《44》Plus One.

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"Just how many weeks and you've started prostituting yourself." Dorcas sneered.

"I know what will kill you. Jealousy." I smirked.

"What do you have that I don't have that I'd be jealous of?" She quipped.

I counted with my fingers. "Let's see, I have your former job and I'm dating one of the richest guys in Port Harcourt, which I'm sure you've been eyeing for quite some time." I simpered; I was getting to her.

She frowned. "He's not your boyfriend. You're just forcing yourself on him like the whore you are."

I hissed. I hated that word, 'whore'. "Can't you mind your freaking business?" I snapped at her, everyone in the office turned to face us. It wasn't a secret that she hated me. Everyone knew.

"No, I told you. You would regret coming to Port Harcourt. I am your worst nightmare."

"Because I've been keeping quiet doesn't mean I'm a fool. I'm warning you, stay away from me." I raised my voice.

She scowled. "Empty threats."

Yes, they were empty threats but I wasn't going to let this mad woman get to me. She was looking for a fight and a fight she shall get.

"Just try me, you'd know I'm not an ordinary Lagos girl." I snapped my fingers at her.

She shoved my shoulder. "Watch your–" I was about to stand up to give her a dirty slap in the face when she was interrupted.

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Tamara interrupted the childish fight that was about to erupt into a full-blown adult fight.

"Nothing." I replied and relaxed on my chair.

"Nothing ma." Dorcas rubbed the back of her neck anxiously.

"Dorcas, why aren't you at your workstation? Why are you bothering Janette?"

"I came to... to collect...to collect something. To ask her for something." She stuttered and scratched her head.

I laughed inwardly, so she was scared of Mrs. Tamara.

"Did she come to collect anything?" She asked me. I contemplated lying on Dorcas' behalf or saying the truth.

"Nope, she came to disturb me while I was working." I tattled.

"Dorcas, to my office now." She demanded harshly.

"Ma?" Dorcas glared at me, I looked away. Served her right, she would never bother me again.

"I won't repeat myself." She walked away with Dorcas trailing her.

After a while, she came downstairs and quietly went to her seat. My eyes trailed her till she was out of sight. Whatever Mrs. Tamara told her worked cause now I would have some peace and quiet in the office.


"I heard what happened between you and Dorcas. Why don't you just allow me treat her fuck up? The effrontery of that girl." Ibinabo exclaimed angrily and sat on the chair in front of my table.

"There's no point in all of that, I'm sure Mrs. Tamara has put her in her place."

"Look at you. You don't know Dorcas as much as I know her. She is trouble."

"And I am her senior in the trouble department. What even made her gentle when she came down, what did Mrs. Tamara say to her?" I asked curiously.

"She told her to put her acts together or she would be fired. I think Mrs. Tamara is related to her. I am not so sure. She is supposed to have fired her since, maybe she would finally grow up and have some sense."

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