《7》A Kiss!

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We got to the apartment few minutes past one am. It was a two bedroom apartment, with a well furnished sitting room. To the right of the room was a 65" flat screen Samsung television sitting on a TV stand that was white and black with a glossy top. The walls were painted white and the floors were covered with black marbled tiles.

There was a brown fluffy rug and on top of it was a round table in the centre of the sitting room. The sofas were leather and were also black and white with some throw pillows. Attached to the ceiling was a silver chandelier with five lamp holders which held white and yellow bulbs. There was also two air conditioners sitting on opposite sides of the room.

The apartment was spotlessly clean.

I wondered how a student could afford such an expensive apartment and still afford to make it look this clean and comfortable.

He spread his hands. "Welcome to our humble abode." His mouth curved into a smile.

Humble? Did he just say humble? There was nothing humble about this. It was way over the top.

"Thanks, our?"

Was he living with his parents? I thought to myself.

"Yeah, Umar and I live here together."

Oh! What a relief.

"Oh." I said, nodding slowly.

"Goodnight Janette and welcome to our house." Umar and Miriam exclaimed before dragging their tired selves to a room on the left side of the sitting room.

"Let's go into my room." He spoke and led the way to the room beside the one Miriam and Umar entered.

The room we entered was huge, but not as huge as the sitting room. There was a well laid bed with about four pillows on it at the centre of the room. The walls were painted navy blue.

I noticed that one side of the room had purple curtains hung from top to bottom. I later discovered that side had no wall, just glass with which you can use to view the city and streets nearby.

On each side of the bed were two small sized shelves, one of them held a lamp. There was also a chair and a table littered with books.

Hmmm, a reader! I noted, obviously intrigued.

He had two wardrobes beside each other, one for clothes and the other for shoes. He had a lot of shoes, maybe fifty pairs. Okay not fifty, let's say twenty five pairs and I barely had eight pairs.

Who was this guy and why did he have so much money?

When I was done taking in the scene of the apartment, I commented. "You have a really nice apartment."

He smiled. "Thanks, I know it's quite over the top but I'd do anything to make it feel homely." After a brief pause, he continued. "You can have the bed, I'll sleep in the sitting room."

"No, no, you can join me. I mean there's enough room for the both of us. So me sleeping alone makes me feel selfish." I drew in a long breath, I was so tired.

Though I'd really like to have this soft, yummy bed all to myself, I inwardly licked my lips but I couldn't let him sleep in the sitting room.

But you know it's his fault that you're here.

Yeah, but I don't want to stay here alone.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable in the middle of the night. Let me know." He added.

"I will." I yawned and hopped onto the bed sleeping instantly.


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