, you would see a door that has 'interviewing room' on it."

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