《36》Pregnant Shadé.

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We did our second round of exams and shortly after, I became a full staff, working at the teller department in the bank.

Alex came home two weeks after he left that night. Of course, we had an argument as to why he left like that and just showed up. He left again while I was at work and was still yet to return.

He was really giving me a hard time even though he was away. It wasn't as if I refused him sex all the time but his demands were too much. I couldn't meet up, compared to him I didn't have that much energy. I was fed up but I still didn't have enough money to move out. The house rent in this area was high compared to the rent in my previous area. That was the only thing keeping me in his house.

Ever since the day he left the apartment, I noticed that he kept on coming to the apartment whenever I was at work. His personal stuff like toothbrush, towel, slippers and some clothes that he didn't take when he left that day were missing. I missed him because I was beginning to become sex starved and he was still not picking my calls.

When I first noticed he was coming home to pick some stuff, I started leaving hand written notes for him and I knew he was reading them because I would leave the notes on the centre table and I would meet it on the dining table when I returned from work. But he never responded.


On a hot sunny Saturday afternoon, I was in the living room reading a book when I heard a very loud knock on the door. I thought it was Alex but then I realised that he had a key and so he would have waltzed in like he owned the place. I strode to the door to open it but what I saw gave me a fright.

It was a lady, a very dark-skinned woman. Her face was horrifying, the foundation she had on her face was the shade for a brown skinned person and it did a bad job in concealing the tribal marks on both sides of her face. She had on red lipstick and blue eyeshadow. The perfect definition for her face was makeup gone wrong! Let me not even get started on the clothes she wore. She looked tattered and battered.

I stood at the door with my mouth wide open staring at her in confusion. I wanted to ask if she lost her way or needed help and I was so close to bursting into laughter cause her face was funny until she hissed and spoke. "Where is Alez." She didn't even get the pronunciation of the name with her accent. She reminded me of Jennifer in Jenifa's diary. She pushed the door open and walked into the apartment.

"Who are you?" I followed her and held her hand making her stop in her tracks.

"Madam, answer my question! I'm not here to play." She demanded, yanked her hand away from my grip and plopped down on the couch.

I gnashed my teeth and hissed loudly at her actions.

What a rude person!

"Answer my own too! How can you just enter my house like that? Who the heck do you think you are?" I asked in outrage. For the past few weeks, I had been having terrible mood swings and Alex was the number one cause. I could be happy one moment and the next I'm an angry young woman.

"My name is Shadé." She sighed.

"Why are you looking for Alex?" I asked gently and sat on the other sofa.

"Because I am pregnant for him. Two months pregnant!" She exclaimed in frustration and with broken English.

My brows knitted in confusion. "What? Are you sure it is for Alex?" I stared intently at her in disbelief. I mean if you saw her too, you would ask if she knew who the father of her child was. She did not look like someone that was committed to one man. Well, I didn't know that for sure. They say 'do not judge a book by its cover.'

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