《49》Daddy Trouble.

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After I had agreed to marry Abbey, we had planned to fly down to Lagos the next week's Friday to visit my parents and inform them about the wedding.

Friday came, we left Port Harcourt to Lagos. I didn't inform my mum about our visit. I also didn't tell her I had decided to marry him. I was going to surprise her with an invitation card.

We got to Lagos by 8pm and lodged into a hotel that night. We got our room, settled down and were snuggled up in each other's arm on the bed. I was restless because everything was happening too fast and to top it all, I was freaking pregnant! 

How was my dad going to react?

One thing I knew for sure was that he would over react and might not even be in support because we hadn't seen eyeball to eyeball in a while.

"Abbey." I called him and looked up to face him.

"Mm." He replied with sleepy eyes.

"I'm nervous." I voiced shakily.

"Why? Everything would be fine, it's probably your hormones acting up. Everything would be fine." He just wanted me to shut up because he wanted to sleep but I wasn't going to let him sleep.

"I haven't spoken to my dad in ages, he probably doesn't want to see my face." I flung my hand in the air frustratedly.

"Relax, you'd be surprised at how he'd behave when he sees you tomorrow. Go to bed, tomorrow would take care of its worries."

I sighed. "I hope so too." I turned off the table lamp and laid on the bed thinking deeply, I didn't know when I drifted off.


In the morning. "Babe." He tapped me gently. "Janette. Wake up, we have to get going."

"Hmm. Allow me sleep for two more minutes." I begged.

He chuckled. "Okay."

I opened my eyes. "Okay? You're not supposed to listen to me." I hesitantly got off the bed and went to take my bath. I realized that the D-day was here, the day I had to stop being a coward, the day I had to overcome my fears, the day I had to man up to take the bulls by the horn.

We got dressed, ordered an Uber and took the two hours drive to my parent's house, my quondam home. As the driver got off the expressway, into the town. I became very nervous, my stomach churned, my hands were also clammy. I had the urge to throw up multiple times but I held it in. I was sweating and panicking.

Abbey noticed my discomfort and drew me closer to him, whispering sweet nothings to me. He was able to calm me down until the driver came to a stop at the familiar black gate. We paid him and got out. I picked up a stone and used it to knock on the heavy gates.

Then I heard footsteps approaching the gate. It unbolted and revealed James, who was in his early twenties. He was more handsome and muscular unlike the lanky guy he used to be. The tank top he wore did his abs little favours. If I wasn't his older sister, I would be tripping for him right now.

He stood still staring at me. His mouth and eyes wide open like he was seeing a ghost. When his tongue finally got untwisted, he yelled, "Janette!" He yanked me from Abbey's grip and pulled me into the compound encompassing me in a bear hug earning a death glare from Abbey.

I silently chuckled. "Hey, hey, be careful with my fiancée, she's fragile." Abbey warned him.

"I've missed you James. You look good." I complimented him.

"I've missed you more. I'm surprised you still know your way to the house after all these years."

"You're silly." I slapped his head and released myself from his embrace. He shook Abbey's hand and they exchanged pleasantries, then, we all strolled towards the house.

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